Ursh, on 05 June 2014 - 02:41 AM, said:
I don't understand what that has to do with this thread. We can all pull out screenshots of our 700+ damage 4+ kills matches in non-meta mechs. Ever since I renounced Christianity and pledged my soul to the dark lord, I've felt much more at peace with the world.
If you want to duplicate your friends skill, turn your mouse sensitivity and acceleration down really low, and you'll be able to get much more burn time on target at long ranges with lasers. Also, tell your buddies to throw a TAG to go along with those er large lasers for spotting assists.
I have read the entire, thread, and It started out as a beef with Mr. Pugglesworth. Not a beef between meta gamers.
My point in this post is that I'm Mr. Pugglesworth, and I see no problem with jump sniping. I run pug matches every day, I deal with jump sniping regularly, and I have no problem doing so.
Just like the Ecm Cicada. When Billbrooks whips that thing out and dominates the field with it, gets those 5 kills at the end and wins the match. I'm Always amazed at all the hate mail he recieves during the end match screen. Mr. Pugglesworth blows his top and has a hissy fit every time. They accuse him of cheating, being meta, being an @#$$%. And it changes nothing. They were out piloted and thats all it is.
If you lose a game to a team of jump snipers, then you did something serious wrong, cause I out pilot them every day.
Deitz, on 05 June 2014 - 07:27 AM, said:
WarWolfSW, that was a very well placed rant and I appreciated it a great deal. I've always seen Mechwarrior Online like the Rubik's Cube. You have very few players that can get all the side the same color, and some that can only get one. Those that can't figure it out, start pulling the little stickers off and placing them where they need them so it looks like they're good? PGI has made a habit of assisting those players, with the new sticker placement, and they rest of us suffer.
I agree with WarWolfSW. There needs to be a place where new players can get help and learn how to beat the meta, but I still think it will be easier for them to complain, than to figure something out and put the work into it.
This game is difficult, and as much as PGI would like everyone to play it, it's never going to be a plug in play game. PGI needs to focus on getting back some of the die hard players, and making people that are happy with the game as it is, happier. Learn how to play Mechwarrior On line, don't ask the dev's to make it easier for you to play. Like I've said before. This is a thinking man's shooter. It's a difficult game to learn to play. If you can't handle Mechwarrior Online? Hawken has endless re-spawns.
And there is a place for it. I'm in one, and I thank Deitz for the opportunity. The best way Mr.Pugglesworth can learn the game and how to truely enjoy it, is to join a clan. A good clan full of helpfull people. I think its the best part of the game.
Oh no, Deitz, I think I need a hug again.
Voivode, on 05 June 2014 - 07:55 AM, said:
OMG, a close range meta?!?!?! Bring it on!
That would be the bomb, I love a good brawl.
WarWolfSW, on 05 June 2014 - 06:36 AM, said:
The community in MWO has always been full of hardships, rants, and negative vocalization just as much as those that enjoy the game allow the trolls to have the forums.
I have become increasingly disappointed as I read through some of the forum posts over time on this subject. "Rules are this, the play is that, this weapon is OP, that Mech is OP". (All developing into a meta/standard)
Skill! Granted games get skillful players dependant on how the game is developed and how well said player adapts to change in that environment. Some Mechwarriors are really great at building mechs and maybe not so good at driving them and vise versa, but then you get those that are good at both and hell followed with them.
Next thing you know, that guy that just got shredded by said player goes "That was an AWESOME build". They build it, they launch, they dominate. Two other players next follow in that wake and so on so forth until a meta or norm develops and those that are new players either conform or (with a bit of frustration/determination) adapts/counters what people consider to be the "GAME" standard.
I've always looked at Mechwarrior (yes even this one) as a game of driving and patience. If you can do those well your set and learning the game mechanics will come with experience (probably through spectator mode for abit). Everyone who has learned a game develops a way of playing, but much of the player base looks at a games' mechanics as flawed because it doesn't conform to their rules or styles once they feel sufficantly skilled at the game and someone beats them with their own developed style/rules.
Where I'm going with this is as such: a game can be defined by the gamers who forum post the most, it can defined through those that complain on the battlefield, but, in this paticular game, Mechwarrior can be defined best my those "actions" on the battlefield that don't conform, don't complain, and don't give up. Whether it be the next meta build you face or that "pug build", don't let metas, OPs, or "idiots" dampen your "fun" because so matter how much developers tweak, patch, or "fix" a game, their will always be a "standard" and the "standard" will always be defined by those that choose to complain about it.
For those of you who enjoy this game even with it's faults (whether caused by developers, metas, or standards) I ask you to post your thoughts, give your insight, share your opinions and not allow all those that want to define the standard do so. (And bring hell on the battlefield against those that use it
Wow......that's my first rant in a long time.....
I think you just hit the nail on the head WarWolf. I could not have said it better my self.
I might get knocked back down to recruit for posting this. I don't have Deitz permision to post this. But I think its the perfect quote to end this rant on.
Deitz hit the nail on the head when it comes to meta, and why people win championships. It has nothing to do with jump sniping.
This is a quote from the MarineMechs private Enjin forums. Deitz is the author.
JaffarHasad I'm glad you posted this. Even though you were confused at the time, it only shows a few more reasons why SJR should have won that match, and one thing I would like us to focus on more.
First off the House of Lords builds are all over the place. They have the most uncoordinated, completely out of spec builds I have ever seen a Clan use. They shouldn't have won that match. You had Gauss rifles, AC20's AC10's, AC5's, different size XL engines, and I think I saw a LLAS in there as well.... just a horrible example on poor drop deck construction. Their stuff was really all over the place.
Now Let me tell you how I think they won...
House of Lords is a very small group just like SJR. They have been playing together for a while now. From what I can find it seems like it's almost the same group for quite some time. (9 months with few member changes here and there.) They only practice once a week. House of Lords has exactly what I want to have in the tournament team. They have 15 or 20 members that know each other VERY well. They all work well together, they understand the goals and objectives. They have no need for a centralized admin group, or ranks. They work so well together it's really one of those things that just happens when the stars align correctly. They work so well together that their builds aren't really a hindrance, but an extension of one another. It almost seems as if they work as a collective mind, all while joking and having fun. Since we've started building our competitive team, I've tried to induce this amongst the lances. I think we have a great team, and we're getting better every practice. Even though we suck at jump sniping, and usually lose on our 12 man outings, I can honestly see improvement, and as long as I see improvement I will continue to operate the team as such. One thing I believe we can all work on is opening ourselves up, and really getting to know that guy next to you. Know what he's going to do before he does it, and allow them the opportunity to learn you as well. The biggest problem in any relationship is growth. As we grow or learn more we can sometimes find ourselves growing away from the relationships we've built over the years. The idea I have is to recognize that growth, and find away to entangle yourself into the team. Getting better as a individual or pilot is really easy, anyone can work at that. Learning how to grow with a group is a lot harder, and requires more time. We have a great group of pilots, and there is no doubt in my mind as long as we stay focused, we will succeed.
Thanks for the post JaffarHasad. I hope the rest of the Clan reads this and understands what I'm saying or trying to do.
And as I replied in our forums
And Thats Meta. Not jump sniping, not brawlers. Teamwork, its the new Meta.
Edited by MX Duke, 05 June 2014 - 10:11 AM.