I've died to LRMs a few times since the first initial LRM buff patch. In every instance, I was either completely outplayed (i.e. the opposing had great spotters and enough boats to cover each other) or I made a tactical error at the end of the game and died under what would have been normal circumstances. The thing is, when the match numbers are even or near even, dying to LRMs means that your team either didn't find the spotter and, therefor, you got outplayed or you made a drastic mistake and got out played. If your team is getting crushed or are doing the crusing and are down to the final couple of players, nothing you'd do would make any difference which means the end remains the same. The point is, regardless of the element to which you died, you'd have died just as quickly against a direct fire weapons team. The only difference is that one requires the assistance of another player.
I will say, though, that the one thing that upsets me about the LRM buff, and post change, has NOTHING to do with LRMs. It is 100% map related. The original four maps are either way too small (Forrest Colony, River City, and Frozen City) which means that you're got a lot of real estate not being utilized because it is pure suicide (water in all cases) or simply not feazable (Jenner alley or frozen water's edge) or the maps are simply designed poorly to where you've got real estate that can't be used because it is suicide (water in Crimson Straight, anything south of the Southern Road in Alpine Valley, water on the basic maps, etc). PGI created maps with centralized areas with the hopes that people would gravitate there on massive maps to prevent mindless wandering. But, what it has ended up doing is removing at least 1/3rd, or more, of the land because there is no purpose to going there or it is instant death going there. On maps like River City Assault, there is no point in going north but you can't go out to the edge of the water or the opposing side's turrets kick in. The ripple effect of Camp Warrior Online, as the OP suggested, is more because maps either have a limited amount of cover or because other spots where fighting can take place are simply impossible to use because it is instant death going there and/or there isn't any benefit gained by getting there IF you can actually make it.
Edited by Trauglodyte, 07 April 2014 - 11:01 AM.