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Factions Which Do You Despise?

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#141 Karl Streiger


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Posted 27 March 2015 - 02:40 PM

Well that is what us was told - aye?
But were the Jaguars strong? Look the other Clans were curious that the home defense forces were not able to beat the invasion force.
Sorry if i would have been clan - and see that a "former" invasion clan is so easy beaten by "in my eyes" vermin - i would not think that this clan was strong - even when he appeared so before.

I would guess that the Smoke Jaguars were much weaker as any other Clan - they have lost almost everything during operation on Luthien and Tukayyid - well and when they were almost done with "rebuilding" there forces they lost the Tau? Galaxy?

if the StarLeague would have shown strenth they should have attacked the Ghost Bears - but the main plot of BT was never a very logic one.

Edited by Karl Streiger, 27 March 2015 - 02:41 PM.

#142 Twilight Fenrir


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Posted 27 March 2015 - 02:46 PM

View PostKarl Streiger, on 27 March 2015 - 02:40 PM, said:

if the StarLeague would have shown strenth they should have attacked the Ghost Bears - but the main plot of BT was never a very logic one.

I edited my post just before yours posted... but, the Ghost Bears were a Warden clan. Thus, not ideal targets.

As far as the fall of Huntress....

I'd bet all the clans had very little defenses in place on their home world. They were arrogant, and saw no need for there to be. The Inner Sphere had no idea where their home worlds were. And other clans would issue a formal challenge... Besides, the Home Worlds were much less important to them than the conquest of Terra. They pulled everything they had out to achieve those ends.

Either way, it worked. The clan invasion was stopped. It was the right choice at the time.

#143 Mech42Ace


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Posted 03 May 2015 - 08:40 PM

Glad to see the thread still going so strongly, thanks for your replies guys, I do appreciate them. ^_^
For me I still despise davion the most, just because of their In-Your-Face red white and blue honor guards scheme. Though of there are many other bigger reasons to dislike a faction lol.

#144 Ayures


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 01:01 AM

View PostLily from animove, on 27 March 2015 - 09:05 AM, said:

thats envy

The problem with clan wolf is, they kept the kerensky lore more than the others, but in a game about fighting in mechs vs each others this is nonsense and kinda boring.

clan "Good Doge"

8000 hours in mspaint

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#145 Richard Hazen


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Posted 12 May 2015 - 04:43 AM

From what I've read so far, aside from the obvious like WoB, only the Draconis Combine seems to get my ire up.

#146 Hannibal Chow


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Posted 12 May 2015 - 05:55 AM

We don't like Marik in my house! ;)

#147 Richard Hazen


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Posted 12 May 2015 - 12:20 PM

I was wondering has Liao done anything majorly wrong? They don't seem to have a history article on Sarna.

#148 Tezcatli


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Posted 25 May 2015 - 09:32 AM

View PostLily from animove, on 27 March 2015 - 09:05 AM, said:

thats envy

The problem with clan wolf is, they kept the kerensky lore more than the others, but in a game about fighting in mechs vs each others this is nonsense and kinda boring.

clan "Good Doge"

After reading the Blood of Kerensky trilogy. Especially the last book. It just felt like Clan Wolf conveniently knew what should be common knowledge of strategy and Tactics. But the other Clans were incompetent apparently. Which I guess when you're used to fighting battles with some convoluted stupid system. It takes away from your understanding of the practicalities of real war. Yet somehow Clan Wolf doesn't have that problem. : /

#149 RagingOyster


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Posted 25 May 2015 - 09:58 AM

View PostGonaDie, on 29 June 2014 - 12:43 AM, said:

True...But still...Why people hate the Clans so much? IS are as bad as the Clans.

People hate the clans because they have a smug superior attitude towards the denizens of the IS. They are also tremendous hypocrites, saying they're here to restore the Star League but also butchering civilians and preaching a ridiculous caste system. Last but not least, for all their "trueborn warrior culture" bs they are hilariously bad at actual war. Without their tech the IS would've stomped them.

On topic, my most despised factions would have to be the Smoke Jags (overly aggressive {Richard Cameron}), Davion (generic good guys, always win) and the Capellans (moustache-twirling {Richard Cameron})
honorable mention goes to Clan Wolf for being the biggest Mary Sue in the game

Edited by RagingOyster, 25 May 2015 - 10:00 AM.

#150 RagingOyster


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Posted 25 May 2015 - 02:45 PM

View PostMarack Drock, on 25 May 2015 - 12:58 PM, said:


OK. First, I'm contracted with Marik. That doesn't mean I auto-agree with everything they've ever done. I'm also contracted for the navy IRL, but I don't necessarily agree with 100% of my country's decisions.

I don't like the Wolves because they're a Mary Sue faction. They can do no wrong, always know best and rarely lose. I don't dislike them because they are wrong, I dislike the fact that they're virtually ALWAYS RIGHT. It gets pretty stale, you know?

As to the Clans being douches, they are. You can't deny it. Just hold on and think for a second:
You listed some terrible atrocities committed by IS powers. Fair enough, but I never said the IS were good. You're misreading my post if you think I have a high opinion of any IS state. Never did I say the IS was better, nor did I say their hands were clean. I just like to laugh at the Clans and their hypocrisy. Their castes are pointless, their combat doctrine is naive and their slang sounds ridiculous. They say their the good guys while they prosecute a war of aggression against people who didn't ask or want to be "liberated". As a side note: why do you keep calling the IS "you" in your reply? Isn't that and FRR emblem on your profile lol? I would think the nation that got roflstomped by the clans wouldn't be so eager to praise them.

Last, your Wolf fanboying is insane. They didn't win planets by negotiating, they conquered them just like any other Clan. In fact, they conquered far more worlds than any other clan. Only difference was that they worked more closely with ComStar to administer their worlds, speeding up the process and freeing up troops for further conquests. They also didn't defeat any other Clan warriors on Tukk. They fought the ComGuards just like the other Clans. They just happened to beat them, unlike most others. The Wolves are the Davions of the Clans: Mary Sue good guys.

#151 Tapdancing Kerensky


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Posted 26 May 2015 - 01:16 AM

Firstly, lol at the people taking rock'em sock'em internet robots waaayyy too seriously.

Second, the correct answer is "whoever caused the most civilian casualties".

Sooo.... WoB?

#152 RagingOyster


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Posted 26 May 2015 - 07:14 AM

View PostMarack Drock, on 26 May 2015 - 05:02 AM, said:


Alright man. Clearly you're a fanboy and your "2 years spent researching nothing but Clan Wolf" proves that. You also prove my point of Clan Wolf always winning as you reference the countless times they beat the other clans, beat their IS opponents and were on the side of the victors in literally every war they've ever fought save one. I can also tell by your constant "lulz" that you are either a child, or just have the maturity level of one.

I'm not here to argue the merits of fictional civilizations with you. Anyone with any real-world experience can tell you the Clans idea of "war" is ridiculous. "Honor duels" and "bidding" don't happen in a real conflict. That's why Focht crushed the Clans on Tukk and it's why the SLDF 2.0 rolled the Jags. Even before Tukk, every Clan but the Mary Sue Wolves were bogged down with resistance and insurrection because they didn't understand that the people they conquered and repressed didn't abide by their stupid rules. War is hell man, there is nothing great or noble about it and a society that glorifies it is totally naive. That's not opinion, it's fact.

I'd also remind you that, unlike you, I'm not a fanboy. I'm not some Marik worshiper. They're the House I contract with, and the only democracy in the sphere. I like them because they aren't the most powerful, and I love an underdog. I don't want the faction with the biggest army or the highest tech or the best leadership. We live in a world or grays, and I like my FWL because they are gray not black-and-white.

#153 RagingOyster


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Posted 27 May 2015 - 08:16 PM

View PostMarack Drock, on 26 May 2015 - 09:34 AM, said:



Step by step then.

Yeah, you are acting like a fanboy obsessively defending the Clans (esp. Wolf). You might not be a Wolf fan, but you're certainly acting like one and every response where you backpedal and defend their nonstop winning reinforces it. Quickly trying to turn around and say "Well nu-uh because I also spent 2 years researching theses other two factions" doesn't do a whole lot to help your case. Kind of just feels like a knee-jerk backpedal, but hey I do genuinely admire your dedication to the lore. Only problem I have is you're trying to put words in my mouth, and you're "countering" arguments I never even made.

Just because "honorable" warfare existed doesn't mean it makes sense. Nazism and racism also exist, but those make no more sense than bidding away forces in a battle. Their caste system also makes no more sense than the Indian caste system. Their entire society, while certainly interesting, also makes very little sense from a real-world standpoint.
Yes, our society does enjoy violence. I play lacrosse in college and certainly love a good hit. I box, and I love watching UFC. I don't watch Nascar (F1 is better imo) but I know people like that too. What I said was, a society that glorifies war is naive. The things you cited were (save dueling) organized events designed as both an outlet for people's aggression and as tests of skill. We don't glorify war (some individuals probably do, but they are just silly) so all your examples are irrelevant. I said war, not violence. Don't try to misquote me to make your argument stronger. You'll also note that I never said that the idea of keeping casualties down is bad, but the fact that the Clans are a society that glorifies war for its own sake is patently insane. Sure, dress it up however you want, try to put rules and regulations in it, but at the end of the day war is war and it is almost always the least-desirable course.

Literally everything I said was fact. You are grasping at straws for argument's sake. I never once said the IS consistently beat the Clans, I said Focht beat them on Tukk and the Star League wiped out the Jags. Both those things happened. Focht won fair and square even with inferior forces, and the SLDF defeated the entirety of Clan Smoke Jaguar, first driving them out of the IS (Operation Bulldog, where the Jags had something like 8 (under strength) galaxies in their occupation zone) then beating them on their homeworld (Operation Serpent, where the IS did posses the advantage until the remainder of the Jags returned and evened the odds.) I also never said honor-bound war didn't take place, I said the Clans idea of it is naive. Which it is. Ask a soldier. Ask me, I'm shipping out with the Navy next year. Honor duels and bidding don't happen in real war. In real war, you beat the other guy with what's available to you in the fastest most efficient way you can. We're very good at it, and given the same level of tech and skill I'm confident the US military would crush the Clans at every turn until they learned the same lesson Sherman tought the South: total war sucks, especially when you're on the receiving end. The fact that you keep defending their ridiculous honor ******** reeks of someone with little actual experience. If you'd like, I can talk to you in private messages about the friends and family I've lost to war and all the reasons why it's nothing to be ******* praised.

Well, I'm an adult so I can admit fault. You're right, the FWL is not a true democracy, though it is also not a monarchy. The Captain-Generalship is not a monarch, They certainly have broad power, but the position is not subject to any rule of primogeniture which invariably passes power down within the family. The fact that it's always a Marik is because of their family's role in the formation of the Star League. It has simply been a historical precedent keeping it hereditary since then as far as I'm aware.

Nowhere did I say the Clans didn't win plenty. What I did say is that their idea of war is naive, which it is. Bidding away forces and declaring 1v1 duels in battle is ridiculous. Ask literally anyone who has ever been to war if it's a good idea to tell the enemy about your disposition or hamstring yourself with pointless rules. Their "zellbringen" is as funny as it is insane from a real-world combat perspective, and virtually every Clan victory can be attributed to three things: overwhelmingly superior technology, their troops being born and raised to fight (making them better on a man-for-man basis than their IS counterparts) and the total surprise that cam with the invasion (most IS governments were totally unresponsive for months on end, hampering any effort to fight back)
And no, I'm not completely wrong. For all your touting yourself as well-read, you seem to contingently forget that the Jags had to devote huge numbers of troops to garrison Kurita worlds because of the constant insurgency there. They had to call up reinforcements from back home because the problem got so bad. So yes, they were bogged down. I also don't recall the Clans attacking each other during the invasion, so I'd love to see a reference for that. You also keep talking about the Wolves defeating the other Clans; I am not sure if you realize it, but I'm talking about Revival. When did the Wolves defeat other Clans during the invasion? I know about what when down later on the homeworlds with the absorptions and whatnot, but I don't think the Wolves ever fought against their fellow clanners during Revival...

You say I manipulate facts, but rather than respond in any meaningful way to what I said, you are fabricating arguments that suit you. Most of the points you made were in response to things I never even said.

To recap:

1. You reference castes and honor existing. I never said they didn't exist, just that they aren't smart. So you fail to respond to that point.

2. You reference the Clans victories. I never said they didn't win often, I said they are naive. They are, and they lost because of it. So you failed to respond here as well.

3. You reference contact sports and dueling. I never said we aren't a naturally violent race, what I said was a society that glorifies war is naive. Which it is. You fail to respond yet again.

4. You say the Wolves won often because they did what we call "reconnaissance". If the Clans weren't such a volatile mix of arrogant and ********, they would have done the same. The fact that only the Wolves have any common sense at all proves that they are Mary Sues. So, again, you fail to respond to the actual point (that is, the Wolves are Mary Sues)

5. You call me "completely wrong"... but you didn't even respond to what i said... The Clans idea of war is naive. That's a fact. They were bogged down with resistance. Also a fact. The FWL isn't a dictatorship (at least not in the autocratic sense you are talking about, though the Cap-Gen does have greater and greater power as the timeline goes on).

Now, unless you have some valid point to make I believe I'm done responding here.

#154 Stealth Fox


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Posted 27 May 2015 - 08:21 PM

Kurita, and Jade Falcon frankly.. both of them I heavily dislike.

#155 Mazzyplz


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 01:14 AM

word of blake is my fav. you can never kill enough civilian :D - i roleplay the dark side nao

i also kill marik because civil war *******!!!!

#156 Mazzyplz


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 04:22 AM

you do realize these factions are fictional???!?!??!

HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! you guys need to get some real life people to hang out with

#157 Nightmare1


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 06:36 AM

View PostMech42Ace, on 25 June 2014 - 08:37 PM, said:

Which faction do you hate/loathe the most, and why?

Personally I would choose Davion because like others have said on this forum that they are the stereotypical good guy faction.

Why hate on the good guys?

Personally, I dislike the bad guy factions. :)

Edited by Nightmare1, 28 May 2015 - 06:36 AM.

#158 RagingOyster


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 10:09 AM

View PostMarack Drock, on 28 May 2015 - 03:41 AM, said:


So, again, you miss every one.

It's stated over and over and over again that one of the big reasons the Jags and Falcons advance was slowing down with each successive wave is because of difficulty administering their worlds. You are either unaware of this fact, or willfully ignoring it.

Just because something lasts a long time does not mean it works or is intelligent. Slavery has existed for all of recorded history, but certainly isn't a good thing. Class divides (aka a caste system) are a bad thing, creating stratification that leads to societal decay. That's a fact. We have seen it proven accurate all throughout history. Notice how feudalism no longer exists, or how the class divide here in the US is causing violence and tension, or how the Indian caste system was abolished and you'll see that the historical precedent points to castes and repression not working.

The Wolves are textbook Sues. They conveniently have info and common sense that none of their opponents have and even in defeat find a way to remain central good guys in the plot.

The WoB are what we call a Villain Sue, evil to the point of insanity for no real reason other than to be antagonists.

That's fine, never said you did. What is true, though, is that in many cases human morality transcends societal boundaries. Morally, war is almost invariably not the best choice. That's true now, and it will be no less true in the 32nd century. The only reason the Clans "value life" is because they can't replenish losses quickly. If they had the same population as the IS, they'd be butchering each other in droves in the name of "honor" and "glory", which is ********. You say you've lost family in the middle east, and then say "So what?" to war? Yeah, that rings hollow. The Clans are naive when it comes to war. Even the writers agree, citing it as the reason Focht beat them (because he used tactics, the environment etc. rather than brute force). You're literally arguing an invalid point. The Clans were naive of what a war really was. It's not some romantic honor duel where everyone abides by all the rules and you win some ******** glory. It's war. You kill the other guy with whatever means you have at your disposal. Their "tactics" (if you can call them that) didn't work, their superior tech, skill and surprise worked. Much like {Godwin's Law} in Russia (or Napoleon in Russia, or the Japanese in the Pacific or any umber of other examples throughout history), they made huge gains due to initial shock and generally superior men and gear, then stalled and finally lost.

View PostMarack Drock, on 28 May 2015 - 05:35 AM, said:

and am preparing for college.

So you're what? In high school or fresh out of high school? Yeah, tell me all about your real-world experience.

#159 Mech42Ace


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 11:12 AM

View PostNightmare1, on 28 May 2015 - 06:36 AM, said:

Why hate on the good guys?

Personally, I dislike the bad guy factions. :)

Becuase the good guys are overrated! :D

#160 Nightmare1


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 11:18 AM

View PostMech42Ace, on 28 May 2015 - 11:12 AM, said:

Becuase the good guys are overrated! :D

Even this one? ;)

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