Joseph Mallan, on 21 May 2014 - 03:43 AM, said:
I scoff at the Clanners and still want them to be the beasts I have fought for 20+ years.
It's funny that you mention that because back in MW2/MW2 Mercs, most Clanners did play by Zellbrigen. Rather than focus fire, we'd divide and conquer unless our opponents decided otherwise. Then it was no mercy.
But the player demographic was quite a bit different in the Kali/Merc PPP days. People would challenge others to a duel knowing full well they'd lose, so they could learn and get better. Now days, that challenge is only made if it's a guaranteed win.
Running 3-4 mplas on a Clan or IS was pretty much the same and a lot of Clanners practiced in IS mechs exclusively, then switched to Clan tech for combat drops. Generally speaking, the Clan pilots were simply better players because they learned to offset following Clan doctrine with lots and lots of practice. Many of us continually practiced 2 v 1 or more, day in and day out.
You don't see that now days because games like CoD promote mob warfare. It's no surprise that the Clans are getting nerfed into the ground because kids now days don't know what fair play is, or how to play nice. They'll say war is hell and anything goes, or quote Sun Tzu, yet have absolutely no clue why Adolf Galland contacted the RAF to get Bader a new set of legs. Mutual respect seems to be a thing in short supply now days.
It's pretty obvious who the target demographic is for PGI. And why shouldn't it be that way? Most multiplayer games have been catering to the same demographic for years, and it's been working quite well for raking in the $$$.