1453 R, on 25 June 2014 - 06:46 AM, said:
Fantastic job of missing the point, my man. Might want to do more research on the subject.
Heh...ye know, I'm starting to see why this doesn't come up as often as it should.
Spikes enjoy having fun as much as the rest of us, Lily. Just because winning is their deepest, most satisfying fun doesn't mean that the rest of having fun is no longer fun. Many Spikes do, in fact, have an appreciation for Awesome, it's just distinctly secondary to winning. Just like there's very few players who don't like winning better than losing - even Timmy prefers to win when he can, he's just got a different core idea of Fun than the Spike does. A boring win is still boring, while an
awesome defeat is still awesome - but an awesome victory is the best game of all. It's less about whether you like winning or not and more about what satisfies you about the game - what it is about MWO, or any other game, that speaks to your soul and fulfills whatever it is you started playing that game to do.
It's why you get a lot of people identifying as Jonny whenever the subject comes up, despite their actual predilections being closer to Timmy or Spike - Timmy is seen as the cheerful idiot who has fun doing whatever he's doing but isn't actually any good or really worth playing with/against (all
manner of untrue, I have played some rippingly awesome Timmy-type players out there, but it's still the popular perception), while Spike is usually held up as an example of everything that's wrong with ultracompetitive gaming.
I'm as much Spike as Jonny - do I sound like a coldly inhuman Interwebs bully to you guys?
Timmy would like to win with
awesome, Jonny would like to win with cleverness, and Spike would like to win, end sentence. That doesn't really mean that a cleverly awesome win wouldn't be something all three would strive for, hm?
Unfortunately, we have a lot 100% spikes here who cry about any sloght change of their used meta. Which proofes 0% of Timmy or Johnny.
Also, Spikes do ruin the gameplay for the others. Timmy is playing is own strange kind of big win thing, he can be happy, if at leats, a few times, he cna win big. Bu vs hardcore Spikes, he will hardly until never have them.
Johnny has an similar trouble, Johnny is clever and Johnny knows how Spikes look like and work, but he does get bored very quickly by the Spikes when he constantly have to face them, because the result of such a match is much likely already predefined. So there is rarely a point for him to continue playing a game like that, except the game regulary changes enough so that Johnny can make new experiments for beating Spike. In stale games, that have a very limited Meta compared to the tools it offers, the Jimmy will very quickly come to the all or nothing point: becaome a Spike, or leave the game, because all science(fun) is done and Johnny has no reason to stay anymore. And Johnnies are the buffer between Timmies and Spikes. Because Johnny will test startegies at Timmies which makes him lose a few times for his science, whcih brings hapiness to Timmies when they win. Later Johnny goes to Spikes and test tehre what proofed on Timmies.
But in MWO, we can not directly matchup quite good. And when the Johnnies are gone, the Timmies will too unlikely get their big wins to be happy anymore. They will leave then too. Thats the moment at which many games die because of the population gets too low to sustain the costs. Also, when new stuff is added and the Johnnies are gone, many Spikes feel lost, because often they depend on Johnnies for revealing them the new and better possibilities. Sure there are also Johnny/Spike mixtures, but Spikey Jihnny won't reveal the tricks of his Johnny life, since they support his own Spike.
look at all the QQ's about Falldamage, allt he QQ's of lights, if they were more Johnny, they would see the opportunatey. Lights are small, agile and fast, the falldamge will very likely block many many parts of the maps as being able to passable safely. So the the Agility and speed of the lights will be even more an advantage. because on crimson/HPG/Therma, you can't brainless drop yourself from A to B without damage anymore. All heavy and slow mechs have to go long time consuming new routes. The lights will, by this new way to play, be penalised with this the least. It will give them tactical advantages they didn't had before. It will create new bottlenecks at the maps. Bottlenecks where the lights can wait for their prey. Or they can just continue to QQ because the Timmi or Spike in the is just seeing their currently playstyle dying.
A real competitive own scene, with maybe prizes is a good way, becasue they will soak up the spikeys, sicne they do not go stomp johnnies and Timmies anymore, because they are too busy being Spikes amongst Spikes for the small bone of success. But when ther eis nothign than the pure "win" many Spikes will unfortunately try to get on the Spikes and Johnnies because of the easy achieved goal.
Edited by Lily from animove, 27 June 2014 - 05:05 AM.