- By design,not all ships will be as good in combat as others,which works for the PU.However AC is all about the dogfighting.They will probably use a Point System like in Warhammer 40k.Basic idea floating around "and please don't quote me on the forums or Reddit with this" is that an Aurora would for example be worth one point (speculative) and the Hornet 4 points (speculative).If you kit it out with extra weapons it get bumped up to 6 points (speculative).The matchmaker then takes the available ships in the queue and makes a balanced match where both teams have the same amount of total points.
Battle Value/Matchmaker:
- 1) How do you feel about the difficulties that PGI has encountered while trying to implement 4x3?
- 2) Would you prefer that Battle Value for each mech is taken into account in the matchmaker?
- 3) Is that preference including ELO in the equation, or not?
- 4) What pro's or cons (or both) do you see with matchmaking via Battle Value, vs, via 4x3 class limits. If you answered yes to #3, then include ELO if comparing both of them.
- 1) How important are role specific game modes to you? Can you think of an example game mode to support your interest (optional)?
- 2) Do "respawn" or "arcade" game modes interest you at all? For example, Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, Survival (one team is massively OP with few numbers with only one life, while the other team has unlimited respawns and is at normal power who receive armor buffs, rate of fire buffs, damage buffs, etc, 4vs8)
- 3) Would you support the decision for certain game modes to only be assessable through Premium Matches?