Ultimatum X, on 09 August 2014 - 01:53 PM, said:
This is my proposal:

11.25 / (2+3.25) = 2.15 DPS
10 / (1.3+3.25) = 2.20 DPS
So your change increases the DPS of the weapon by .05.
9 heat / (2+3.25) = 1.71 HPS
9.5 heat / (1.3+3.25) = 2.09 HPS
Your heat change increases the overall HPS by 22%
However, let's look at the ISERLL:
9 / (1+3.25) = 2.12 HPS
8.5 heat / (1+3.25) = 2 HPS
And lastly a range comparison:
675 - 890 = 31.% increase
675 - 810 = 20% increase
So yeah, I would bet that your "proposed changes" look good to you. Without even taking into account the weight/crit savings that don't get changed at all, you've gone from out ranging IS by 31% while doing more DPS for lower HPS. Now you out range them by a mere 21% while still outdamaging them, but with the massive sacrifice of .09 more HPS on your mechs... /sarcasm
Fact is, your proposed change actually increases the damage of the CERLL for a minor increase in heat compared to the IS version while still maintaining superiority to the IS versions in every way. And hell, I didn't even look at the pre-nerf numbers for that comparison to see how OP the damn thing used to be. Clanner can't sit here and keep saying "Oh, it's not P2W and it's not OP" when they only changes they're comfortable with still maintain advantages in every single area over the IS counterparts for only a token increase in their heat that will barely be a blip on their heat scale. Please...
Edited by Doctor Proctor, 09 August 2014 - 10:43 PM.