- The kind of issue. (What happened?)
- The game mode used.
- The grid tile affected.
- The Mech and/or weapon used to achieve the collision issue. (if applicable)
- A screen or video capture to help locate the bug.

Public Test - Mass Production / Hyperpulse Transmitted - Industrial Map Bugs
Posted 21 August 2014 - 10:07 AM
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:15 PM
More floating buildings with grid locations thanks to the novas better cockpit.
And a new bug I haven't seen before, my cockpit goes chrome and looks like its pealing.
and a place to get stuck. [url="http://s1330.photobucket.com/user/ZackEsseth/media/ScreenShot0007_zps25bda321.jpg.html"]

Edited by Zack Esseth, 21 August 2014 - 12:36 PM.
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:22 PM
EDIT: Also, as usual, the hitboxes on the buildings are off by a pretty wide margin.
EDIT2: missing textures on the round liquid containers in C3/B3
EDIT3: D line also a bunch of half buildings/missing textures.
Seriously guys, couple minutes in the testing grounds and I find all this stuff...
Edited by John80sk, 21 August 2014 - 12:31 PM.
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:23 PM
Screen :

Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:23 PM
-not quite sure

Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:24 PM
Hunchback 4SP, Skirmish
Edited by Kepperman, 21 August 2014 - 12:25 PM.
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:26 PM
I bet there are more of these locations where these twin circular constructs are located by walls.
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:29 PM
sometimes u shoot at enemys and the invisble corners stop your shots where u dont see a ****....
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:30 PM
Mode Assault
There are some clipping / invisible wall issues in B2 when trying to walk near the "production line"
Mech Vindicator
Mode Assault
C5 2878.8 2340.4 the corner of building sticks out further out than is visible, and generally lots of invisible wall / clipping issues in C3 along the edge of that building. walk into invisible wall, get ported back etc.
There are a pair of floating chimeys in D3 it looks like the building undneath them is missing.
Mech Summoner
Mode Assault
C2 1305.9, 2175.9 stuck on an invisible wall trying to go forward toward the assault base.
Edited by TyrEol, 21 August 2014 - 01:01 PM.
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:30 PM
pos 2035 1407 323.1
In a Banshee on skirmish
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:36 PM
Some buildings are floating as per previous poster.
The giant tall crane like building in B1 has a gap at the base where an invisible wall stops you going through.
The yellow metalwork and grey metal roof holding the Awesomes on the B2/C2 border has no collision mesh, mechs and weapons go through it and the target range indicator does not recognise it.
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:38 PM
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:41 PM
On a positive note; I love the over all assets, lighting, that all vision modes work on it, and that it is a heavy brawler map with lots of little nooks and passage ways.
I went on testing grounds and did the first two grids; let's get others involved.
Box @ 1017.3 1361.5 303.8 is pass through, no collision, and can be shot through
Half Cylinder Loader which looks like it is concaved will not let you in there; anything that jumps on to it slides off (pos: 1054.3 1160 304.4) – this is just an oddity
Structure next two dirt wall (angled depression): POS 1353.0 1300.3 349.6 – can get stuck on the ends, and you slide in the middle to the outer edge, and take leg damage in parts in odd ways.
Between to vat like structures at 1097.1 1408.5 303.7 – can get in a weird position between (on top) them where you take leg damage and your Mech does a little jig
POS 1504.6 1291.8 303.8; there are others like this too; you got to cylinder like containers so close to each and a drop off that only a Mech with jump jets can get out of and not easily; failed a couple times in a Kit Fox; the kit fox got in a position where he kept going up and down.
Edited by Aphoticus, 21 August 2014 - 01:08 PM.
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:41 PM

Edited by Gerald Wisdom, 21 August 2014 - 12:45 PM.
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:48 PM

Edited by Evil Ed, 21 August 2014 - 01:29 PM.
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:49 PM
Invis Walls/missing assets?
Missing texture
Overall, VERY IMPRESSED with Mech Factory. Very atmospheric, and enjoyable to brawl in.
Edited by CoffiNail, 21 August 2014 - 12:50 PM.
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:54 PM

Edited by Altair Fenix, 21 August 2014 - 12:55 PM.
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:55 PM
The round low structures in B4 C4 look like they should have a solid centre by the texture used however it lets you drop through as if it were liquid.
The two large round sections in E5 E6 have an invisible floor a meter or so above the actual surface, mechs appear to float above it.
The open lava pit in E3 has an invisible floor over it so you can't drop in.
Posted 21 August 2014 - 01:05 PM
Basically, I fired my jump jets, landed here, and now I am stuck going full reverse but with no speed. The jump jets aren't recharging, I cannot actually move anywhere and I'm just kind of "treading water"
Here's an in-cockpit shot too:
This was all in my arrow, by the way.
Edited by Haydin, 21 August 2014 - 01:07 PM.
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