Note: This is in the order that it was uploaded, not necessarily in the order things took place.
Match was close... had the trollstarter lance didn't screw around and finish off the cap properly
4-man (close to end of my night):
Too much ECM, relatively speaking - players get indecisive... go figure.
5-man (with 7-man):
Rolled via teamwork - gee, what's new?
4-man (somewhat confident was in big boy queue):
The match result wasn't expected, as the opfor kinda managed to drag us out of the Thunderdome... that and a lance was attacking from the side.
4-man (opfor had 7-man):
Who da' thunk teamwork was the solution?
5-man (opfor had 5 man):
I kinda think the lack of ECM on the opfor was probably an issue.
I recall a distinct ineffective amount of teamwork on our end (the premade I was in).
IIRC, tactical errors and ECM were a culprit.
The 4-man premade in Charlie lance carried...
Call good targets, win game.
7-man (7-man premade on opfor I think):
7-man (5-man on opfor):
Some people didn't carry their weight on the opfor, I imagine...
It was a clusterf***, and we managed to scratch the win out.
8-man (6-man opfor):
IIRC, the problem was tactical. The enemy stayed low and the 4-man premade unfortunately dropped into that section and died (probably some of ours as well). Poor execution.
Poor focus fire IIRC.
lol @ complaining about lurms
8-man (opfor had at least a 4-man):
Go figure?
Fatlases need to pull their weight.
4-man (last match of the night, vs 6+5+dunno who that LNW belonged to one of the premades):
Did our part, and then some.
Hope this was enlightening.