Davers, on 14 April 2014 - 07:13 PM, said:
1. No min range is bad. It really steps on SSRMs toes.
2.Limited turn range means that they are still devastating to anything but lights.
3. Streamed launch? So just like the planned SSRMs, only firing faster? (20 LRMs in one second)
4. Missile trajectory is an odd thing. Only a few degrees separated 'head busters' fromO 'handfuls of gravel'.
Balancing Clan weapons is going to be near impossible because they are not really 'alternate weapons' as much as 'vastly improved weapons'.

Some interesting points.
1. Streak's role from TT doesn't really exist in this game. In this game they are supplemental close range damage and specialized light killing weapons since they're one of the most reliable ways to hit lights. My described LRMs would be long range damage and close range supplemental that is not so good on lights.
2. 20 damage, spread across your mech (LRMs do have spread), over 1 second, for 5 tons + ammo is less devastating than 4 IS medium lasers.
3. If you would prefer all 20 coming out at the same time I guess you could twist my arm.
4. Indeed, they also separate hiding behind a hill lobbing missiles and just high enough to not hit friendlies in the back.
My idea is this. It is almost impossible to balance the 5 ton Clan LRM20 to the 10 ton IS LRM20 if they behave the same. In order to balance that way you need the CLRM20's effectiveness to be the same as the IS LRM10. Doesn't that sound fun?
By lowering the arc you turn it into a weapon that is difficult to use on targets you do not have line of sight with. If you do that and give them a 180 min range you create a range where they are a liability, and if you're closing anyways why not just use direct fire for long range backed up with streaks?
Give it a long recycle time, say 6 seconds so that medium lasers and AC20s still way out perform it in close. Heat can be pretty high too with that long of a recycle. Screen shake would probably need to be reduced if you're getting hit by missiles for over 1 second (not counting if they are chain fired).
I think that would be preferable to a 4xLRM15 Summoner hiding behind a hill.