Ancih, on 03 April 2014 - 01:43 PM, said:
Let's take another view at it @ 385 this time, to view from yet another angle and compare torso and arm speed relative to the Battlemaster give us another perspective:
Victor with 385
Torso Yaw: 96°/s (now 77°/s)
Torso Pitch: 54°/s (now 43°/s)
Arm Speed: 216°/s (now 194°/s)
Battlemaster with 385
Torso Yaw: 90°/s
Torso Pitch: 50°/s
Arm Speed: 203°/s
Now, another angle with Heavies equipped with a 300
Torso Yaw: 75°/s (now 60°/s)
Torso Pitch: 42°/s (now 33°/s)
Arm speed: 168°/s (now 151°/s)
Torso Yaw: 85°/s
Torso Pitch: 48°/s
Arm Speed: 192°/s
Torso Yaw: 80°/s
Torso Pitch: 45°/s
Arm Speed: 180°/s
Let's also see with those Mediums since some people claimed that Victor pre nerf was as agile as a Medium:
55 tons @300:
BTW All 55 tons Chassis share the same Turn and Walk speed values:
Turn Speed: 62.54 °/s 5.76 s
Walk Speed: 88.4 kph (97.2 kph)
Shadow Hawk:
Torso Yaw: 136°/s
Torso Pitch: 61°/s
Arm Speed: 245°/s
Torso Yaw: 136°/s
Torso Pitch: 61°/s
Arm Speed: 245°/s
Torso Yaw: 119°/s (slowest of the mediums but still faster with a 300 than Victor with 385 @ pre-nerf: 96°/s live: 77°/s)
Torso Pitch: 61°/s
Arm Speed: 245°/s
Torso Yaw: 136°/s
Torso Pitch: 61°/s
Arm Speed: 245°/s
I don't think I need to go on to prove my point now, don't I? another table or graph maybe?
