Caviel, on 28 July 2014 - 01:10 PM, said:
quite simply, you can NOT have any kind of meaningful CW without some sort of economy. To have an economy there HAS to be a cost associated of some kind with upkeep. There HAS to be cost of losing facilities, access to materials, etc. and that means there has to be consequences for having repairs and keep ammo supplies running. You simply cannot get around that.
If you do CW without said economy, the only thing you've created is a leaderboard based on which faction owns xx amount of planets. That's it. There's no real consequence to losing, running expensive mechs and builds non-stop, taking planetary resources, etc. That IS map then becomes nothing more than a leaderboard to show which faction is in "1st" place, there's no need for things like alliances, role warfare, etc. You have exactly what you have now except now you have a leaderboard...
That's NOT what I, and I sincerely doubt MANY others, want CW to be and envisioned based on PGI's information given to us. So again, you've got to have an economy for CW or you don't have CW.