NRP, on 23 June 2014 - 11:31 AM, said:
This is all kinds of awesome!
Where is Roadbeer?
Rebas Kradd, on 23 June 2014 - 11:33 AM, said:
I'd love to see him answer the players who think this is a bad idea.
He always thinks that PGI is the enemy and never considers that part of the community might agree with them.
After Russ little Twitter Fit he pulled a few weeks ago Roadbeer is done with the game as far as I know. After his little Meltdown (added to Niko's carpet bombing the community) I took the money I had set aside for a Masakari Package and spent it else where. If Those 2 things had not happened this I would have probably (or successful implementation of this ) spent that money now.
As far as the group que goes I think this is great, sure the were be some competitive players that will be in there but that's fine maybe you the team can learn something for the next time they come around. I am looking forward to this in my inner spear mechs. I would love to tweet this to Russ, but since he blocked me becuase I constructively criticized his antics on twitter I won't bother.
WarHippy, on 23 June 2014 - 12:26 PM, said:
They probably see it as being kind to the solo players, but as a solo player I find this to be kind of insulting. I want to be able to drop in the group queue as a fill in, but they seem to be convinced I wouldn't have more fun there so they try to "protect" me from the supposedly evil group players.
Yea I think make something you have to opt into, but solo players should be allowed to do this, I would do it all the time.
Edited by TKSax, 23 June 2014 - 12:32 PM.