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Kit Fox Vs Raven , What Is The Point ?

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#1 Tereva


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 06:42 PM

Hi all,

Maybe I'm wrong but it seems to me that the KitFox has the same game-play as the Raven 3L
The difference being :
* 30% less speed
* worst heat efficiency
* Jumpjet

Sure having jumpjets is nice, but I do not think they conter balance the lower speed and worse heat.

Any idea to make it more enjoyable ?



#2 Koniving

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Posted 26 June 2014 - 06:53 PM

Play it differently?

It's only playing the same because you're playing it the same way.

Try something different.
Change weapons.
Set up for different ranges.
Become an LRM boat.
Pack on the Ultra 10s and watch things DIE! O_O!

#3 TheCaptainJZ


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 06:54 PM

You can play it like the ERLL Ravens, sure, but you also have triple AMS at your disposal. You can also slap on some ballistic weapons (mostly small ones). Plus, you can configure it to hold more missiles.

One build I ran: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...c4628e16b05c7e1

Another idea: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...a4f8c6c3aa60bc5

#4 Just wanna play


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 06:56 PM

Are you saying this with or with out a kit fox c arm? if so yeah it does become a bit of a raven with it but more ams, and if not go get one if a better raven is what you a re looking for. If you dislike the raven and DON'T want the fox to be like one, i guess just listen to kon

#5 Mahws


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 06:56 PM

Stop trying to play it like a Raven? <_<

The raven has the advantage of greater speed. The Kitfox has the advantage of greater weapon tonnage, lighter weapons, harder hitting weapons, potentially better heat and jump jets.

Try playing it as an ECM LRM boat, a PPC poptart or a SRM brawler. Or throw on some SSRM6 and play bodyguard for your heavies.

#6 Tereva


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 07:38 PM

Sorry looks like I was not clear.

I love my raven, and yes I was talking of the KitFox with ECM.

IMO the thing is either too slow or do not have enough weapon or armor to be useable without ECM.
Starting from there doing a ECM snipper makes sense, except IMO the Raven is better in that role.

Haven't try a ECM LRM boat, might be fun.

SRM brawler ??? Seriously ?


Edited by Tereva, 26 June 2014 - 07:47 PM.

#7 Mahws


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 07:54 PM

Seriously, half weight SRM make it surprisingly viable. Stick behind your big guys and pop out to hammer the enemy with a wall of SRM. You're fast enough and small enough to use your bigger allies as moving cover and can pack a high enough burst damage to ruin someones day.

Alternatively you could try running it with the ECM arm. 12xSRM and an ERLL or ERPPC whilst providing ECM coverage for your allies is nothing to sneeze at.

I've never run it, but I've been the big slow meatshield with a Kit Fox behind me. It was certainly appreciated to have them there, both to protect me from the LRM rain and to finish off whatever I was pounding on before it could get off a last alpha strike.

The Raven's big advantage is that it can run off on its own and snipe with ERLL. You can't do that reliably with a Kit Fox, but you do have the right speed for supporting your teams death ball with ECM and quick burst damage to help focus down wounded enemies.

Edited by Mahws, 26 June 2014 - 07:54 PM.

#8 Grey Black


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 07:54 PM

View PostTereva, on 26 June 2014 - 07:38 PM, said:

Sorry looks like I was not clear.

I love my raven, and yes I was talking of the KitFox with ECM.

IMO the thing is either too slow or do not have enough weapon or armor to be useable without ECM.
Starting from there doing a ECM snipper makes sense, except IMO the Raven is better in that role.

Haven't try a ECM LRM boat, might be fun.

SRM brawler ??? Seriously ?


SRMs are quickly earning their place as viable weapons again, thanks to the hit registry fix implemented recently. Why not use ECM to sneak up on the enemy then SRM them in the back?

#9 KuroNyra


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 09:55 PM

I use my Prime Kitfox has the "Foxbrella".

Of course with a stupid name like this one, I obviously use the triple AMS system.
I use it since just a few match and multiple time I've already saw some nice quote from my opponnent.

<< F*ck you LRM umbrella! Y U NO LET ME KILL U!>>
<< Ho f*ck, what does the fox say? AMS! AMS EVERYWHERE! >>
<< Man, for a lot of AMS, THAT'S a lot of AMS... GIVE ME YOUR ARM! NAOOOWWW!!!! >> (that one was an Atlas who loosed his right arm, while I was out of my 11 000 AMS ammo. =3 )

How do I use it? Simple, 3 Clam Medium laser, 2 MG with 8k of ammo.
And I stay with the big one's. Provinding fire support. And placing my selft between the LRMS and the ennemy. ^^

Clan LRM are so easier to stop. ^^

Edited by KuroNyra, 26 June 2014 - 09:56 PM.

#10 Redshift2k5

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Posted 27 June 2014 - 03:43 AM

Sure, the Kit Fox has less speed and os must be treated differently. Compared to a 3L with dual ERLL it gets more damage & more range, plus optional jumpjets plus many other options from the mixable omnipods. The Kit Fox is less suited to a srmisher role since it cannot escape as well but makes a great CERLL support and JJ jets it get into excellent positions.

Short range builds work too, although you still tend ot want to stick to the big guys (like if you were a medium) instead of running face-first into the fray and being a tiny, fast annoyance like a Spider can do.

#11 TercieI


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 03:48 AM

So far I've liked ECM, 3AMS (2T), ERPPC, ERLL, 2JJ best.

3ERLL is ok, but I missed the AMS (which surprised me) and the ability to get off quick pinpoint pop-shots (which did not)

Edited by Terciel1976, 27 June 2014 - 03:49 AM.

#12 Tarriss Halcyon


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 04:04 AM

What's the point?


I love my Kit Fox, and I loathe Raven. I especially hate the 2ERLL Ravens who think that, because they have a "snipers" loadout, and ECM, that they can sit off on their own and do that, depriving the team of it's ECM.

That's all well and good, except for the arrogance attached to it. But the Kit Fox is far more versatile than that jack of all trades IS mech. Triple AMS and ECM basically makes you a portable missile shield. If you're running support gear, your assaults love you when you stay with them and keep the missiles off their backs. Other mechs love you, because you've got more firepower than a light mech should, and you protect them. Ravens are neutral to you, because they still feel that they've got some superiority... they really don't...

What you should NOT do is run the Kit Fox like an ERLL Raven. Ever. Arm hardpoints are too low-slung, even for poptarting, and I suggest that you NEVER poptart Large Lasers. You've got better ballistic weapons, and high-mounted torso ballistics in the KTF-S. You've got quarter-tonne MGs, longer-ranged lasers and SRMs, what is there that you could possibly desire?

If you want to play like an ERLL Raven, stop. Get out of the Kit Fox. Get into the ERLL Raven. Play that.

#13 Ursh


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 04:15 AM

The point is that the Kitfox lends itself to actually supporting its team, while the ERLarge laser raven 3Ls flit around the edges of the map, annoying but not killing anyone, while their team gets lrmed to death.

#14 TercieI


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 04:18 AM

I'm sorry you guys have had bad experiences with 2ERLL Ravens but the sweeping generalizations are silly. I've seen a lot of players use that build in an effective and team-supporting way.

#15 Koniving

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Posted 27 June 2014 - 04:46 AM

I had a build with twin UAC/2, 1 ER ML, and 2 SRM-6s with a few jumpjets and plenty of ammunition alongside the ECM and triple AMS. Perfectly viable. Snipe with the UAC/2s. When things get close shotgun 'em with the SRMs. Don't like your enemies? Jump over them.

There's some side torsos and some legs that allow jumpjets.

97 is MORE than fast enough for a light mech. I mean heck, my Ember and firestarters are perfect examples of how viable a brawling light without ECM is. Just requires intelligent positioning and engagement.

#16 Jakob the Traitor


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 04:55 AM

The kitfox also travels almost the identical speed as clan heavys such as the summoner and timberwolf My Unit utilizes it as a support mech normally inbetween such mechs giving us ECM and enough AMS (3XAMS) which can hold off multiple missle boats

#17 JonahGrimm


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 04:58 AM

Howabout trying a completely different playstyle? This mech is designed for close fire support -


This isn't meant to pepper enemies at long range, but, rather, hang back with the assaults, give them ECM coverage, TAG targets for focus fire, and contribute some LRMs when you know they're going to hit. By the way - the Kitfox-D standard variant may be the best close-fire-support mech design I've seen yet, after watching it in the hands of a skilled pilot.

The base playstyle here is to expose only long enough to land a NARC, then simply run behind cover, out of LOS, and pound away merrily with them able to do not a thing about it. I'm not good at running the Kitfox in general, but using a standard D I put paid to the aspirations of many a poptart.

I think that people assume you HAVE to have that C-arm, when the kitfox actually shines without it just as well. You could try an SRM brawler (with my aggressive playstyle, this works very well for me:)


... you'll need to adjust ammo for taste, and know that the last ton is reserved for a targetting computer, when they do something. This thing is an /SRM24/, with a 48 point alpha in close and the ability to cancel enemy ECM. Run with your heavies or mediums, and engage with 'em on a target - especially ECM carriers. You can make this a truly nasty fire support mech by trading in the streaks like so:


This reduces your personal firepower a bit to fit a NARC and jumpjets for increased mobility. You can also drop the jumpjets and add Artemis to further nastify your firepower. Takes a bit of skill, though, to make this work well.... I'm working this build at the moment, and am arguing between CSRM6 and CSSRM4 loadouts.

That C arm is nice, but it ain't as necessary as people think.

#18 RadioKies


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 05:06 AM

View PostTereva, on 26 June 2014 - 06:42 PM, said:


Strange you see it that way. I see the KitFox as a revised Raven 3L. More AMS, better weapons (clanlasers own the IS ones). The only real advantage the Raven has over the KitFox is the high mounted arm lasers like the Stalker has. Can you post your build, how is it that the KitFox has a way worse heatmanagement? The Raven has the biggest disadvantage of both mechs... dem freaking leggs are so fragile.

Having said that, I prefer the Adder because of looks :)

#19 Redshift2k5

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Posted 27 June 2014 - 05:06 AM

View PostKoniving, on 27 June 2014 - 04:46 AM, said:

I had a build with twin UAC/2, 1 ER ML, and 2 SRM-6s with a few jumpjets and plenty of ammunition alongside the ECM and triple AMS. Perfectly viable. Snipe with the UAC/2s. When things get close shotgun 'em with the SRMs. Don't like your enemies? Jump over them.

There's some side torsos and some legs that allow jumpjets.

97 is MORE than fast enough for a light mech. I mean heck, my Ember and firestarters are perfect examples of how viable a brawling light without ECM is. Just requires intelligent positioning and engagement.

I agree that lights can certainly be viable at less than 150kph (My Kit Fox is by far my post successful Clan mech!). Especially if you can bring the firepower of a medium.

That build sounds like fun, any chance of shating the details? I expect it's too low on ammo for my taste but I'd love to give it a try. My Kit Foxes have been running 3ERML/2MG/2AMS and 2 ERLL/2MG, very fun. Haven't tried using real ballistics on them yet.

Edited by Redshift2k5, 27 June 2014 - 05:07 AM.

#20 RadioKies


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 05:07 AM

View PostWarWolfSW, on 27 June 2014 - 05:02 AM, said:

When it comes to light mechs everyone has gotten used to the idea of being able to go over the 100KPH in a light. Speed is life for light I get that and with most IS designs this is field truth of it but....

Ever since they made LRM go so freaking fast that they will hit you 96.8% of the time the speed of lights going over 100 isn't so valueable anymore.

-edit- this was supposed to be added to my previous post :/

Edited by RadioKies, 27 June 2014 - 05:08 AM.

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