Ghost Badger, on 23 June 2014 - 12:43 PM, said:
No, I understood you the first time. And my question is, why? Because more solos are new players and are thus "bads" that don't min/max?
Or is it because only true BT fans run sub-optimal builds, and don't do it in large groups? (Hint, yeah they do).
I understood what you're saying...I'm just saying that you have no evidence to support it and I think you're wrong.
So all the 2-4 mans that don't run Meta now, when thrust into the big bad group queue are suddenly going to have a religious experience and convert to the almighty poptart?
I don't think we're gonna agree on this until we actually let the damned this replicate on the servers, give it a few weeks and see what it's actually like. If I'm wrong THEN, I'll capitulate.

Those 2-4 mans who don't meta (like myself) either start using it because it's the only way to keep up (I've seen it many times) or they just get sick of it and go do something else.
Yes, we'll see how it is on the server. I hope to god I'm wrong, but I'll give them my feedback on what I see as potential problems now, in the hopes that it can help. Hopefully in a few weeks I will have been proven well and truly wrong.
Toker Hv52, on 23 June 2014 - 12:44 PM, said:
Do some of you really believe that every time you click "Launch" your going to drop against people you want to drop against???
This is war... take your losses, lick you wounds, man up.
Launch again... it's not like you will ALWAY drop against a meta 12-man group. Sheesh.
These changes are great. Can't wait for the test to see how it all hashes out.
Of coruse we don't believe that, that would be silly. **** happens, that's life. But this is not 'war', this is a video game. That you play to have fun. When ENOUGH matches are not fun, and a new patch threatens to make that problem worse, we have an issue.