Adiuvo, on 21 June 2014 - 11:01 AM, said:
LRMs are support weapons. They are auto-aim. They are not (and should not be) able to go toe-to-toe with directly fired, aimed, weaponry. They're meant to enhance the damage on a target that your friendly's are currently engaged with, which they do just fine at the moment.
I'll leave it to one of the military veterans on the forums to explain to you why "support weapon" =/= long distance featherduster, and hopefully there will be a WW2 buff to explain to you that even artillery and anti aircraft guns can be leveled and used to devastating effect against armor.
This isn't going to go anywhere if you exaggerate. I never said that LRMs shouldn't cause some visual distraction. It should be annoying. It shouldn't be crippling.
You're the one that's exaggerating.
The entire screen was filled with LRM explosions and the crosshair was jittered up and down to the point where it's pointless for actual aiming. Together these prevent any fighting back at all except for blindly alpha-striking in the red square's general direction.
Use the center of your screen, the fact that you know where the enemy mechs are and where they should be, the red targetting boxes and "magic doritos", the fact that the crosshairs turn red, THE FACT THAT YOUR MECH CAN STILL MOVE, your radar, and... I don't know.. piloting ability?
Yes, it can be disorienting when you get caught flat footed and LURM bukkaked.
If LRMs are to fit into your idea of a 'support weapon" why is that a bad thing? Your ideal role seems to be more akin to the current role of the flamer (yes it technically raises enemy heat, but not to any appreciable degree, enemies can just ignore it and shoot back at you).