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6 New Phoenix Variants Revealed!

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#1 Cattra Kell


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 04:02 PM

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“Everyone radio in and prepare to regroup at my coordinates” Hauptmann Ava Seraphina said before looking around at the numerous readouts of her Battlemaster 3S. Just a few hours before the large battlemech was in perfect condition, but now the machine has taken heavy damage from all the fighting. Her unit had dropped on this woodland planet to reinforce the local garrison from the invaders.

“I’m still here Hauptmann.”

She recognized the voice of her Leutnant instantly. Leutnant Harald Alfwin was the only other member of her unit which was outfitted with another assault mech. His ID flashes on her command console informing her that his Battlemaster 3M is still operational.

“What the hell just happened Hauptmann?” This time the voice was of Patrick Lenz, his Shadow Hawk 2D’s icon pings on the console.

“I’m not sure” Ava mumbled while doing a systems check.

The Battlemaster had taken extensive damage to its left side. The left arm was gone and smoke was burrowing out into the open air. The left torso was damaged but most of the weapons were still operational. The SRM6 was at a quarter of ammo but the three Medium Pulses were still perfectly fine. The right torso and arm had taken some minor damage, the three medium pulse lasers in the torso and the LRM20 in the arm were still perfectly fine.

Pushing her throttle to the max, Ava was relieved when the Edasich Motors 340 XL engine whirls to life without any problems. Had she taken any more damage to the left torso, her mech might not have been functional.

Looking over to her left, she noticed Leutnant Harald Alfwin’s Battlemaster making its way towards her. Harald’s Battlemaster seemed to have fared a bit better than her. All limbs were intact, but the mech was covered in melted armor and holes which were punched through by the shrapnel.

“Hauptmann Seraphina” a voice crackled over the communications line. “It was an air strike from hostile aerospace fighters.” It was Katherin Rike in her Locust 1E.

“Well give me an update then everyone, how many of the enemy are we still picking up?” The two Battlemasters, a 3S and 3M, stood together in a small clearing in the endless forest.

“Hauptmann Seraphina, this is First Leutnant Philipp Gottfried. Sascha Gunda and I are both alright but we’re all that’s left of our lance.” Two pings on Ava’s battle grid light up; a Shadowhawk 2K and a Locust 1M.

“Copy that, form up on our position.” Ava brought up a list of pilots under her command and forwarded a status report back to the dropship. “That bring us to half strength, what's the situation like?”

“From what I can tell, Hauptmann, they called in an air-strike danger close on their own forces. Chances are that there are still host-” First Leutnant Philipp Gottfried’s voice was cut off by the sound of autocannon shells impacting. “Damnit! Hauptmann hostiles are definitely still around, requesting reinforcement immediately!”

“Sit tight First Leutnant.” Ava closed the line and brought up only her lance. “I want Mechwarrior Lenz and Rike going ahead as quickly as possible. Leutnant Alfwin and I will be joining you as soon as possible!”

Quick responses of understanding called back over the headset as everyone engages their throttles to maximum.

The two Battlemasters march forward at 64.8 kph, the maximum of the 340 XL engines capacity, while the Locust with its LTV 160 Standard takes off at 129.6 kph. The Shadowhawk 2D began to move forward at 81 kph.

Minutes pass with only the thud of battlemech feet and the hum of its engine to entertain the ears until the radio crackles to life.

“Hauptmann, this is Mechwarrior Rike. I count three enemy mechs still mobile and in combat with Gunda and the First Leutnant.”

“Affirmative.” Ava checked the small digital clock on her HUD. If they continue at this rate the two Battlemasters should be make it in a few minutes.


Mechwarrior Katherin Rike pushed her Locust 1E to full speed.

“Rike, form up with Gunda and hit that Griffin where it hurts!” First Leutnant Philipp Gottfried’s deep voice boomed over the comlink.

“Roger!” She formed up her Locust to the right with Mechwarrior Gunda’s locust 1M as they move towards the damaged Griffin.

Mechwarrior Gunda fires first; sending two LRM 5 volleys towards the Griffin. The Griffin in turn twists its torso towards the two charging Locusts and raises its right arm, sending two bright green beams towards them before igniting its jump jets and launching itself backwards. Four of the airborne LRM’s slam into the right leg, blasting off armor bits, as the Griffin takes off with a single missile making a small crater where the mech had stood only moments ago.

The two beams from the Griffin glance the side of Rikes Locust, melting the armor of the left torso. Rike returned fire with both of the medium lasers in the right and left arm, aiming for the right leg. One of the mediums go wide of the airborne mech but the other met its mark. A final medium laser hits as well as the Locust 1M opens fire with its center torso medium laser.

As the Griffin just touches down on the ground from its arch, the sound of man-made lightning crackles through the air. A bolt of blue lighting from a PPC slap into the Griffins already damaged leg. Blue arch’s of lightning crackle through the leg before dissipating. The damage proves to be too much of a strain on the now damaged internals of the Griffins leg and begins to buckle under the weight.

“Finish it, we got another incoming!” First Leutnant Philipp Gottfried turns his Shadowhawk to the right and let loose a flight of LRM5’s while bringing his cross-hair over the incoming target. A few more seconds and he will be able to fire his PPC again without worry.

Mechwarrior Rike in her Locust 1E lets loose an alpha strike as she passes by the Griffin which still stands, using the destroyed leg almost like a crutch and balancing with the other. The heat rises in her cockpit as two medium lasers and two small lasers stab out at the enemy mech. The shots connect and melt the armor on the other leg of the enemy Griffin. Struggling to stay on two legs, the Griffin tries to turn its torso enough for its arm to track the Locust 1E.

The sound of an autocannon rings out, punching a hole into the side torso of the Griffin and then quickly followed by five LRMs striking it in the torso. The Griffin is rocked backwards and begins to fall backwards. The cockpit canopy blows out and a command chair launches into the air.

“Sorry I'm late everyone, but it seems I came just in time.” Mechwarrior Lenz’s voice comes over the communication line as his Shadow Hawk takes up formation beside the other Hawk piloted by First Leutnant Philipp Gottfried.

“Enough chit-chat pilots, we got-”

First Leutnant Philipp Gottfried is cut short as two PPC’s hurl their way through the air and burst into his side torso, ripping off the torso and destroying his own PPC. Warning klaxons sound as thick black smoke begins to billow out.


A Catapult K2 emerges from the thick treeline followed by a Blackjack 1, both seem to have seen better days. Armor plates are missing or melted all over both of the enemy mechs and the Blackjack which limps to a stop before taking aim at the Locust hurling itself into the fray.

It opens fire with its AC2’s at the Locust. Both rounds connect with the right leg of the mech mid stride making it misstep and slamming cockpit first into the ground at a breakneck speed.

Twenty missiles fly overhead of Gunda's downed mech and splatter into the Catapult K2, followed by a streak of blue lightning. The two Battlemasters emerge from the opposite side of the small clearing the combat has been taking place in. The Shadowhawk paused for a moment before launching a full alpha strike on the Catapult. Lasers, missiles and AC rounds all impacted on the mechs armor. Armor panels flung off and explosions peppered the mech.

“Keep it up, Mechwarrior Lenz.” Ava stammered over the comlink “Keep the pressure on them!”

The K2 quickly twists its torso around to face the two new threats. The two torso mounted medium lasers lash out at Harald's Battlemaster 3M, followed shortly by the two PPC’s. The Lasers caught the Battlemaster across the left arm; stopping on the left torso. The armor glowed white hot before beginning to cool. The two azure beams follow quickly arching across where medium lasers ended, cutting the arm free and allowing it to fall to the ground with a dull thud. Only a stump remained; myomer and coils flailing around as if trying to reconnect with the lost appendage.

Thankfully the Battlemaster 3M was running a standard 340 engine or the damage from the K2 would have forced Mechwarrior Alfwin to eject. Moving closer to the damaged K2, Alfwin fired his own ERPPC, two medium lasers, and a volley of six SRM.

The Catapult torso twisted violently as the shots connect, its own arm being ripped apart from its body, but the Alfwin's Battlemaster doesn't stop its assault on the Catapult as the machine pumps joules upon joules of energy into enemy mechs center torso. The Catapult shuttered for a second before a pillar of black smoke pours from the now gaping hole in its side. How the pilot managed to stay standing was a mystery to Alwin.

Hauptmann Ava Seraphina in her Battlemaster 3S delivers the final blow to the Catapult. Firing four medium pulse lasers and her own SRM6 the mech tips over and crashes to the ground below, the cockpit canopy shattered but no ejection.

The Blackjack continued to fight in its losing battle with Gottfried and his Shadowhawk. Round after round of AC2 stabbed into the Hawk's armor, slowly whittling it away like a woodpecker into a treetrunk.

“I can’t take much more of this Hauptmann!” his voice still sounded calm despite the situation he was in.

Mechwarrior Lenz moves forward, twisting his torso so that he can continue his own engagement with the Blackjack-1. Another flight from the two SRM-2’s launch from the Shadowhawk mixed with two sweeping shots from the medium lasers.

Realizing the new threat, the Blackjack quickly torso twisted and fires all four of its medium lasers into Lenz’s Shadowhawk. The lasers burned across the legs and sweep up across the center torso, as if trying to split him up the middle. The two arm mounted AC2’s then began their rapid fire onslaught as the Blackjack moved to gain ground on the 2D and get out of range of its deadly SRM's.

But no amount of ground could stop the ERPPC of Alfwins Battlemaster. The blue bolt connected at the conjunction between the arm and torso of the Blackjack; causing it to pop off like a bottle cap.

The Blackjacks two torso lasers fired, again striking Lenz in the right shoulder. The tubes which house the LRM5’s quickly spit out black smoke. The AC2’s had done a number on the Shadowhawk 2D, enough that the two medium lasers knocked out the weapon system.

The left torso mounted AC5 erupted and the shell downrange before hitting the Blackjack in its head. The Ferroglass exploded in a orange ball of flame and the mech immediately stood still; now a lifeless husk. It teetered for a moment before finally collapsing.

“HQ this is Hauptmann Ava Seraphina. Area clear of hostiles. Casualties are unknown but assuming high. Requesting reinforcements, medical teams and salvage trucks as soon as possible.”

“Affirmative, they are on their way. Good fighting Hauptmann. When reinforcements arrive return to base for refit and rearm.” the male voice at the other end said.

“Oh and HQ, just who are these guys?”

“That is on a need to know, you will be briefed when you return. Over and out” the communications line goes dead.

“Pilots, we stand ready until reinforcements arrive then we return to base to find out what the hell is going on.” Affirmatives fill the radio as Ava marches forward in her Battlemaster, her soldiers falling in beside her.

Posted Image
BattleMaster BLR-3M
Tonnage: 85
Engine: 340 Standard
Top Speed: 64.8 kph
Max Engine Rating: 400
Torso Movement:
60 degrees to each side.
20 degrees up and down.
Arm Movement:
30 degrees to each side.
30 degrees up and down.
Armor: 464 (Standard)
Internal Structure: Standard
Weapons & Equipment:
Left Arm: Machine Gun
Left Torso: Medium Laser x3, SRM 6, CASE
Right Torso: Medium Laser x3
Right Arm: ER PPC
Left Arm: 1 Ballistic
Left Torso: 3 Energy, 1 Missile
Right Torso: 3 Energy, 1 AMS
Right Arm: 2 Energy
Heat Sinks: 18 Double
Jump Jets: 0 (0 Max)
ECM Capable?: No
Module Slots: 2
Movement Archetype: Huge
Torso Yaw Speed -20%
Torso Pitch Speed -20%

Posted Image
BattleMaster BLR-3S
Tonnage: 85 Engine: 340 XL
Top Speed: 64.8 kph
Max Engine Rating: 400
Torso Movement:
80 degrees to each side.
20 degrees up and down.
Arm Movement:
30 degrees to each side.
30 degrees up and down.
Armor: 448 (Standard)
Internal Structure: Standard
Weapons & Equipment:
Left Torso: Medium Pulse Laser x3, SRM 6, CASE
Right Torso: Medium Pulse Laser x3, CASE
Right Arm: LRM 20
Left Torso: 3 Energy, 1 Missile
Right Torso: 3 Energy, 1 AMS
Right Arm: 1 Missile
Heat Sinks: 22 Single
Jump Jets: 0 (0 Max)
ECM Capable?: No
Module Slots: 2
Movement Archetype: Huge

Posted Image
Locust LCT-1E
Tonnage: 20
Engine: 160 Standard
Top Speed: 129.6 kph
Max Engine Rating: 190
Torso Movement:
120 degrees to each side.
20 degrees up and down.
Arm Movement:
0 degrees to each side.
60 degrees up and down.
Armor: 128 (Standard)
Internal Structure: Standard
Weapons & Equipment:
Left Arm: Medium Laser, Small Laser
Right Arm: Medium Laser, Small Laser
Left Arm: 3 Energy
Right Torso: 1 AMS
Right Arm: 3 Energy
Heat Sinks: 10 Single
Jump Jets: 0 (0 Max)
ECM Capable?: No
Module Slots: 2
Movement Archetype: Tiny

Posted Image
Locust LCT-1M
Tonnage: 20
Engine: 160 Standard
Top Speed: 129.6 kph
Max Engine Rating: 190
Torso Movement:
135 degrees to each side.
20 degrees up and down.
Arm Movement:
0 degrees to each side.
60 degrees up and down.
Armor: 32 (Standard)
Internal Structure: Standard
Weapons & Equipment:
Left Arm: LRM 5
Center Torso: Medium Laser
Right Arm: LRM 5
Left Arm: 1 Missile
Center Torso: 2 Energy
Right Torso: 1 AMS
Right Arm: 1 Missile
Heat Sinks: 10 Single
Jump Jets: 0 (0 Max)
ECM Capable?: No
Module Slots: 2
Movement Archetype: Tiny

Posted Image
Shadow Hawk SHD-2D
Tonnage: 55
Engine: 275 Standard
Top Speed: 81 kph
Max Engine Rating: 360
Torso Movement:
90 degrees to each side.
30 degrees up and down.
Arm Movement:
35 degrees to each side.
30 degrees up and down.
Armor: 144 (Standard)
Internal Structure: Standard
Weapons & Equipment:
Head: SRM 2
Left Arm: Medium Laser
Left Torso: AC/5
Center Torso: SRM 2
Right Torso: LRM 5
Right Arm: Medium Laser
Head: 1 Missile
Left Arm: 2 Energy
Left Torso: 1 Ballistic, 1 AMS
Center Torso: 1 Missile
Right Torso: 1 Missile
Right Arm: 1 Energy
Heat Sinks: 14 Single
Jump Jets: 3 (3 Max)
ECM Capable?: No
Module Slots: 2
Movement Archetype: Medium
Torso Yaw Speed +25%
Turn Speed +5%

Posted Image
Shadow Hawk SHD-2K
Tonnage: 55
Engine: 275 Standard
Top Speed: 81 kph
Max Engine Rating: 360
Torso Movement:
90 degrees to each side.
30 degrees up and down.
Arm Movement:
35 degrees to each side.
30 degrees up and down.
Armor: 304 (Standard)
Internal Structure: Standard
Weapons & Equipment:
Left Torso: PPC
Right Torso: LRM 5
Left Torso: 3 Energy, 1 AMS
Right Torso: 3 Missile
Heat Sinks: 17 Single
Jump Jets: 3 (5 Max)
ECM Capable?: No
Module Slots: 2
Movement Archetype: Medium
Torso Yaw Speed +25%
Turn Speed +5%

#2 Reported for Inappropriate Name


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 04:04 PM

and not one of them has ecm.

#3 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 04:06 PM

Boy, those agility nerfs to the BLR-3M---- I don't wanna call something DOA, as things oftentimes do find their niche, but that poor thing might make my Banshee feel mobile!

Am looking forward to the ShadowHawks though! (Now hurry up and gimme more Griffin love!)

View PostBattlecruiser, on 14 April 2014 - 04:04 PM, said:

and not one of them has ecm.

you say this like it's a bad thing?

#4 Reported for Inappropriate Name


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 04:20 PM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 14 April 2014 - 04:06 PM, said:

you say this like it's a bad thing?

because there are mechs with ecm, yes it is a bad thing. we need a heavy with ecm, hopefully one that can missile boat.

Edited by Battlecruiser, 14 April 2014 - 04:21 PM.

#5 Darian DelFord


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 04:21 PM

View PostBattlecruiser, on 14 April 2014 - 04:04 PM, said:

and not one of them has ecm.


#6 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 04:27 PM

View PostBattlecruiser, on 14 April 2014 - 04:20 PM, said:

because there are mechs with ecm, yes it is a bad thing. we need a heavy with ecm, hopefully one that can missile boat.

actually, pretty sure it was intentional. Heavies are already too much the go to, do everything class. Add Stealth in with their mix of speed, armor and firepower, and the class IMO would be broken.

#7 Reported for Inappropriate Name


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 04:36 PM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 14 April 2014 - 04:27 PM, said:

actually, pretty sure it was intentional. Heavies are already too much the go to, do everything class. Add Stealth in with their mix of speed, armor and firepower, and the class IMO would be broken.

too bad. this game not only needs more ecm mechs, but it could do for premium types of ammunition as well because tryhards love that stuff, its a good way to make money off of bad players who think they're good.

random games should be all about farming the average and below player for their wallet. Not like they're going to spend it on anything beneficial anyway so its better that pgi takes it. than somebody else.

I would pay for an ecm hero much, just to encourage others to buy one by trash talking them and taunting about them not having one. also ads. the game should have at least 1 or 2 ads between loading screens, although to circumvent monkeyshines there must be a way to prevent players from turning the audio down or alt tabbing away from them.

Edited by Battlecruiser, 14 April 2014 - 04:53 PM.

#8 SweetJackal


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 04:50 PM

I don't think PGI is going to touch ECM until they find a way to change it and information warfare as a whole into something worthwhile and not just a game breaking god-in-a-can. ECM might not be as big a deal in Group Play but due to the lack of communication options in PUGs ECM is still a blanket that mechs hide under.

Knowledge matters.

Kinda sucks honestly, outside of the Atlas we don't have an ECM mech outside of a Light (or a Light-Wannabe)

#9 Jin Ma


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 04:52 PM

What if they lowered the radius of ECM based on the weight class. Light mechs get the biggest radius

#10 Reported for Inappropriate Name


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 04:55 PM

View PostSuckyJack, on 14 April 2014 - 04:50 PM, said:

I don't think PGI is going to touch ECM until they find a way to change it and information warfare as a whole into something worthwhile and not just a game breaking god-in-a-can.

but that is what winning is about. you sound awfully sour for a winner, don't tell me you're *gasp* a loser are you?

ecm. lrm's. pin point damage. whine all you want but its here to stay so get over it.

Edited by Battlecruiser, 14 April 2014 - 04:55 PM.

#11 Spheroid


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 04:57 PM

The 2D seemingly will obsolete the Hunchback-4G as that was the only medium where you could do 3x mlas and an AC-20 with a STD engine. ;)

#12 Carrioncrows


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 04:58 PM

I would of preferred 6 new variants to be for each of the phoenix mechs.

I am having problems wrapping my head around the logic of doing something like the above, especially with 2 variants of the locust and skipping over the Wolverine, Tbolt and Griffin.

I love my locust, but....seriously, not over another wolverine, tbolt and griffin variant.

#13 Deathlike


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 04:58 PM

No Thunderbolt? Oh well, the Cataphract would've kept its throne anyhow.

#14 Hawk819


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 05:13 PM

What a waste. Not one variant for the Thunderbolt, Griffin, or Wolverine.

#15 FupDup


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 05:14 PM

View PostHawk819, on 14 April 2014 - 05:13 PM, said:

What a waste. Not one variant for the Thunderbolt, Griffin, or Wolverine.

Well, at least we get a Shad that can do 3 ML + UAC/5 + your choice of 3 missiles (probably SSRMs for most).

#16 SweetJackal


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 05:16 PM

View PostBattlecruiser, on 14 April 2014 - 04:55 PM, said:

but that is what winning is about. you sound awfully sour for a winner, don't tell me you're *gasp* a loser are you?

ecm. lrm's. pin point damage. whine all you want but its here to stay so get over it.

I am laughing so hard, thank you for the humor ♥

View PostHawk819, on 14 April 2014 - 05:13 PM, said:

What a waste. Not one variant for the Thunderbolt, Griffin, or Wolverine.

The Thunderbolt was in the leaked info but it seems that it was the seventh variant that got the chopping block.

Edited by SuckyJack, 14 April 2014 - 05:17 PM.

#17 Impyrium


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 05:20 PM

View PostBattlecruiser, on 14 April 2014 - 04:36 PM, said:

too bad. this game not only needs more ecm mechs, but it could do for premium types of ammunition as well because tryhards love that stuff, its a good way to make money off of bad players who think they're good.

random games should be all about farming the average and below player for their wallet. Not like they're going to spend it on anything beneficial anyway so its better that pgi takes it. than somebody else.

I would pay for an ecm hero much, just to encourage others to buy one by trash talking them and taunting about them not having one. also ads. the game should have at least 1 or 2 ads between loading screens, although to circumvent monkeyshines there must be a way to prevent players from turning the audio down or alt tabbing away from them.

And this is why some of the fan base here worries me. :\

#18 Sigilum Sanctum


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 05:25 PM

That Shadowhawk 2K will look real nice next to my 5M and 2H

#19 CycKath


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 05:38 PM

I'm quite happy with my existing Phoenix 'Mechs, but definitely nice to see more variants after the fact and hope that other 'Mechs will get similar revisits.

#20 Jin Ma


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 05:46 PM

View PostCarrioncrows, on 14 April 2014 - 04:58 PM, said:

I would of preferred 6 new variants to be for each of the phoenix mechs.

I am having problems wrapping my head around the logic of doing something like the above, especially with 2 variants of the locust and skipping over the Wolverine, Tbolt and Griffin.

I love my locust, but....seriously, not over another wolverine, tbolt and griffin variant.

TBolt is coming. https://twitter.com/...859511702478848

And if we are good boys and pray to santa real hard we might get the TDR-7SE. ECM capable, JJ capable (quite a stretch though)

Wolverine and Griffin were reinforcement mechs. so maybe that will come later.

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