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Public Test - Mass Production / Hyperpulse Transmitted - Industrial Map Feedback

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#1 Kyle Polulak


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 10:07 AM

Please tell us what you think of the new Industrial map!

If you have found a specific bug on the map, we ask that you leave that info in the following thread:

This thread is for qualitative feedback regarding the maps design, art and architecture.

#2 Daneiel


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:25 PM

Overall design of the map is not bad - a bit higher then your average maps , but the clipping of the edges is at the level HPG -> terrible . The map is still in process of finishing if i understand right - textures and placing of the most the objects ( many parts flying around without any connection to other objects ) , but i strongly suggest to pull it back for fixing the clipping of the edges of the most of the walls other ways you will have another very very low quality map as HPG .

P.S. the clipping is most notable at the vertical edges not at the horizontal ones !!!!

I hope that will help you to improve the map.

Edited by Daneiel, 21 August 2014 - 12:29 PM.

#3 Sapstengel


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:48 PM

Got stuck on new map. See screenshots for location and orientation. Also weird, JJ's didn't recharge...?

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Edit: I know, wrong forum section....please move to bug section.

Edited by Sapstengel, 21 August 2014 - 12:50 PM.

#4 Shar Shoggothim


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 01:06 PM

Great map so far, nice scale.
Getting stuck a lot, though, with invisible walls actually blocking hit registration. Also lighting looks a bit off, in some areas it's greenish, in others rather greyish for no apparent reason, and some of the buildings didn't look properly lit at all.
Heavy lag during dogfights with multiple participants.
And I guess you've been made well aware of the floating buildings by now...^^
Keep up the good work and thanx for the sneak-peek!

#5 John80sk


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 01:08 PM

This is a map, much like HPG, that is fairly well designed. Unfortunately, like HPG, it is borked because of hitboxes.

#6 Screech


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 01:10 PM

Thank you for making a nighttime map that uses shadows instead of darkness. Was nervous when I heard it was a nighttime map but the effective use of lighting to emphasis the shadows really is a vast improvement over previous night maps. Also enjoyed that the map is not as monochrome as past maps.(HPG)

Little concerned about the amount of missing/invisible walls and structures but I love the look of the map.

#7 sabujo


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 01:16 PM

I've tested the map a few times and my main conclusion is that this should not have been released yet to public testing. There are so many issues with the map that needed a jheavier internal QA pass before coming out. There will be tons of feedback that I'm sure it will be hard to filter.

Anyway, I liked the map concept. I don't fancy all the recycled models (seems more of the same again and again) but I can accept that. Loved the fact that the map is very dynamic in terms of unit progression, very similar to Canyon - and therefore, a bit JJ dependent. The look and feel of the map seems a bit unrealistic and not as "one" as with other maps. Even in Crimson Straits there is more sense of unity and of things (buildings, props, terrain) working together. This one seems a bit stitched by force. I hope it can be mended for final release.

#8 Koniving

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 01:19 PM

I'm seeing lots of floating partial buildings. Areas where these buildings should be occupying I can pass through freely on the testing grounds.

Shadows are hard baked into the ground and shadows from non-existent light sources will show in dark areas while using night vision. Ironically dark areas do not get dark even though shadows do. Night Vision has a number of issues long-standing that are not limited to just this map however.

In this area, all mechs on it float much like on HPG.
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This area is fine... other than there are NO sources for the immense light.
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However the above image is a reference for comparing to this where some clipping is occurring.
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#9 Bala Gi


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 01:23 PM

In general a nice map. Got a cool feel to it but atm it just looks unfinished with a lot of structures without meshes and some buildings, antennas and stuff just floating above ground.
Hope the gfx glitches get touched up then this should be a fun map

#10 Haydin


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 01:23 PM

Bugs aside, it's a very interesting map. Most areas of engagement seem to be 600 meters or less, and there are a lot of possible avenues for ducking in and out of fights.

Also an interesting Jump Jet map. They give you more mobility, but not having them doesn't screw you as hard as, say, canyon.

I like it a lot!

#11 Roland


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 01:25 PM

Collision mesh issues aside, I kind of like the idea of the map. It's close quarters, while still having fairly long avenues of fire.

#12 Deathlike


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 02:24 PM

Map looks good for the most part and needs major refinement.

I suggest taking AT LEAST 2 WEEKS working on all the issues on it (it's hard tot not "run into a bug") before releasing it. It cannot be released EXACTLY like it is at the moment. In some ways bugwise, it is worse than Terra Therma in its initial release (let alone the PTS to play with it, I think).

Edited by Deathlike, 21 August 2014 - 02:25 PM.

#13 Rogue Jedi


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 02:36 PM

nice map, looks great, I have yet to get stuck and (after the latest patch) structure hotboxes seem ok, especialy compared to Tourmoline and HPG.

however I have been testing in fast jump capable lights, and mostly just exploring/shooting structures to see if hitboxes line up

#14 THumper9669


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 02:39 PM

Map over all looks good, seems like more space then river city. Have seen some mechs blown out to outer space when killed and just spinning in 0 g gravity and no map around it. Dont know what you set heat for but I can normally get a few rounds off in CV and TT maps with my warhark. This map 1 1/2 shots and it is shut down for me, forget taking a stock nova into battle on it unless firing 1 laser at a time.

#15 Firebahl


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 03:31 PM

Don't know if it is specific to this map, the test server, or if this happens on all maps.

No startup sounds
On start sequence, there re no sounds at all.
First sound "reactor online" and engine powerup

Another bug.

Map has places (mostly metallic sheets) where no footsteps are heard.
Same problem that Terra Therma had in the middle circle.

#16 Damalis Knight


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 03:34 PM

over all I love the new map. Lots of places to hide and avoid incoming missiles. I also like the dark places and small alley ways. If you wont to call them alley ways.

#17 D R E A D N A U G H T


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 03:37 PM

Okay, I spent some time in the testing grounds moving about the map. I then loaded it up in live play and tested it against other players. First round was great. On the second attempt it seems like the game completely crashed. So, I'm not sure what the cause of that crash was.
Obviously my feedback is based on what is in the test client right now, and yes, I do realize this is probably a pre-alpha map. With that in mind I will try to be as fair as I can be. As a precursor to my feedback I would like to say that I have built maps in unreal editor 3 and I am dabbling in unreal editor 4 at the moment. I believe that maps, like characters or mechs in a game, should be crafted as though they are characters in and of themselves. Maps should convey a feeling of atmosphere and immersion and bring to life your senses.

I wanna break my feedback down into groups and try to be as objective as possible.

1. Color scheme / Effects - Particle emitters:
I would like to see some more unity and focused attention on color choice / palette. My first impression was "Whoa......colors." This is a mech factory, I was hoping to see more grays and monochromatic tones. Color is nice, but it should serve a purpose and draw attention to things that matter, like doorways, pathways, etc. Color can be used to indicate where you are and help orient the player. Blue fire from some of the stacks seems tacky. I know it's the future, but blue fire reminds me of......magic. I noticed lightning / electrical effects on some towers as well. While effects are cool, I firmly believe they need to be implemented to help tell the story of the setting. I know this is a game in an impossible universe and some suspension of belief is needed, but some of the effects felt thrown in as afterthoughts.

2. Layout
I generally liked the spacing of the layout. There felt like there was enough room to move freely about. Some of the tighter areas felt cluttered for no reason. I would say it would be best to tighten up some areas of the map with buildings to allow for close combat and cat and mouse tactics, but please don't clutter it up. Keep the pathways clear so we can move.

My biggest concern with the layout is that there seem to be appendages or areas off to one corner of the map that just feel like they're floating out on the edge for no reason and will be utterly ignored. Why not put the dropship landing pads in the middle of the map with an actual drop ship sitting there? It would serve as an obstacle in the middle of the map that could help sheild players from LRM fire. You could even have ramps open on either side of the drop ship that would allow for entry and exit and tactical maneuvering about the map. This could be used to help orient players on the map as it could look different from either side with the use of logos or something.

I particularly enjoyed the tunnel that had mechs in bays on the wall. This helps solidify the fact that we are in a mech production facility. Perhaps an assembly line where mechs are being built in stages could also help place us in a setting.

TL:DR - Map colors are extremely random and some effects thrown in as afterthoughts. No clear direction on aesthetic for the map. Feels bland and rushed in some areas. Needs to have a defining feature to help orient players and their movement choices. Cluttered areas feel cluttered for the sake of being cluttered. However, great start to what could be an awesome map with a more clear and focused vision.

#18 Karyuudo


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 03:47 PM

I like this map. But I think the scale of the individual elements (buildings, tanks, canyon walls etc.) looks a bit too large. Makes mechs seem even more diminutive than they already are in most maps. Whether this is intentional with the map's design it's hard to tell.

The layout of the map is a lot of fun and it is more dynamic than I supposed. If one has 6 or more jjs in their light mech (I tested my Jenner F), they can get a good view of the various choke points and lanes in the map. It would seem there is good opportunity for sniping as well as brawling in this map. Use of Arty/Air strikes can be successfully exploited here.

The architecture of the map is, for the most part, monolithic. Unless this is intentional, the buildings seem far larger than they should for being part of an industrial complex. The burning chimneys and lit environment is a very refreshing change from the dull, almost padantic nature of the current night maps in the game. Especially notable are the different colors and intensities of light. Very enjoyable environment in this regard. Well done.

#19 Little Details


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 03:54 PM

Good scale, good vertical elements. Color is 'piss' poor (get it, it's all yellow just like caustic. there ARE other colors for dirt/rocks, you know). You can use the same textures, just give them a different color...

Good lighting effect transitions and I like how it messes with the vision modes accurately.

#20 Outcast1six


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 04:01 PM

I am playing on a slower computer that I have the settings run down very low in order to play.

For me the new map kills my FPS. The only other map that that happens on it Crimson Straight. My FPS will drop to as low as 12 then bounce back to a reasonable 20.

I understand that I should invest in a better machine, but I have to run a laptop since I travel for work and a good lap top is not as affordable as a good desk top.

HPG runs very smoothly and clear for me and I have little trouble with other maps.

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