Shredhead, on 16 June 2014 - 04:35 AM, said:
Sure buddy. So, as an IS pilot I'll have to drive full meta or lights. Got ya. Man, that balance is awesome!
Or any other mech. My Orion is as far from meta as possible. It doesn't have a single elite skill on it yet, and I've been wrecking test-tube babies with it. Seriously, stop whining and complaining.
I engage clan mechs within <300 meters since I have 2 SRM4s in there.
Here's my build, look at that, and then understand that with that set up, plus only the 8 basics, I've killed plenty of clan mechs.
Even the weapons you're critiquing aren't actually bad. You're just delusionaly convinced they are bad. We've been using them, on the PTS (which has the build for June 17th), and off the PTS. You've been just talking theory and on-paper, and we've actually been testing this, and have factual empirical evidence that is telling you, that you are wrong. Last time I checked, you can theory craft all you want, however, proper experimentation is the ultimate proof. You clearly haven't experimented or tested.
The numbers and data are actually on our side. You're just blind to it, and won't accept anything but your own interpretation.
Gorgo7, on 16 June 2014 - 09:33 AM, said:
As Cimarb says he and his friends enjoy "winning" these arguments on the forums and are not interested in addressing your concerns. Instead they want you to join them or go away.
So be prepared to a) exhaust yourself with well reasoned arguments (that will not prevail) or

troll them
Your call.
Gorgo7, I have never done this before on an online forum, but for the love of god, stop. Your posts have been the most useless, and least conducive ones on this thread, and most of the others where I have seen you post. Your philosophy of "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" has shone more than once, and it's always in the same pattern. You start an argument. You lose, and immediately start declaring that everyone else is either a troll, a liar, or "factually" (according to you, and heavy emphasis on "factually" since it's your anecdotal evidence) wrong.
If you want, I will go with you, point by point over every single detail you want to propose. I will consider them, and give them a proper response, be it a disagreement or approval.
Now, how about both of you show us all the "evidence and numbers on my side" you have? You're the one making the challenge, step up.
Edited by IraqiWalker, 16 June 2014 - 09:57 AM.