Nicholas Carlyle, on 07 April 2014 - 09:24 AM, said:
I'm not stroking E-peen. I was asking for names, because I'd like to ask them about dying to LRM's. If you've noticed, there are VERY few high end players that come here and say they die to LRM's often.
I don't know that I've read a post from one respectable unit that has come and said LRM's own their faces off.
I'm saying my personal ELO isn't super amazing in assaults. I am more of a Medium player.
When I drop in my Highlander solo, I tend do well with LRM's. Even if I see a good ELO player here and there in matches, they end up grouped with a bunch of scrubs.
When I drop in my Highlander with a bunch of guy who I know are good, and I'm seeing top level players every drop. LRM's just stop really working properly.
I think at some point we got off on the wrong foot...
OP is concered about "MISSLEWARRIOR OMFG."
Your point, if I read correctly was "Only if you're a noob."
My point was somewhere in the middle "If used to support brawlers, they CAN be effective...but they're not OP." In higher level play, yeah, I still see far more direct-fire and pinpoint, and LRM's are pretty rare...with the occasional person taking them.
My point is just that they aren't "useless" the way they used to be in higher-tier games...the changes made them minimally viable..not OP, as opposed to garbage.
Are we still disagreeing?