Posted 09 July 2014 - 09:05 AM
The problem is actually that the formula for jump height is all wrong.
It seems to be:
Jh = Ct * Mc * (1/Gm)
Jh is the Max Jump Height (in M)
Ct is the number of jets (no units, just a count)
Mc is the mech specific constant jump height, per jumpjet (in M)
Gm is the gravity multiplier of the planet (a multiplier in relation to terra)
Really, you should be calculating acceleration, instead of height, like so:
Am = (Ct * Mc) + Ag
Am is the acceleration of the mech (in M/S^2)
Ct is the number of jets (no units, just a count)
Mc is the mech specific constant acceleration, per jumpjet (in M/S^2)
Ag is the gravitational acceleration caused by the planet (In M/S^2 a negative number, ex: -9.81 M/S^2 for 1x gravity)
When Am is positive, the mech is accelerating upwards (this includes falling and decelerating), when it is 0, it is traveling at constant speed (up or down) and when it is negative, it is accelerating downwards (though it may still be moving up.)
Also - the total burn time should be the same, regardless of the number of jets. The jets work in parallel, not in series.
For the sake of this post, I will assume they burn for 1 second.
Not only is this more technically correct, it also solves the problem of a single jumpjet being overly useful:
Consider the following example:
Lets say we assign the Spider an acceleration of of 12 M/S^2 per jumpjet.
Assume we are on a normal map with 1x gravity, so Ag is 9.81 M/S^2.
Now solve for 1 jumpjet:
Am = (Ct * Mc) + Ag
Am = (1 * 12) - 9.81
Am = 2.19
So the mechs acceleration is only 2.19 M/S^2 after gravity is taken into account.
After 1 second, the mech will be about 1.1 meters high, and the jumpjet will run out
About 1/4 to 1/5 seconds later, the mech will reach the highest point in its trajectory, about 1.35 meters above the gound.
Now solve for 2 jumpjets:
Am = (Ct * Mc) + Ag
Am = (2 * 12) - 9.81
Am = 14.19
So the mechs acceleration is now 14.19 M/S^2 after gravity is taken into account.
After 1 second, the mech will be about 7.1 meters high, and the jumpjets will run out
About 1.5 seconds later, the mech will reach the highest point in its trajectory, about 17.3 meters above the ground.
Now solve for 6 jumpjets:
Am = (Ct * Mc) + Ag
Am = (6 * 12) - 9.81
Am = 62.19
So the mechs acceleration is now 62.19 M/S^2 after gravity is taken into account. Thats like 6Gs!
After 1 second, the mech will be about 31.1 meters high, and the jumpjets will run out
About 6.33 seconds later, the mech will reach the highest point in its trajectory, about 228 meters above the gound.
The mech will then plummet for about 6.8 seconds, before slamming into an enemy direwolf at 240kph, completely destroying his head as well as your legs.
It would be insane to try to jump this high in anything but a Spider 5v, though because you need lots of jets left to cushion the landing.
I would also cap the acceleration at like 6 jumpjets worth, due to 'structural limitations' and possible game engine limitations as well.
so 1-6 jumpjets give you varying acceleration for 1.0s
while 7-12 jumpjets give you the same aceleration as 6 jets, but with a longer burntime. 12 jumpjets being a full 2 seconds.
I know this will never happen, though, because it would be far too awesome.
But, how about a half-way point, by tweaking your current Jump Height formula, from:
Jh = Ct * Mc * (1/Gm)
Jh = (Ct * Mc) - (5*Gm)
So basically, each jumpjet may allow 6 meter jumps, but (normal) gravity negates 5 meters over a 1.0s burn time.
1 jet = 1 meter
2 jets = 7 meters
3 jets = 13 meters
4 jets = 19 meters
5 jets = 25 meters
6 jets = 31 meters
12 jets = 67 meters
This also allows you to scale the heat linearly based on the number of jumpjets used, yet still favor mechs with more jumpjets.
Say each jumpjet created 5 heat / second, and we need to jump onto a 7 meter object.
with 2 jets, we burn them both for a full second, create 10 heat (2*5*1), and reach 7 meters.
with 3 jets, we only need to burn them for around .55 seconds so we create 8.25 heat (3*5*.55)
with 4 jets, we only need to burn them for around .37 seconds so we create 7.4 heat (4*5*.37)
Balance aside, this is actually realistic. This is very similar to the reason that airliners fly with a higher throttle setting when they are facing a headwind - they have to counter the headwind for the duration of their trip, so by going faster, they have to counter less headwind total. They actually save fuel in regards to gound distance traveled, even though their fuel consuption per air distance traveled increases - they travel less air distance because the air currents don't have as much time to push them away from their destination, so they save fuel overall. Same applies for jumpjets and countering the force of gravity - we can save on total heat generated by applying more thrust over a shorter duration. In Mechwarrior, we do this by adding more jumpjets.
Now, on to the next issue: Why the Highlander is crap.
You guys applied a smooth scale of jumpjet performance to a stepped scale of jumpjet weights.
This means that the first mech to move up to a heaver jumpjet gets crapped on (Highlander, Quickdraw, Light mechs)
And the heaviest mech in a jumpjet class gets a bonus (Shadowhawk, Victor)
You need to fix this by changing the height per jumpjet for these mechs.
A highlander should be BETTER with a single jumpjet than a Victor is with a single jumpjet because 1 ton vs 2 tons is more singificant than 80 tons vs 90 tons.
I realize that they take the same amount of crits, so it shouldn't be 2x the force.... but 1.5x seems totally reasonable.
Take into account the weight difference, and the Highlander should jump 1.3x as high with a single jumpjet as the Victor does.
Those extreme JJ nerfs on the HGN should go to the Victor, which can easily compensate by mounting 4 JJs for a measly 4 tons.
The comparably good JJ performace of the Victor should go to the HGN (on a per-jet basis) because those things are freaking heavy!
6 tons for 3 jets on the HGN - Im willing to accept that it is a little worse than a 4 ton 4 jet Victor... but C'mon - it is WAY worse.
Buff the Highlander. (and other 90 tonners)
Buff the Quickdraw. (and other 60 tonners)
Buff the Catapult slightly. (and other 65 tonners)
Buff all lights, but especially the Spider. (Seriously, their jets weigh the same as on a medium)
Nerf the Victor. (and other 80 tonners)
Nerf the Timberwolf slightly. (and other 75 tonners)
Nerf the Shadowhawk. (and other 55 tonners)
Nerf the Nova slightly. (and other 50 tonners)
The Blackjack, Cataphract, Summoner, etc. are the most balanced, since they are in the middle of their JJ weight class.
This chassis specific nerf of course, comes after a JJ count based balancing that:
Nerfs 1 jumpjet
Nerfs 2 jumpjets slightly
3 Jumpjets are generally fine, so leave the height as-is
Buffs 4 jumpjets slightly
Buffs 5+ jumpjets
And makes the 12jj spider 5v into a rediculous leaping machine that can leg itself instantly.
FINALLY, once all the other issues are fixed, you can add heat to balance them out.
...and most importantly...
Add DFA.
The damage done to the mech on the ground should scale the same way as fall damage does.
Hell, just be lazy and add a 10x multiplier for collision damage to the head component. I don't care.
It also punishes reckless jumpsnipers for stomping all over their team-mates. I stomp on my teammates heads all of the time. I used to avoid it, back in MW4, but I see no point in MWO. It does like 1 damage.