Sandpit, on 15 April 2014 - 07:34 PM, said:
first and foremost why is this even a point of contention? There are quite a few solo players who in this very thread, have stated they WANT that OPTION. No player is forced to do it. So it shouldn't even be a part of the discussion to say anything detrimental about giving players an option to do that if they want it. Why would anyone think that in this kind of setting it's better to have less options as opposed to more for your players to play how they want?
You know who's asking for that option?
Solo players. So again I ask, why would anyone think it's better to NOT give them that option?
Over and beyond that, ok lets say I agree with you. Fine, take out solo players (tell them they can't play who they want and restrict their options and ability to play the game that's most enjoyable for them because that's always a great business decision right?) and you're still left with the idea and suggestion of giving groups a queue to play in any size group.
So why try to point out that one option for solo players when they're asking for it. They're not being forced to play that way. Groups aren't the ones that come up with that suggestion to "prey" on solo players. THEY want it and it would be a good way to help fill out the queue.
Sandpit, on 15 April 2014 - 07:40 PM, said:
and please stop with the way you're presenting this. First off
those rambo style players and joe derps aren't going to want to play in the group queue if I had to guess. It's not their environment because THOSE are the players that enjoy roflstomping players. (1) Joining the group queue wouldn't be conducive to that. They'd actually be playing in matches that use teamwork.
secondly, even if they did, so what? It's MUCH easier to carry 1-3 of those players than it is to carry 5-6 of them when the other team is playing as a team.
thirdly, you're just trying to be argumentative (2) because one of the arguments for unlimited group sizes is not having to play alongside those types of players as often so I can see exactly what you're trying to do with that. Just stop dude, seriously.
Why do you even care if PGI gives those that want to play in groups access to the 12man queue?
How does that affect how YOU play the game?
How does that in any way prevent you from playing how you want to play or create a negative game experience for you?
Why are YOU against this idea Criag? This isn't snark, I'm honestly curious as to why and how that suggestion causes your game experience to deteriorate in any way. How does letting groups have their own queue affect your game experience? What difference does it make? I'd honestly like to know why anyone would be against the suggestion of letting 2-12 mans drop int eh 12 man group. Forget the solo option, why are you fighting so hard against letting other players enjoy the game and play how they want to just like you're allowed to do?
Jeepers Sandpit, ease up a little. I get you have a stake in it but it's not all about you.
I count less than 20 "solo" players wanting to join group queues in this thread (happy to be corrected, will freely admit I skimmed) but thats hardly "quite a few" in the context of the 1.6m accounts that MW:O apparently has. But then again, the thread is reasonably new as well so maybe in time?
The question was if there was that option, is not possible that Solo players of less than stand up integrity (see how I assume that the other side has the same falliability as PUG stomping Team players) could also abuse the system for their purposes.
Ergo, as we discuss this have we considered that possibility and are we comfortable with the trade off. Alternativily, what are the options to prevent or mitigate it.
Because the point is, if the OPTION is in the hands of the solo player than the "Group Player" will just have to damn well live with it.
(1) Go reread, I am talking about the players that want a free ride at the expense of the group experieince for extra C-Bills. The oppositie of the stompers.
(2) Say what? Can you quote a single post where I have said I am against the idea? Or is it just that if anyone asks questions that challenges if peope are falliable or not they are automatically on the other side? Robust discussion doesn't need to be antagonistic, but you clearly seem set on making it so.
If you followed the thread you may have even seen where I pushed for Bhael's theory to be strengthened cause it's the idea that resonated the most with me so far, but appears to have weaknesses.
Tell you what, why don't you stop with the BS and embrace that you are not infalliable, that everyone can gain from being challenged and it's not all about you and your wants.
I'm tired of quoting you "attack the man" post but I can if you want.