Gloris, on 20 June 2014 - 12:40 PM, said:
Ah so jagermechs for example "boat" 2 ac20s cause one is totally weak and UP, same with the ac5&ac2 only builds that ran arround before the AC nerfs, done because weapon UP and you HAVE to boat it.
Because if they were to strong back then jagers would only have fitted one ac2 and not needed the rest.
Guess that is why poptarts use TWO Ac5s and TWO PPCs, cause they are to weak to be used with ONE.
I see your reasoning
It makes perfect sense to me.
Since when was 2xLRM's OP? lol
You're talking about a stock Catapult. Boats carry 4+ launchers.
Btw, i use a stock-weapon JM6-S and i can tell you that if i get you in LOS you will get ripped to pieces much faster than any LRM boat will do it.
Edited by Wolfways, 20 June 2014 - 12:54 PM.