Karl Streiger, on 13 May 2014 - 01:44 AM, said:
But you are right - brawling in MWO depends on two things - the right loadout and the timing.
While Sniping - only needs two things - the right loadout - and mouse movement
LRM - only needs timing
So all snipers and brawlers out there - joint the trooper - the linesman - the anchor - that do and die Humpty Dumpty
You have weapons for sniping, brawling and LRM support...
you need timing, the right build, mouse controll of a god with 5 or 6 weapon groups and last not least balls...
There are some more things, that you forgot to mention:
Sniping: Big monitor, cool nerves.
LRM: Teammate, who can use the Target Lock (known as "R").
Brawlig: Ability to drive the Mech with a keyboard, more than 2 mouse button and notice in time if the target is not alone.
(I know, that least this things are needed too, because I don't have any of them.)