List Of "small Things" To Hopefully Get Fixed Soon
Posted 02 June 2014 - 12:57 PM
1: make it so I don't have to squint at the current tonnage of my mech in Mechlab. Yellow text on a light gray background is next to impossible to read.
2: my Grid Iron:LE is a hero. Please make its thumbnail say "H" instead of "C"
3: sometimes when I drop into testing grounds, the game client gets stuck "connecting" even though I can walk my mech around and shoot stuff. I have to Alt-F4 out of the client to get out.
4: weapon groups: what if I want to chain fire 2 weapons at a time?
5: pop-ups suck. Please find some screen real estate somewhere where I can select my match types BEFORE I click launch.
Posted 02 June 2014 - 01:05 PM
Posted 02 June 2014 - 01:31 PM
- Not being able to ready up (while in group screen) while in the mechlab (-> leave social interface -> click home -> return to social interface -> click ready), possible solution: When somebody clicks ready you can assume that he has finished building his mech -> when clicking ready auto-switch the selected menu from "Mechlab" / "Skills" / etc. to "Home" and change the player status to ready
- Mechlab navigation: Please make mech components selectable by clicking on the components of your mech displayed in the mechlab again (was possible in UI1.5, basically the only thing I miss from that old UI)
- Mech armor being adjustable in the Mech Details overview would help a lot with setting up the armor distribution on a mech
- Add some function for easily finding engines and modules, possible solution: Also show equipped engines / modules in the inventory (e.g. inventory displays XL Engine 300 1/3 meaning 1 unequipped XL300 is available and you own 3 XL300 total and when you click on the XL300 in the inventory the appearing popup not only contains the description of the item and a sell-button (as it does now) but also a list of the mechs with XL300 engines equipped (in this example it would contain 2 mechs), same feature would help greatly for finding modules and even weapons)
- Auto-restock function for consumables

EDIT: Typo found and eliminated
Edited by Kaeseblock, 02 June 2014 - 01:35 PM.
Posted 02 June 2014 - 02:01 PM
1.) This area of the UI should have a box for BAP as well, like so:

2.) Here is an example of clutter. The graphs on the right here are not very useful, especially when the data goes off the chart as in this example of a Spider-5D. The diamond chart is useless on every mech because they all look the about same, and here's why: Every mech I take is going to be pretty much its maximum weight and armor, so that's 2 points of the diamond that are always about the same; heat management numbers don't vary a whole lot and when they do, it doesn't look like it on the diamond graph; and the firepower is displayed a fraction out of 250. I have never seen a mech with a 250 alpha, especially not on a Spider. 250 is such a big alpha that on the diamond chart my Stalker's 58 looks a lot like this Spider's 14. The alpha strike of my mech as a fraction of 250 is not helpful information. I would like to see the old UI's heat management color scale come back; that was helpful for beginners.

3.) Another case of low-yield information: the weapon distance chart. Show me actual numbers. I can't tell on here exactly how far this laser goes. I shouldn't have to go to smurfy for that info.

4.) Another missing bit of info is how many heat sinks a given engine has. For example, the XL 165 engine below has 6 intrinsic heat sinks. The UI tells me how many slots it has for additional heat sinks, which for some reason is called "Int. Heat Sinks," which it tells me it has 0 out of 6. I think that Int. Heat Sinks should refer to how many heat sinks the engine actually has on its own -- Int. for internal or intrinsic. The info presently displayed should be called the "Add. Heat Sinks" meaning "additional slots"

Edited by WM Xitomatl, 02 June 2014 - 02:04 PM.
Posted 02 June 2014 - 02:21 PM
Did anyone mention that in the ready screen we need to be able to see where lances are starting and give the commander the ability to draw on the map so a oer game plan of action can be communicated?
Posted 02 June 2014 - 02:46 PM
Posted 02 June 2014 - 02:55 PM
Belorion, on 02 June 2014 - 02:46 PM, said:
Truth is, we don't know. Some things that look simple might actually be a bit of a b... to do, while others which on the face of it aren't could piggy-back on stuff that's already done and actually be easy.
In the end, PGI will have to do their own analysis of each suggestion to determine the complexity of implementing it. And while no-one wants CW to be delayed further over this stuff, there seems to be quite a lot of low-hanging fruit that would give us a smile to see.
Posted 02 June 2014 - 03:02 PM
Belorion, on 02 June 2014 - 02:46 PM, said:
Some of these things are about polish, some effect gameplay in a big way, some might be hard, others easy.
We do not know ... I just hope that PGI realises that they are an issue and can internally prioritise the low hanging fruit first and schedule others that can be done with a little bit of work when they have the bandwidth.
Anything that improves the teamwork aspect of this game and enhances role warfare is most dear to my heart but some decent polish on some of the small things go a long way to scratching the ith other have with better immersion a etc too
Posted 02 June 2014 - 03:08 PM
"randomize colors" button for mechs and pilot model.
Posted 02 June 2014 - 03:36 PM
- When I first saw the animation for a 'mech hopping down a short ledge, I grinned.
- When I first heard an ammo explosion up close and personal (luckily, it wasn't me), I broke out in a giggle fit for the better part of an hour (I want this back, please, please, please).
... I could go on for hours, but ...
This thread is supposed to be for the little things we don't have (that don't affect balance or game mechanics).
We've been promised functional cockpit displays for far too long ... [NO SIGNAL] is starting to get burned into my monitors. Ideally, we would be able to customize our cockpit views to show whatever display we thoguht appropriate, but this is probably a long way off.
Color-coded kill-death notifications ... BAD_GUY (in red) has killed MY_BUDDY (in blue) ... for example. If not color coded notifications, then at least include the current kill score in the HUD for conquest mode.
Edited by Kageru Ikazuchi, 02 June 2014 - 07:08 PM.
Posted 02 June 2014 - 03:38 PM
1- when you click the mech selection tab, and you hover over a mech: add the tonnage of the mech somewhere within the info. as of right now, you either have to memorize the tonnage, or select the mech in question, and check the mech details button. this will has caused a few people to launch with the wrong mech they were just "looking" at, instead of the one they really wanted to take.
2- in the skill tree. if anyone here has done the same as i have, they too have bought a mech, used it some, then sold it. sometimes i have done this without converting the mech XP over to GXP with the use of MC. in the past, you were able to see how much experience a chassis and variant had, even after it was sold. for some reason you can no longer do this. so now, unless you memorize what variant you had of a chassis, you risk buying the wrong variant back. this would help a lot of those who buy and sell variants because of limited mech bays.
3- the friendly friends list. right now if you want to see who is online in your friends list, you have to click the icon button at the bottom, check, then go to the top of the list to click x to close it. simply make this a toggle button. click it once to bring up the list, click it again to close it. hell, you can even leave the x at the top or those who prefer it that way.
4- i also vote for the interactive mech in the mechlab. to be honest, the mechlab in UI 1.5 seemed easier then it is now. but this along with a interactive smurfy would help things out a LOT. ( ok so this one isnt probably the supper simple thing maybe..)
5- stream lining the UI 2.0 general layout and functions. a lot of the complaints ive heard about this seem like very small things. but, they do tend to add a certain level of frustration to some users. some items you have to click, while others you have to hover over to get to the information your looking for. depending on what you are trying to do, the interaction to the interface makes you move all over the screen to either click things, or to close things. and the notices that say, you just did something you cant change so click ok so you understood that you just did that, tend to just add on top of it. seems like some of this stuff can be streamlined to make it a little easier to deal with.
thats all i have on the top of my head.
Posted 02 June 2014 - 03:45 PM
Minor Bugfix/Improvement:
- Weapons now stay in a specific hardpoint location depending on the order they have been equipped
Edited by zaepp, 02 June 2014 - 03:47 PM.
Posted 02 June 2014 - 04:07 PM
Posted 02 June 2014 - 04:42 PM
Sometimes they wont appear, might be a bug.
Posted 02 June 2014 - 05:40 PM
Like it would be nice to have owned weapons, engines & modules options, and purchasable modules and so on.
Posted 02 June 2014 - 06:16 PM

Posted 02 June 2014 - 06:50 PM
Posted 02 June 2014 - 08:31 PM
These days I feel like some tweaked out squirrel in power armor!
Posted 02 June 2014 - 08:55 PM
Posted 02 June 2014 - 08:55 PM
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