Nikolai Lubkiewicz, on 21 May 2014 - 08:57 PM, said:
Final Thoughts:
I recently communicated this information in the next VLog that we just finished recording however I wanted to get this information out faster to the community.
Status of the Matchmaker: I have both good and bad news. The release of the 3/3/3/3 feature has been as frustrating for us as it has been for you. Many have speculated that the feature simply has been proven unviable and we should be looking for alternative ways to match our players. Here is where I can state the good news that it actuaully seems that we have proven the feature to be very viable and fun. In explanation: now that we have the Queue window we actually were able to prove that players are willing to adjust there behaviour and play more Light and Medium mechs so long as they know that the two sides are even which was always a critical component of the 3/3/3/3 feature. We actually saw the Queue's for the 4 weight classes even out very effectively. On top of that when matches were kicking off the matches were noticable by everyone involved to be very fun and and much more consistently competitive. Now the bad side unfortunately what we found was that the feature is unviable in the currently way the matchmaker has been written. Therefore it is going to be necessary to do a rewrite of the matchmaker code. Now I should mention that it was always going to be necessary to rewrite the matchmaker code to support the faction based matching necessary for CW which was basically upon us anyhow, but we had hoped in the meantime 3/3/3/3 would be active. So this has changed our plans and we have had to bump the MM rewrite up to top priority. Karl Berg is now assigned to start and complete this rewrite and we will start out by completing just the existing design of 3/3/3/3 and get that active then complete it to support CW. So as to an ETA all I mentioned in the VLog is that I promise to give you an updated ETA in about 2 weeks time, but I am hopeful it will only be in the ~1month timeframe.
In summary: 3/3/3/3 seems very fun, competitive and viable. But it will need some rewrite of the MM to actually turn it on. I will get back to the community with an updated ETA in about two weeks time.
Thanks everyong for your patience, can't wait to get this feature live.
In this final Thoughts, Russ mention's that it was always nessecery to rewrite MM, but since "alpha/Closed Beta" everything PGI had created has been tossed out the door and rewritten or just plainly taken out of the game.
In regards to UI 1.0, MM, Collisions, Rearm & Repair, Maps and their Points. Denial of 3rd PV and then the quick implementation of said 3rd PV, An idea of what CW was before you launched but still we are I believe 19 months since Open Beta started and there is still no CW. And a million Weapon tweaks like the LRM online horror we witnessed early 2013.
My Question is, Why has this had to happen?
Why is/has it taken most likey 2 YEARS to get CW a core component of the game since open beta started?
I'm no game developer, but I find it extremely stupid to build anything and then plan to rewrite all of it.
It honestly smacks of PGI not knowing what they are doing, this has also been a contributing factor to player Burn out, and anger within the community.
I'd be curios to see your response to this.
also sorry guys i've followed this game as a founder since closed beta. and its still beta. regardless of your Idealistic dreamworld of calling it a "full game"
Philip, an Australian Player.