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Targeting Computers And Command Console - Feedback

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#481 Navid A1


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Posted 23 October 2014 - 05:38 AM

There is one big problem with any new feature that clan TC could bring...

Because PGI decided to have 7 versions of it instead of a dynamic weight/slot piece. any feature it introduces should be scalable. that's why the TC only modify stats such as velocity/range/crit chance.
for example, i wanted the clan TC to show me the blocked weapons with a small indicator like the following:
Posted Image

But, that feature can not be broken up to 7 pieces... so we dont get new things like that

If TC was designed as a dynamic piece, we could have tonnes of new features out of it... but... sigh

#482 Father Tork


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Posted 09 November 2014 - 03:06 PM

View PostMacksheen, on 17 October 2014 - 02:04 PM, said:

Does anyone run it at all?

Note to PGI: With the quirks favoring specific weapon sets, people may need things to toss some tonnage on. BAP is one, and it at least DOES something, albeit minor to a laser boat (for instance). Be nice to have something else to add into the mix - but man the CC is still painful.

It doesn't do what it originally had planned, it's currently -42.5% Targeting Time (Not info gathering)

#483 Saiphas Cain


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Posted 28 November 2014 - 11:39 AM

Since the Command Console in TT is intended for a second pilot I'm assuming they'd be handling information warfare duties similar to some 2 seater aircraft. Since we're not going to see a second actual player running it, expanding the use of the battle map isn't terribly viable in my opinion. Rather than providing bonuses to targeting and zoom, relaying information automatically is something that won't distract the player from their duties of running an assault ( or heavy ) mech but will greatly improve combat efficiency, and could probably be easily implemented. My suggestion would be

replace the existing bonuses completely with target info sharing.
-All targeted enemy mechs that a single teammate has info on should relay target info immediately to anyone targeting them anew.
-Any targeted, info gathered enemy with armor completely stripped from a location could flicker that location with a red tint to indicate critical damage. This will give the entire team a "shoot it here, it'll hurt more!" indicator.

If the CC had these effects or something similar I'd mount it so fast the bolts would strip. Hell, I'd find a way to mount 2!

#484 Omi_


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Posted 03 December 2014 - 01:33 AM

View PostNavid A1, on 23 October 2014 - 05:38 AM, said:

Posted Image

Bump for epicness.



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Posted 04 January 2015 - 03:51 PM

It's unreasonable at three tons. Reduce to 1 or 1.5 like the BAP if you'd like positive feedback. I removed it from the Atlas DDC and noticed zero difference without it.

#486 Gattsus


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 07:10 AM

Does anyone use the command console?

#487 TheLuc


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 06:05 AM

i did rebuild my whole hangar so most of my IS mechs have the CC and BAP, i didnt see a difference so far but i did not play extensivly to verify

at 3 tons it seem it doesnt do much but since its stack with BAP and modules.. well any help i can get i take it.

#488 David Sumner


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Posted 28 March 2015 - 10:55 PM

View PostJust wanna play, on 17 October 2014 - 09:27 PM, said:

...maybe put an enemies mech beside their name once sptted on the tab board, maybe put incoming lrms onto the mini-map, put a still "Chess peice" where a mech was last spotted so people can get a better idea of enemy postion, ...

Mech once targeted once
% of mech at last time targeted
maybe a dot where last seen, or a trace that lingers a few secodns longer

#489 Novawrecker


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Posted 30 March 2015 - 12:33 PM

View PostSaiphas Cain, on 28 November 2014 - 11:39 AM, said:

Since the Command Console in TT is intended for a second pilot I'm assuming they'd be handling information warfare duties ...

Yep. Something along the lines of if the CC'd mech "R" targets a opponent, the rest of the team also gets the detailed information (and not just the CC mech targeting it), as well as decreased time for locks and information detail. Maybe even introduce a Priority Targeting feature where it turns the targeting reticle Orange (instead of the standard red) as an indicator to the team to take down that mech immediately/as a priority. Double tapping the "R" key to activate this feature (this is purely an example, folks). Lastly add grid markers to place Arty/Air strikes (or the likes). Any similar features within the Information Warfare handling theme.

#490 David Sumner


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Posted 31 March 2015 - 02:09 AM

View PostNovawrecker, on 30 March 2015 - 12:33 PM, said:

Yep. Something along the lines of if the CC'd mech "R" targets a opponent, the rest of the team also gets the detailed information (and not just the CC mech targeting it), as well as decreased time for locks and information detail. Maybe even introduce a Priority Targeting feature where it turns the targeting reticle Orange (instead of the standard red) as an indicator to the team to take down that mech immediately/as a priority. Double tapping the "R" key to activate this feature (this is purely an example, folks). Lastly add grid markers to place Arty/Air strikes (or the likes). Any similar features within the Information Warfare handling theme.

Enhanced battle grid for a "commander" with things like the 'A', 'B' tags on the icons
First person dead on your team becomes the 'commander' by default, dead players can swap duties.


#491 MechaBattler


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Posted 01 April 2015 - 10:50 PM

Command Console should let someone drop with you as a spectator. Allow that person to see the map and view through your cockpit. Allowing them to serve a commander role. :3

#492 Firelizard


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Posted 03 April 2015 - 05:53 AM

Command Console: Datalink as targets everything in your line of sight. Because what else is the guy in the backseat going to do while the pilot is conscious?

#493 Novawrecker


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Posted 03 April 2015 - 11:00 PM

View PostFirelizard, on 03 April 2015 - 05:53 AM, said:

Because what else is the guy in the backseat going to do while the pilot is conscious?

I'd respond, but the FCC already has too many eyes on my posts :P

#494 Jonathan Paine


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Posted 05 April 2015 - 09:05 AM

Add this to the Command Console:
"increases maximum number of mech modules by 2"


#495 Kain Demos


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Posted 07 April 2015 - 07:26 AM

I think the MK 1 TC tends to be a little too good for their weight while the heavier ones are more liek "meh" which is pretty bullshit for something that weighs 5-7 tons. I think they should do something like this:

MK I from 4.5/2.25 to 4/2
MK II from 6.5/3.25 to 6/3
MK III from 8.5/4.25 to 9/4.5
MK IV from 10.5/5.25 to 12/6.5
MK V from 12/6 to 15/9
MK VI from 13.5/6.75 to 18.5/12
MK VII from 15/7.5 to 22/15

So Mk I-II get nerfed, III gets a slight buff and IV-VII get decent buffs.

EDIT: WTF with this formatting....my chart keeps getting ****** up.

Edited by Kain Thul, 07 April 2015 - 07:33 AM.

#496 Firelizard


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Posted 07 April 2015 - 10:10 AM

View PostKain Thul, on 07 April 2015 - 07:26 AM, said:

I think the MK 1 TC tends to be a little too good for their weight while the heavier ones are more liek "meh" which is pretty bullshit for something that weighs 5-7 tons. I think they should do something like this:

MK I from 4.5/2.25 to 4/2
MK II from 6.5/3.25 to 6/3
MK III from 8.5/4.25 to 9/4.5
MK IV from 10.5/5.25 to 12/6.5
MK V from 12/6 to 15/9
MK VI from 13.5/6.75 to 18.5/12
MK VII from 15/7.5 to 22/15

So Mk I-II get nerfed, III gets a slight buff and IV-VII get decent buffs.

EDIT: WTF with this formatting....my chart keeps getting ****** up.

Or, give all of them the Mk-7 stats, and use the TC build rules for installing them. They ARE redoing the mechlab, after all.

#497 Kain Demos


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Posted 07 April 2015 - 10:41 AM

View PostFirelizard, on 07 April 2015 - 10:10 AM, said:

Or, give all of them the Mk-7 stats, and use the TC build rules for installing them. They ARE redoing the mechlab, after all.

The TC build rules should not be hard to implement since they are bringing in MASC now which uses a similar formula.

Though basing it off of equipment on a 'mech may give them some issues......leading to your new mechlab point.

Edited by Kain Thul, 07 April 2015 - 10:47 AM.

#498 Andi Nagasia

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 01:22 PM

they could change CC & TC to these values,
my topic on new Refreshed CC & TC values(HERE),

=New Command Console & Targeting Computers=
with this im mind and since most everyone runs Targeting Computer Mk1,
but few seem to run higher Targeting Computers due to their benefits,
Perhaps its time to rework all the targeting computers,
New Command Console
Use= Only Medium, Heavy, & Assault,
Weight................................. 3Ton......(as TC-Mk3)...
Slots.....................................1Slot......(as TC-Mk1)...
Zoom distance.....................+16.0%...(as TC-Mk4)...
Sensor range......................+16.0%....(as TC-Mk4)...
Time to gather target info....-32.0%....(as TC-Mk4)...
Projectile speed...................+6.0%.....(as TC-Mk3)...
Beam weapon ranges..........+6.0%.....(as TC-Mk3)...
Beam weapon max ranges...+6.0%.....(as TC-Mk3)...
Increased crit chance...........+12.0%...(as TC-Mk3)...
(Zoom, Sensor, & Time-to-Target-Info are based on TC Mk4)
(Projectile-Speed, Beam-Range, & Crit are based on TC Mk3)
New Targeting Computers
Use= Light, Medium, Heavy, & Assault,
STATS.................................TC Mk1.....TC Mk2.....TC Mk3.....TC Mk4.....TC Mk5.....TC Mk6.....TC Mk7...
Weight................................. 1Ton.........2Ton..........3Ton..........4Ton..........5Ton...........6Ton...........7Ton...
Zoom distance.....................+4.0%........+8.0%.......+12.0%.......+16.0%......+20.0%......+24.0%......+28.0%.
Sensor range......................+4.0%........+8.0%.......+12.0%.......+16.0%......+20.0%......+24.0%......+28.0%.
Time to gather target info....-8.0%.........-16.0%......-24.0%........-32.0%......-40.0%.......-48.0%.......-56.0%.
Projectile speed...................+2.0%........+4.0%.......+6.0%.........+8.0%.......+10.0%.......+12.0%......+14.0%.
Beam weapon ranges..........+2.0%........+4.0%.......+6.0%.........+8.0%.......+10.0%.......+12.0%......+14.0%.
Beam weapon max ranges...+2.0%........+4.0%.......+6.0%.........+8.0%.......+10.0%.......+12.0%......+14.0%.
Increased crit chance...........+4.0%........+8.0%.......+12.0%.......+16.0%......+20.0%......+24.0%......+28.0%.

#499 Kain Demos


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Posted 07 April 2015 - 02:05 PM

That is actually less projectile speed than what you can currently get.

#500 Ialdabaoth


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 12:33 PM

Dunno about TC's, but CC should really have a different kind of effect than it does. Ideally, a CC should allow a whole team to share locks more quickly, adding a bonus to air strike accuracy, artillery accuracy, missile lock time, and target info gathering time for the entire team.

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