Mystere, on 09 April 2014 - 08:27 AM, said:
At 20 damage, a direct hit to your undamaged cockpit -- no matter how small the chance may be -- will not kill you. That is not artillery as far as I am concerned.
You are riding a ******* killing machine, tons of steel and death, you don't die by a single hit where ever it would land on you. Otherwise battlemechs would make no sense, and a tank could take more damage what is opposing to lore. Don't care about TT here right now. I also want to add that all the examples work also the other way around. ALl poptarts and who ever else have arti with them. Because its too strong, has no downside and is not even a BIT situational. You can always use it even on a signle mech.
Oneshotting people is no good game design, even less if its random. Just like Crowd Control, it makes no fun. Stated aim of the devs was, to increase the time to kill. This is one of the first steps. Make it an optional feature with tactical backround not a oneshot must have for pseudo comptetetives.
Edited by JohnnyWayne, 09 April 2014 - 02:14 PM.