Heffay, on 20 June 2014 - 08:13 AM, said:
UI 2.0? Achievements. Launch module?
Hang on there, wasnt that aimed at the quick development reference.
UI2 was implemented how long ago? and how long was it in development?
Same as Dropship mode errr now called Launch module, how long ago implemented and something that was supposedly on the board during beta. Can you anything different about Achievements?.
So ya you have those 3 things but how long was there development and how long ago they were implented does not ring of quick development.
And since then what really? The Clans? let me rephrase that for fact Clan mechs, i say again Mechs and some badges simple gifs or what ever. But you say they are clan mechs, yep they are, but to produce them in reality is just like doing IS mechs, nobody had to go do a refresher or extra course to do a Clan mech.
There was 3x4, that wasnt good, isnt there a rewrite in process for that? but no set delivery date? am i correct.
So these things you are hyping on about dont fall into quick development category do they.
CW by December, PGI has been telling you its been in development now what over 2 years, even now with the bottleneck(UI2) fixed what 3 months ago? so 3 since bottleneck opening and 6 months to go before December is what 9 months + the previous 2 years? you Hyping that as Quick.
Come on show some sense instead hyping up things just for the sake of white knighting.
On a different note, it seems by forum chatter and chatter on TS that the Clan Mechs have been done rather well, its early but early indications show PGI may be able to give themselfs a pat on the butt, gg.
Personally i give them an A for design and art work they do look good.