Doctor Proctor, on 10 August 2014 - 11:33 AM, said:
At 500m and ISLL will not do full damage, nor will an ISML, while the CERLL will and the CERML will be taking a minor damage despite being the "close range" weapon of the two. Additionally, I play Brawlers mostly and I can tell you that most engagements don't get to under 500m until well into the match and after multiple mechs have died typcially. That means that the 500+ range weapons are doing plenty of damage to kill, and the Clan variants especially are still maintaining their full damage much farther out.
I too also play brawlers and aside from Alpine, never have an issue getting in under 500m or even closer if I need to, often without taking any damage getting there. You just use terrain to your advantage, simple as that.
As far as several mechs dying at longer ranges, well duh yeah it happens simply because long range mechs are dueling long range mechs at that point. Sure plenty of damage is going on here but that is because people with long range weapons want to fight at long range. However, as I mention above, you can pretty my dictate the range you want to fight in. Getting in under 150m well that it tough but 200-400m isn't difficult in most matches.
No, because the Clan version matches the heat efficiency of the IS weapon while still maintaining higher DPS and higher range. That's not "balance", that's clearly superior. What was supposed to happen is that the Clans would be hampered by higher heat, thus making heat management more important and forcing them to make their shots count instead of spamming them. The weight and slot savings completely negate this disadvantage, thus making it superior in EVERY SINGLE WAY other than heat, where they're about equal. And this is post nerf.
Ok you completely lost me on how the Clan weapons are doing higher DPS. 11.25 damage over 2.0 seconds is lower DPS than 9 damage over 1 second. That is simple math. Also Clans are suppose to be crippled by heat, I am not sure where you get that from.
Again, as I pointed out before, DPS is the burn time plus cycle time. When you do that the DPS are much closer, and in fact superior for the clans. Yes they still have to hold their fire longer, but this isn't all that much of a problem in most engagements. They're typically mounting significantly more firepower than an IS counterpart and will win the engagement.
And as I pointed out, the IS laser is done firing and 33% through its cycle before the clan weapons pulse has even ended. They both have a 3 second cool down, however the cooldown does start until after the burn completes. This means the IS ER LL fire once ever 4 seconds and clan ER LL fires once every 5 seconds. That is a 20% reduction right there and doesn't even account for all the other disadvantages as I mentioned earlier.
This leads to another point, one of the first things you have to get into your head is that there is a big difference between theoretic and practical application. You throw the two weapons into a lab and compare them against a stationary piece of FF armor 100m a way, fire them a few times, then compare and yeah they seem fairly close. Take them out of that lab and put them on moving mechs in a combat environment and things start changing immensely. A 1 second difference is a long time. It is time for an enemy to twist. It is time for them to get into cover. It is time for you to step in a crater that throws off you aim. It is time for one of your teammates to run into your line of fire. It is time that you have to be exposed to enemy fire. It is time for one of the enemies weapons to recycle and manage to get in a killing blow. These factors don't show up in a lab.
Also, torso twisting doesn't "negate" anything, it distributes the damage. You're still taking it. So instead of in the CT it gets spread across say CT, RT and RA. Guess what, eventually you'll lose that right arm, which probably has a weapon in it. Or you'll lose that RT, which could be an outright kill for the Clanner if the IS mech is running an XL. Damage is damage, and nothing in this game "negates" it other than a total miss.
Ok lets go with your language. It "distributes" damage. Fine I can work with that. If only manage to do 100 damage but I can "distribute" damage to the point where while I might have took 300 damage, lost both arms and a leg but am still alive and your dead, who wins the match?
That Clanner mech can torso twist too you know, which means he's distributing damage as well. Between two similarly skilled pilots they're not going to just face each other for 1 second EXACTLY before they start torso twisting, thus allowing the IS mech full damage while spreading half of the Clanners damage. No. Instead, they'll both be bearing down head on if they're not that good, or they'll both be twisting to spread damage if they are. Either way, the Clanner is putting out more DPS and will on average outdamage the IS mech. It's that simple.
Again your logic doesn't make sense.
IS vs Clan - both mechs using their respective ER LLs as armaments. Both start off by firing at each other.
After 1 second, IS mech does 9 damage to Clan CT and begins to twist. At this point Clan mech only manages 5.625 damage to IS mech. IS lasers start refreshing. Clan laser starts to "distribute damage to IS RT.
2 seconds in. Clan laser finishes pulse doing distributed damage to CT, RT and RA. Total damage 6 damage to CT, 3 damage to RT, 2.25 damage to RA. Clan laser starts to refresh. IS laser 33% through recycle, mech has also started cooling process and has cooled for 1 second. Clan mech doesn't twist because he is not currently taking fire.
4 seconds in, IS laser ready to fire. IS mech twists torso back to firing position and engages Clan mech. Clan mech now has two options, twist and ruin his aim or hold for an additional second and return fire.
Scenerio 1: twist.
Clan mech starts taking fire and he begins to twist. Because the IS burn time is so short, he only manages a half twist distributing half the damage between CT and half on his RT. IS mech begins twist immediately after burn time ceases so by the time Clan mech returns to fire position IS mech has already got his torso twisted and CT protected. Clan mech fires full 2 second burst into IS mechs arm for 11.25 damage.
Results so far.
IS: took 6 damage to CT, 3 damage to RT and 13.5 damage to RA. Arm is a bit hurt but the vulnerable CT and potentially RT are barely scratched. Also he can twist to the other side the next round.
Clan: took 13.5 damage to CT and 4.5 to RT. So the Clan mech took more than 4x the damage to CT. Given equal armor, it isn't hard to see the outcome of this pattern.
Scenario 2: hold and fire.
Clan mech starts taking fire to its CT. 1 second later it begins to fire but by this time has taken 9 more damage to CT. IS mech has started his twist again but this time to the other side. He again takes 6 damage to the CT but the other damage goes to this left side, 3 to the LT and 2.25 to the LA.
IS: took 12 CT damage. 3 RT damage, 3 LT damage, 2.25 RA damage, and 2.25 LA damage.
Clan: Took 18 damage to CT.
Ok so better result but as you can see even though the Clan mech is doing more damage, the IS mech is STILL going to kill the Clan mech much faster than it can kill him.
Remember, Clans v IS had a 90/10 win percentage in favor of the Clans. That didn't happen because all of their weapons are so terribad that anyone can simply "negate" their damage. No, that happened because they put out more DPS from farther out with almost minimal heat increases as the only "downside" (that's not really a downside).
No you are right. There probably needs to be some balancing done though I also think that win percentage was highly skewed by many IS pilots who gave up before even trying. Saw it happen myself time and time again. Half on the IS side complaining about it being a loss before it even began or how Clan mechs were OPed. Then some discoed and quit, others just rushed into the enemy and died to "qet it over with", leaving maybe half the team to actually "Try" to win. Yeah really good data there. Having 50% of every IS team give up before the match started pretty much guaranteed Clan mechs would win at least 75% of their matches.