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#361 XxXAbsolutZeroXxX


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 12:01 AM

View PostAppogee, on 22 May 2014 - 11:31 PM, said:

So: all we can really expect for the next 6 months is a bunch of Clan chassis, and a fix to 3-3-3-3 (assuming they're capable).


View PostNikolai Lubkiewicz, on 16 May 2014 - 04:08 PM, said:

To those who are wondering about other Mechs: Assuming no hiccups in testing or conflicts in release strategy, we still hope to have our usual week one Hero Mech releases and week three Mech of the Month releases each month alongside the Clan Mech releases.

Mauler, Vindicator(?) and a few others were confirmed.

There's also been talk of two maps in development. A unique jungle map. And one more based on pre existing map.

#362 Onmyoudo


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 12:04 AM

View PostI Zeratul I, on 23 May 2014 - 12:01 AM, said:

Mauler, Vindicator(?) and a few others were confirmed.

There's also been talk of two maps in development. A unique jungle map. And one more based on pre existing map.

No. The Vindicator is confirmed, with no relase window. The Mauler has not been confirmed - someone made an offhand comment about maybe seeing some concept art. From the AMA the maps are not currently in development and Russ is intending to reassign assets to them in the first week of June.

#363 Eglar

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Posted 23 May 2014 - 12:12 AM

View PostOnmyoudo, on 23 May 2014 - 12:04 AM, said:

No. The Vindicator is confirmed, with no relase window. The Mauler has not been confirmed - someone made an offhand comment about maybe seeing some concept art. From the AMA the maps are not currently in development and Russ is intending to reassign assets to them in the first week of June.

Oh, you mean... like the Flea?

#364 Appogee


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 12:34 AM

View PostI Zeratul I, on 23 May 2014 - 12:01 AM, said:

There's also been talk of two maps in development. A unique jungle map. And one more based on pre existing map.

Actually, he said work on the maps had been on hold til they create the clan Mechs.

He also said they're going to give their ''full focus'' to Community Warfare after the Clan Mechs launch, but also, they will recommence work on the maps - kind of incongruous.

So, once again, a lot of forward commitments, which the astute have learned to disregard on the basis of prior non-delivery.

#365 XxXAbsolutZeroXxX


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 12:39 AM

View PostOnmyoudo, on 23 May 2014 - 12:04 AM, said:

No. The Vindicator is confirmed, with no relase window. The Mauler has not been confirmed - someone made an offhand comment about maybe seeing some concept art. From the AMA the maps are not currently in development and Russ is intending to reassign assets to them in the first week of June.

Oh, well. I tried to provide teh updatez.


On a timetable basis, HPG Manifold was out in december 2013.

I think art staff and mapmakers didn't get pulled from mapmaking duty to focus on clan mechs until late march / early april 2014. Its been said clan mechs took "3 months" of development which may imply clan mechs fall within a 2nd quarter development cycle. If true, there should be a few maps that were worked on during the first 2-3 months of this year that may be near to completion.

I'm clueless on the Mauler. I vaguely remember seeing links to twitter that claimed it had been confirmed. Someone must have made a "boo boo" somewhere?

#366 Kinski Orlawisch


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 01:16 AM

Ist strange and this what he said will make a lot of troubel. They will remove House Marik and Liao from the game.
Why I think so?
They did not take part at the defence. Marik just provided resourses.
CW will remove them. Everything else would bee like fighting Waterloo not with France vs British/Prussian....they would add russian, chinese and Aliens from outa space.

No that is NOT Clan War! Where is Comstar? As Fraction?

#367 Kmieciu


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 01:54 AM

The most interesting facts are: a Timber Wolf with jump jests and a Daishi with 5xLBX+2xPPC.

#368 Featherwood


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 02:09 AM

View PostFeatherwood, on 22 May 2014 - 05:09 AM, said:

Bet $100 that Russ will not answer any of the important questions clearly and to the point:
  • list of Clan OmniMechs configurations
  • details on ClanTech realization (damage/heat/weight/slots values, DHS realization, Targeting Computer realization and so on)
  • How IS vs Clans battles will be organized (if they will be organized at all, 12vs10 or something else)
  • CW release schedule with roadmap (since we have only old 2012 lies by Russ about CW, it would nice to hear new lies, lol, I mean how CW view has changed for last two years, what should we expect from PGI's point of view)
  • new maps and modes release schedule
  • does PGI have back-up plan for MM-algorithm in case if Paul realize 3333 is not working
  • when that incompetent placeholder Paul Inouye will be fired already ("dear God, please make Paul leave MWO alone" - my MWO prayer for almost 2 years)
If Russ will be capable to cover properly at least all the questions about Clans - I will spend those $100 on MC or a la carte, whatever, it just won't happen.

Well, as expected, my $100 stay in my pocket, nothing unusual had happened with Russ, same windbag as ever.
After reading summaries and Nico's list of QnA, I feel nothing but another wave of disappointment about PGI and MWO. Yes, there were some new information - list of variants - revealed about Clan Collections (it's just 25 days to go to release date, lol), yes, there were another promises, but everything was as vague as usual, damn it.

P.S. I despise PGI and their management staff. I really wish PGI to go bankrupt and free MW license for more competent competitors. My personal award of worst game developer ever goes to PGI (with special nomination for Paul Inoye as most incompetent game designer ever). I do not see myself wasting time or money on that garbage anymore.

#369 Fanatic


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 03:11 AM

IS vs Clan .... Team Blue vs Team Red (playing this since 2012)


#370 Cavendish


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 03:16 AM

View PostFeatherwood, on 23 May 2014 - 02:09 AM, said:

Well, as expected, my $100 stay in my pocket, nothing unusual had happened with Russ, same windbag as ever.
After reading summaries and Nico's list of QnA, I feel nothing but another wave of disappointment about PGI and MWO. Yes, there were some new information - list of variants - revealed about Clan Collections (it's just 25 days to go to release date, lol), yes, there were another promises, but everything was as vague as usual, damn it.

P.S. I despise PGI and their management staff. I really wish PGI to go bankrupt and free MW license for more competent competitors. My personal award of worst game developer ever goes to PGI (with special nomination for Paul Inoye as most incompetent game designer ever). I do not see myself wasting time or money on that garbage anymore.

How do you define the OmniMech configs? Unless Im misstaken he posted a list? Unfortunatly thats the only issue I can see with you list, rest was spot on ;)

#371 Xeno Phalcon


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 03:55 AM

For you lazy smucks.

View PostNikolai Lubkiewicz, on 21 May 2014 - 08:57 PM, said:

• Adder:
o Prime
o A - 2Xlrm20 2xSPL
o D - 1xERLL, 1xUAC5, 2xSSRM2


• Dire Wolf:
o Prime
o A - 1xGauss, 3xLPL, 2xSSRM6
o B - 4xUAC2,2xERPPC,1xLBX10


• Kit Fox:
o Prime
o D - 2xLRM15, 1xLRM5, 1xNarc
o S - 1xLPL, 1xMPL, 1xSPL, 1xSSRM4, 2xMG, jump jets


• Nova:
o Prime
o B - 1xUAC5, 1xLPL, 1xERSL, 2xMG
o S - 6xMPL, 4xMG


• Stormcrow:
o Prime
o C - 1xLBX10, 1xLPL, 2xMPL
o D - 2xLRM20, 2xSRM2, 1xNARC


• Summoner:
o Prime
o B - 2xLRM20, 2xSRM4, 1xNARC
o D - 2xERLL, 2xERML, 2xMG, targeting computer


• Timber Wolf:
o Prime
o C - 2xERLL,1xUAC5, 2xLRM15, 1xERML
o S - 1xLPL, 2xMPL, 2xMG, 4xSRM6


• Warhawk:
o Prime
o A - 2xERLL, 1xLBX10, 1xLRM15, 1xSSRM6
o B - 1xGauss, 3xERML, 1xERSL, 2xSRM6, 1xNARC

#372 Forte


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 04:14 AM

View PostFeatherwood, on 23 May 2014 - 02:09 AM, said:

Well, as expected, my $100 stay in my pocket, nothing unusual had happened with Russ, same windbag as ever.
After reading summaries and Nico's list of QnA, I feel nothing but another wave of disappointment about PGI and MWO. Yes, there were some new information - list of variants - revealed about Clan Collections (it's just 25 days to go to release date, lol), yes, there were another promises, but everything was as vague as usual, damn it.

P.S. I despise PGI and their management staff. I really wish PGI to go bankrupt and free MW license for more competent competitors. My personal award of worst game developer ever goes to PGI (with special nomination for Paul Inoye as most incompetent game designer ever). I do not see myself wasting time or money on that garbage anymore.

To be fair, oh wait you aren't so why should anyone else. Honestly if you are so against this game and company go find something else to play. This game isn't going under, and has the license until 2020, which btw there wasn't exactly a line of people making MW games, or any mech game in general unless you lived in Japan. Either enjoy the game for what it is, and don't pay any money you don't feel they deserve, or stop being such a douche.

#373 Kotzi


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 04:41 AM

Amazing! They did it again and people still believe. Buy the limited gold mechs, really big things are coming soon, i swear...

#374 Mylardis


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 04:54 AM

I feel disappointed.

I know, you can argue there was new information given (especially about clan configs), but overall, I read something different:

In nearly all answers, there was a "oh, yes, we're on that, too, it's on the list" - but always pointing at the clan launch.

I do accept that it's important, financially and because they need to deliver. All the really specific infos were about clans. I really miss any real information about all the other important stuff. Starting with UI2.0 (We have a document we'll read soon), via meta game (ghost heat was meant to restrict pinpoint damage??!? Well, that worked out fine, didn't it?) right up to CW (it will be "more than that" - still, very unspecific. I would bet it will be minimum viable, with a simple win or loss counter to reflect the influence on the invasion).

I'm not too sure whether these guys actually know their own game. Especially when it came down to what did they see in the tournament. That answer sounds like "oh, we finally actually looked into people playing".

Overall, I'll say this. Thanks for the time and the info - I don't think, though, that you're living up to your promise of "doubling down on communication". Just for UI2.0 alone, there were more than 200 pages of official feedback (plus countless user opened topics) - I didn't see any of your double communication there, tbh. Not even starting on all those other topics like ghost heat, meta game, ecm, cw, and many more.

Edited by DasAmok, 23 May 2014 - 05:28 AM.

#375 IceCase88


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 05:24 AM

View PostOnmyoudo, on 23 May 2014 - 12:04 AM, said:

No. The Vindicator is confirmed, with no relase window. The Mauler has not been confirmed - someone made an offhand comment about maybe seeing some concept art. From the AMA the maps are not currently in development and Russ is intending to reassign assets to them in the first week of June.

Russ is reassigning assets to make maps in June. He is also reassigning assets to start working on CW finally. I don't think he has that many assets so something has to give. What will it be?

#376 Zolaz


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 05:31 AM

Attention all white knights!!! Russ has spoken, MWO has been saved!!! Now, please form an orderly line to buy/upgrade your Clan Packages. PGI promises that everything is great and on schedule. ;)

Posted Image

#377 Heffay

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Posted 23 May 2014 - 05:45 AM

View PostZolaz, on 23 May 2014 - 05:31 AM, said:

Attention all white knights!!! Russ has spoken, MWO has been saved!!! Now, please form an orderly line to buy/upgrade your Clan Packages. PGI promises that everything is great and on schedule. ;)

After hearing you say the same thing over and over again, I'm starting to think you're this guy:

Posted Image

#378 Werewolf486 ScorpS


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 06:02 AM

yawn, whatever.....

#379 Zolaz


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 06:02 AM

View PostHeffay, on 23 May 2014 - 05:45 AM, said:

After hearing you say the same thing over and over again, I'm starting to think you're this guy:

Maybe you can answer the questions that I had for Russ?

1) What do you call someone who doesnt tell the truth?
2) What do you call someone who has a pattern of not telling the truth?
3) What do you say to that person when he asks you for money?
4) How do you feel about a person like that on an emotional level?

#380 Kotzi


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 06:05 AM

The end isnt near, there are still plenty supporting this. And thank you for that as this allows me not having to pay for something i would surely regret to do so.

Edited by Kotzi, 23 May 2014 - 06:06 AM.

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