Butane9000, on 23 April 2014 - 06:59 PM, said:
The fixed flamer bit might be miscommunication? Since they should be able to swap out the Flamer for at least a ER Medium Laser?
no, the Adder has always had that fixed flamer. the design was made by the clans to fight the inner sphere, they expected to encounter a lot of conventional infantry (dudes with rifles), as well as a lot of flammable terrain (like forests), so they included a flamer into the core design of the mech so it would have a defensive weapon at all times.
it still has 16 tons of pod space for weaponry, so you can do some fun things with it.. especially with the ability to swap body parts for different hard points. you can expect the other two stock configs to have missiles and ballistics in their arms, and either missiles or energy in the torso's.