When did they add "A Battletech Game" to the Mechwarrior logo? Has that always been there.
I love the changes. This is an improvement to the game , but it exacerbates one problem I have. Maybe a couple.
1. Give me consumables that cost 40 million, but automatically refill for no cost. I can stand 40 million. But I have played over 2000 games and would LIKE to play 2000 more. That's 80,000,000 c-bills more. Too much.
(That's fair, isn't it?)(yes, price points are subjective).
In addition, buying 200 Modules is too much. They cost too much for that to ever happen.
2(a) Once you buy a module, it should be able to be effectively equipped on all mechs simultaneously.
After you buy a specific module, additional modules of that specific type should cost 10% of the price of the first one. Make it PRACTICAL (read: remotely sane) to put modules on all my mechs for lest than 3 times the cost of the mech in the first place.
That's fair, right?
Okay, so I kind of hate the new system, because it used to be that if the enemy took consumables, I had more non-consumables than them. Yes, arty/air/and coolshot are 2-4 times as good as any other module, but at least I had something!
Now that arty-strike I refuse to take is just an empty slot.
Of course, I never ACTUALLY equipped most of the modules I've spent 50 million on (that's a nova and 2 variants!!!) because switching them between mechs is a gigantic chore, and I change mechs every game or every other game.
So I never really use any consumables.
Now, stepping outside my hatred of consumables (I would have spent over 200 million on consumables by now if I only played my best. Instead of afking for soda during the loading screen and sometimes forgetting to come back. Yeah, yeah, there's a middle ground).
So, okay, I hate consumables because they are the best modules in the game, and ridiculously expensive in the long run. Hundreds of millions of cbills for the best modules. I know it's not pay to win, but given that I spent 20 million on my timberwolves alone, that's a lot of content I'm forgoing (7 chassis) to run 1 consumable per match . .
Where was I going.
The slot method is the best way to do modules - I actually like it. That way if say air/arty/coolshot are the 3 best modules, at least someone has to choose - you only HAVE to balance modules against the same category - that is WAY easier to do.
However, I hate consumables SO MUCH, that I now have to always run an empty module slot, which makes me even feel like MORE of a slacker. (Yes, I gem and enchant all of my gear. Even when I'm running random dungeons. I am that kind of person). So as much as I enjoy the game and happen to be sitting on 7800 MC, I just can't bring myself to load up the game because the cost of consumables is too daunting, and the need to wilfully cripple myself and put myself at a disadvantage bugs me.
[I don't mind playing BAD MECHS. Or FUN BUILDS. But if I make a "fun build" I make it the best it can possibly be! Mastered!]