“Huginn” Raven Hero Mech Now Available!
Posted 03 April 2014 - 11:51 AM
Lets look a the positives:
1.) SHREDS opened up mechs. 6-7 minutes into the match you become the last thing any opponent wants to see.
2.) Highly mobile. Jump Jets and the highest engine cap of any Raven.
3.) It never produces heat. Ever. Not on Terra Therma with everything fired all at once repeatedly.
Its a bit of a knife fighter. It actually plays more similar to most Commando builds then it does the other ravens.
Posted 03 April 2014 - 12:38 PM
Chronic Rune, on 01 April 2014 - 03:46 PM, said:
I agree - at least 1 energy hardpoint on this mech.
Or they could have done a reverse Raven-3L with no ECM.
2 Energy and 3 Missile Hardpoints.
Posted 03 April 2014 - 02:17 PM
Posted 03 April 2014 - 02:51 PM
sit has 1x energy and 1x ballistic slot in each arm.
or a twin realease would have bin nice one with 4x energy in the arms and one with 4x ballistics.
Posted 03 April 2014 - 03:01 PM
catspider, on 03 April 2014 - 11:44 AM, said:
Personally... I don't think a single Hero Mech should have ECM available. For the Free players, that's highly unbalanced. Some could argue the Mech bonus for Hero's and Champion's are unbalanced to Free players, but having a Hero or Champion Mech with ECM is a flawed idea. There's a bonus for the Mechs because they are purchased with real cash vs. C-bills... that's the nice perks for spending cash with MWO... They should be "almost" no different than their standard variants, but should not be capable of ECM... if the Devs want to add JJs or remove them, or whatnot to fit the "piloting style" of the Hero in mind, that's their prerogative, but they won't unbalance it for someone wanting ECM on a Hero Mech. I'd personally buy one IF it had at least one laser hardpoint... I love the paintjob on it and think it would look awesome in my Midnight Blue, Hellblau, and Gray Camo paints.
Posted 03 April 2014 - 04:16 PM
Caine2112, on 03 April 2014 - 11:08 AM, said:
I believe I said micro representation yes? As for your insinuation? I don't pad any of the numbers. 37 users have voted how they felt. You see, the thing about being a community resource is that you allow the community to have an unfiltered voice. I don't care one way or the other. I have provided PGI some options and opinions, as have those who took the time to post over there, and that is that. I do pretty damn good in my Raven 3L and don't need a hero mech .
Sure I'd love to have a raven with a cool name like Huginn and a nice paint job but it is what it is; I won't buy a lame horse. I'm a little more fiscally savvy than that.
Still, thanks for comin' out!
Posted 03 April 2014 - 05:23 PM
CMetz, on 03 April 2014 - 11:51 AM, said:
Test Server.
Played it maxed out. It's a larger locus without any energy hardpoints. Can't even fit 2 ac/20's either, tried my best. You can fit 2 ac/10's though.
Seen some people do okay with them though. Running stock builds with srm 6, machine guns, single streak iirc.
Posted 03 April 2014 - 05:45 PM
The Huginn is a different mech. Its hardpoints are unique. It's an underdog with not much love going round so you'll see me in it.
oh and disregard my sig... had to have the hero raven, CW or no CW
Would i love it more with 1 energy? Sure as long as it remains different from the 4X
Posted 03 April 2014 - 10:12 PM
Grendel408, on 03 April 2014 - 03:01 PM, said:
Personally... I don't think a single Hero Mech should have ECM available. For the Free players, that's highly unbalanced. Some could argue the Mech bonus for Hero's and Champion's are unbalanced to Free players, but having a Hero or Champion Mech with ECM is a flawed idea
Since the 3L, for Cbills, comes with ECM , what exactly is unbalanced with an ECM on the Hero version? I would object against any Hero mech that brings ECM to a chassi that do not have an ECM version availible for Cbills but in the cases of Raven, Spider, Atlas and Cicada it should not be a problem due to free players having access to the equipment too.
Posted 03 April 2014 - 10:40 PM
Also bots, private matches, and a clear and easy to understand publicly recognized ranking system to separate skill levels that you can look at somewhere on your profile. I really like this game, it has a lot of potential but I quit because it just got boring and repetitive with the promise of new content but nothing coming. What about a single player campaign that we buy with MC? Something?
Edited by Loganauer, 03 April 2014 - 10:44 PM.
Posted 04 April 2014 - 03:41 AM
Like most folk My 1st thought when I saw the RVN-H was, "that looks hoopy", My 2nd, "No ECM?"
3rd, "no TAG, this is gonna suck", Then I remembered it's a Raven hero mech, of course I'm gonna get it.
I've not upgraded it other than to dump my gxp to get the basic tier out of the way, It handles like a Raven, but fights like the Spider Trail mech (last trial light). With an effective range of 120m (393-ish feet in old money) you want to find the closest ECM mech and hug it till the fur starts flying, failing an available ECM mech, any assault.
1st match, River City assault, this mech will get it's ass handed to it on Alpine peaks but I might be in with a shout here.
This map on assault is normally a question of 'Who's stupid enuff to cross the water 1st', and in this wee mech with it's pea shooter machineguns and srm's has to tap it's feet impatiently while the snipers pop shots at each other and the defense turrets, time ticks past and still the sniping and missile bombardment continues, I consider crossing the water.
Fortunatley a red Jenner anticipated my stupidity and came barreling across the water into our midst to prove his stupidity (or impatience) was stronger. In pugs there's a 'one in all in' mentality when someone does something like that, they either all charge in or leave the twit to his fate, this bunch were of the 'get stuck in' type.
At close range on that map in those conditions the Rvn-H excelled, no two ways about it, 5 kills, a couple of assists, half a dozen component destruction. Hopping over and onto buildings pluggin bullets into the tops of mechs. I love it
I'd forgotten how many yuks ya can have brawling in a raven, Put ECM on this mech and you'd have a true ninja.
I can't guess what the meta for this mech would be, I pug and would defer that to the more competitive players out there, but as it stands the Rvn-H was worth every penny, purley for the manic, rictus grin plastered across my fazog while I'm piloting it.
Posted 04 April 2014 - 04:27 AM
Posted 04 April 2014 - 04:34 AM
Posted 04 April 2014 - 07:47 AM
Glad I didn't hang around. What a sad little Mech this thing is, at least the Oxide has enough missile hardpoints to make a build other Lights ought to be afraid of, this thing is just rubbish.
By the way, GW2 has come a long way - the "microtransactions" aren't even so painful to look at after having played MWO for a few years.
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