Bishop Steiner, on 27 May 2014 - 05:51 AM, said:
Arms/Torso speed is fine in a 300, your leg turning is a little sluggish yes, but I can pop lights with my LBX guns with no issue with a 300/325. I just laugh at the 350 atlas's as I blow them away with bigger guns, becsaue your a HUNDERED TON ASSAULT MECH OF DOOM, speed is not what you were made for. 50-60kph range is what you were made to do, and pack a lot of big guns. The Daishi just extenuates that fact by taking even more guns, all mid/large caliber and is able to "boat" them, both LBX or UAC varients.
Pariah Devalis, on 27 May 2014 - 05:21 AM, said:
It can be ran with 4 UAC5 as well for 4 less crits (same tonnage). SSW doesn't let you take armor off since its just a Java based program taking straight from the TRO's and is a computerized version of the TT construction rules. So we can just speculate a few extra tons of ammo/DHS due to taking a little armor off the top like we all do with our attali already.