Please let us know your thoughts on the latest news from Paul on Jump Jets!
Paul Inouye, on 06 June 2014 - 10:24 AM, said:
Jump Jet heat is currently not being applied properly to the jumping 'Mech. We are re-implementing the system to make each individual Jump Jet generate linear heat the longer it is used.
Each Jump Jet class will have its own heat rating which will be used to determine how much heat is generated. Class V (smallest) Jump Jets will generate the least heat over time while Class I (largest) will generate the most. The graph below shows an example of how this would be ramped.

If we set the heat rating to a Class V Jump Jet (the kind put on a Spider for example) to 0.1, each Jump Jet mounted on the Spider would generate 0.1 heat per second while it is being used. If there are 8 Jump Jets on the Spider, then Jump Jets would be adding 0.8 heat per second to the 'Mech while Jump Jets are burning. Again, the heat gains will be linear for each of the Jump Jet classes.
While we appreciate that table-top rules are somewhat different, implementing them as according to turn-based system would severely affect smaller 'Mechs in our real-time game environment.
NOTE: All numbers above are for example purposes only. Actual production numbers will be shared in the patch notes when the fix has been implemented.