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Can You Stop The Practice Pgi?

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#221 MischiefSC


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 12:52 AM

View PostDeathlike, on 24 August 2014 - 12:40 AM, said:

The thing is... people wanted to play with each other despite the nature of the challenge.

My preference is to avoid it, but it doesn't bother me either way.

The solo queue is always a challenge, but not because it is easy... it's because it's virtually random in its design that the reliability of your teammates is based on their reputation... or pure fortune. While the only constant is you, see other people people consistently do something else like do their own thing and complain about you not helping them despite them being the first one to die is not what I consider... enjoyable.

I live it all the time. I totally understand. At no point though is being frustrated with an experience viable justification for cheating/exploiting/or otherwise being a twit. The moment you make that a legit excuse then you've hucked even vague reference of fairness out the window. If you're going to make rules... they're the RULES. If they're just general suggestions than they exist only to punish some people and reward others.

I get people wanting to play in spite of the nature of the challenge. People feel that way about stuff all the time. I like games but dont' want to pay for them - that doesn't make game piracy legit. I like good food but dropping $100 on a meal at my favorite restaurant is pretty expensive to do very often. That doesn't mean I dine and dash.

Cheating is cheating is cheating. You don't play gray with that or you don't have a game at all.

Besides, pug queue isn't that bad. It has its ups and downs, so does the group queue. If people don't want that they can play single player games. 7 Days To Die just did a massive update. KSP, Pixel Piracy, Space Engineers, there's a lot of options. Want more hardcore PvP with less rules? ARMA2 with the DayZ mod is still 10x better than DayZ standalone. I recommend Namalsk mod for DayZ. If someone named Mischief nukes you with a satchel charge hidden behind a supply crate, then loots your corpse and emotes 'checks both ways for witnesses before giving it a good molesting', that totally wasn't me :ph34r:

There is no such thing as justified exploiting. You can say it's a bad contest and bad balancing and whatever other complaints you have. None of them are an excuse to cheat/exploit though.

#222 Aresye


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 12:54 AM

View PostKjudoon, on 24 August 2014 - 12:05 AM, said:

2. Implement VOIP... Invalidates the whole complaint about Sync Drops because anyone who wants to work together can. Now it's up to the QQRambos to cowboy up and learn to play nice with others for the first time. Most people sick of the cussfest that will be VOIP will continue to syncdrop and use their own services they prefer. I don't need to hear F-bombs dropped 5000 times a match by a 13 year old who just learned how to swear. Go see "The Oatmeal" comic about what it is to be an adult playing online games.

You know what would realistically happen when they implement VOIP?

- Pugs will get VOIP.
- PGI will likely still be running "solo only" challenges.
- Group players who still want to participate in challenges but want to do it with their friends will still sync drop.
- The argument will change from, "It's unfair because they have voice comms," to, "It's unfair because they've practiced together more."

It's just like every other whining of any kind of this forum. Some players just cannot come to terms with the concept that they are not gods in this game, and anything that causes them to lose will always be either unfair, overpowered, or cheating.

#223 Kjudoon


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 12:57 AM

View PostMischiefSC, on 24 August 2014 - 12:27 AM, said:

I love these.

"I cheat because you make winning the way I want too hard. I wouldn't cheat if you made winning easier! WHY DO YOU FOCE ME TO CHEAT!"

I hear this sort of mewling excuse-making all the time and admit I have little patience for it.

Everyone else plays in the group and solo queues just fine and manages to soldier up and carry on. I got my 50 wins after 11 hours - I didn't have to call my mom to come hold my hand. Nobody wiped my bottom for me. I didn't have to cheat or suicide-farm wins or syncdrop because I JUST COULDN'T HANDLE IT ON MY OWN. It's pretend robots in a video game ferchristsake. I've spent 2 hours chopping mostly damp firewood that was harder than this.

When I drop with friends in the group queue I enjoy it - almost everyone I drop with is pretty casual. Sometimes I drop in groups of 2-4. You run into high-end competitive teams sometimes and get stomped. You're the odd-man-out but it's still fun because I'm playing with my friends. At no point do we go 'Boy, I wish there was some cheap exploit we could use to drop together in the solo queue so we had a big advantage'. Why?

Because we have some self-respect and some respect for the people we play with and if you can't play a game without exploiting... why are you playing?

There's no good answer to that.

I'm sure the rest of tonight and tomorrow will be full of FORUM FUNNIES. Hopefully we'll have something official from PGI on Monday. I just can't imagine they're going to blow off the entire purpose of having a solo queue though.

Cough ECM cough.
Cough AMS cough
Cough Artyspam Cough.

You really wanna play semantics this way on what 'cheating' is? Move on... nothing to see here.

It's not cheating. You can claim it all you want, but it is not cheating. It is impossible to stop without going to insane lengths that will be ultimately worthless.

Again... HOW are you going to stop Sync drops? No one is giving good answers to this. All I hear is kvetching and crying in the same as we heard before of the ebil premades. Talk about 'mewling'... good word by the way. It sums up the whining on this thread from anti-group people because it's just noise of discomfort from something they cannot stop and there is no harm being done. It's almost like a kid crying over their birthday cake because eating it would make it no longer beautiful.


Because we have some self-respect and some respect for the people we play with and if you can't play a game without exploiting... why are you playing?

Self respect? Respect for others? Wow... you and me reading the same thread. I see no respect for those who enjoy Sync dropping that does nothing to harm your games. The elo remains the same. You want the TS, but haven't bothered or want to join a group but want the VOIP advantage. I'm sorry there's a problem where????

I posted four ways to solve this issue, but what do you want to do about it? go back to square one and complain. Okay, Complain away and I'll just ignore it.

#224 Kjudoon


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 01:02 AM

View PostAresye, on 24 August 2014 - 12:54 AM, said:

You know what would realistically happen when they implement VOIP?

- Pugs will get VOIP.
- PGI will likely still be running "solo only" challenges.
- Group players who still want to participate in challenges but want to do it with their friends will still sync drop.
- The argument will change from, "It's unfair because they have voice comms," to, "It's unfair because they've practiced together more."

It's just like every other whining of any kind of this forum. Some players just cannot come to terms with the concept that they are not gods in this game, and anything that causes them to lose will always be either unfair, overpowered, or cheating.

Posted Image

And the complaints to put in a "Mute VOIP" will come from the same people sick of the cuss-factories that thing creates.

Edited by Kjudoon, 24 August 2014 - 01:04 AM.

#225 AlexEss


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 01:22 AM

Soo.... Here is my take on it....

@OP (if he/she comes back) No i do not want ANOTHER diagnostics tool running that might end up hogging bandwith when it keep track of several thousand players at the same time. It is bad and you are bad for suggesting it.

@ the rest

This is why i flat out avoid anything that have the word event and prizes in it.... It brings out the worst in people either as players or as human beings.. if it is not exploiting, it is munchkin play or simply just being a posterior primate to your team for "not pulling their weight".

No i value my time a lot higher then that.

But i agree with Sandpit, synchdrops are not cheating by the letter of the law. It just breaks the social codes of the community. Then again people need to have their social codes broken every now and then.. if nothing else just so they do not mistake them for laws.

@ public VoIP

This is the first thing i turn off in ANY game that has the option. Not to be unfair but 5/10 in my experience can´t use VoIP to save their life and 4/10 use it only to troll or hurl abuse...some times in a language i barely understand or know that others do not understand... 1/10 can use it productive but those i usually have on TS any way. Maybe i have just been unlucky.

Edited by AlexEss, 24 August 2014 - 01:52 AM.

#226 Aresye


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 02:04 AM

@MischiefSC: It seems your group queue experience is limited to occasionally dropping with friends. If that's the case, I can completely understand your perspective on the issue, and how you see sync dropping as solely for the advantage. I can also see why it would seem odd that people can't just simply drop solo from that perspective.

You're only looking at one aspect of the group queue though, which is the nature of the group queue itself, and you're missing one very big important aspect of the group queue and one of the most important aspects of the MW experience:


Units and Clans in this game aren't reserved solely for the competitive leagues. In fact, a good majority of established units are not a part of the competitive scene. The Clan I'm currently in has been around since MW4. Some of the guys I play with now I've been playing with since MWLL. We are not the same kind of group as a bunch of random players getting together on Comstar TS, nor are we the same kind of group as 2-4 friends who occasionally play together.

We are a Clan. We all fight together. We all know each other. We don't drop with anybody else except each other.

For units like us, these solo challenges essentially say, "You are forbidden from playing with your unit for the entire weekend," which is extremely aggravating to say the least, not just because we can't play with friends, but also because it directly removes an important aspect of the MW experience, which is the feeling of being a part of something bigger than just the game. To us, it feels like we're being ripped from the immersion of the BT universe (which the game already lacks), and thrown into nothing but a regular game of team deathmatch. No lore, no roleplay, no glory to be had. Just 2 teams of nobodies duking it out for no rememorative purpose.

Another important distinction to be made is to consider the nature of "events" themselves. Events are part of the experience of the game itself, but due to the nature of this being a multiplayer game, some people have varying degrees on how they like to enjoy that experience. Not everybody finds enjoyment playing the game by themselves, and NEED that social interaction of playing with people they know. For them, a solo challenge basically tells them that they are not allowed to share their experience with others they know and play with. Sync dropping even with just 1 person, regardless of whether or not they end up on the same team, gives them that shared experience.

Edited by Aresye, 24 August 2014 - 02:05 AM.

#227 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 02:20 AM

View PostTesunie, on 23 August 2014 - 05:32 PM, said:

You addressed the open forum... but did you address PGI? The forums is not exactly addressing PGI. If you want to address PGI, you should send Support an E-mail. Otherwise, Forum talk is Forum talk, and doesn't mean that PGI is aware of it.

If you have evidence, submit that to PGI in an e-mail to support. Though I wouldn't mind seeing said evidence, it might cross into "name and shame" category. Send in your report of the abuse as you see it to support, and then let it drop. If PGI will do something about it, if they can find enough evidence, then they will do something about it. (Example: Did that guy just blatantly shoot a teammate in front of you? Watch him and screen shot him doing it if he does it again, or if you have it on video and he continues to do so, send in screens/video to PGI support and let them deal with it.)

Try looking at the thread sometimes. I stated clearly PGI asked me to post here and posted the email proving such.

#228 Kjudoon


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 02:29 AM

Aresye, Youtube took away my favorite Blackadder video of joyous agreement. :ph34r:

So you get this instead.

Edited by Kjudoon, 24 August 2014 - 02:29 AM.

#229 Jonny Taco


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 02:30 AM

View PostAresye, on 24 August 2014 - 12:54 AM, said:

You know what would realistically happen when they implement VOIP?

- Pugs will get VOIP.
- PGI will likely still be running "solo only" challenges.
- Group players who still want to participate in challenges but want to do it with their friends will still sync drop.
- The argument will change from, "It's unfair because they have voice comms," to, "It's unfair because they've practiced together more."

It's just like every other whining of any kind of this forum. Some players just cannot come to terms with the concept that they are not gods in this game, and anything that causes them to lose will always be either unfair, overpowered, or cheating.

If integrated Voip improves general pug behavior and cooperation to a point at which a 12 man solo drop pug + small elo handicap is about on par with 8-10 man solo drop + 2-4 grouped players I'd love to see that introduced.

Edited by lartfor, 24 August 2014 - 02:31 AM.

#230 DaisuSaikoro Nagasawa


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 02:33 AM

View PostKjudoon, on 24 August 2014 - 12:05 AM, said:

Why should we have to when we can sync drop. You realize if the player base was larger, this wouldn't be an issue because the chance of it happening would drop massively. But when only a few thousand players are on at any one time, it gets pretty easy. This is a problem that has existed since closed beta and gotten worse with broken PGI promises. Grow the fan base, sync drops will vanish because they will be impossible.

Next, a group of 2 in the group queue suddenly becomes filler for a 10man who will leave them out of any sort of battle plan and generally get killed. Or they're the last survivors because the sucky 10 man died quickly against a superior 8-12man group. Elo mismatches are 500% larger currently in the group queue because good players can hide their elo inside of a group of bad players too artificially depressing the numbers to get into matches they should never play. Not to mention, this is the same complaint the rambos complain about... elo mismatches caused by groups. Yes, small groups can hide bad elo matches. Big groups more so. At least I am honest about this, and a sync drop when successful CANNOT hide elo mismatches. Only provide VOIP. JonnyNoob cannot depress the elo of Joeleet. This is not unfair. This is not cheating. This is just the way the game works right now.

If you want to stop this, the solution is simple but hard to implement because it's all on PGI... so start complaining there and get ready to be told they have bigger fish to fry than this QQfest.

1. Increase the player base. What does this require? PGI to deliver on their long missed promises which might, MIGHT happen by the end of the year.

2. Implement VOIP... Invalidates the whole complaint about Sync Drops because anyone who wants to work together can. Now it's up to the QQRambos to cowboy up and learn to play nice with others for the first time. Most people sick of the cussfest that will be VOIP will continue to syncdrop and use their own services they prefer. I don't need to hear F-bombs dropped 5000 times a match by a 13 year old who just learned how to swear. Go see "The Oatmeal" comic about what it is to be an adult playing online games.

3. Incentiveize group play elsewhere by creating a solo/lance queue. Problem, too small a player base. It's bad enough currently with the size of the two queues. If there was a place for small groups again instead of the hyper competative group queue where you don't have 10-20 spammed arty/air a match with constantly movie meta mechs by guys who play 40+ hours a week as your normal opponent... they'd go there. I know I would. Make it opt in for solo players who have the chutzpah to play the way we used to, and you're set.

4. Fix elo by creating mech combat value based on chassis, equipment and weapon loadouts. Use this to modify so bad mechs in the hands of good players, or good mechs in the hands of bad players would be modified.

Those are practical solutions that either will not be done or can't be done.

Next time use a smiley to denote jokes.

Then your whole argument that solo means no teamwork or sync play is invalid.

To be successful there you need to play 30+ hours a week in a disciplined team that sets your KDR, your mechs and loadouts, orders you how to play and expects it done with near military (or at least boyscout) efficiency. Otherwise, welcome to Stomptown. Just lie down with your head against the curb and we'll commence a-kickin it.

I didn't make any point saying solo drops does not equal team play.

If you wish to say it's easier to sync drop than to join up in the group queue... good luck with you. I'd rather not play along side of someone who rather be the king of a disorganized pool, than someone who wants to fight to be better in an organized pool.

I know a fellow, when we have a rough time in a mode during group games he wants to not play in those modes. I've stopped playing with him. LIke I said, I'm neither right nor wrong, I just have a person sense of honour and responsibility I accept not everyone will share.

" Elo mismatches are 500% larger currently in the group queue because good players can hide their elo inside of a group of bad players too artificially depressing the numbers to get into matches they should never play."

When people start using made up stats to support their argument it's the queue to just stop. Good luck in life.

Edited by Daisu Saikoro, 24 August 2014 - 02:35 AM.

#231 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 02:57 AM

Solo que is about instinct and intuition. You drop with random players and with some luck and a few typed commands you may get lucky and form into something effective. Your individual skills matter more in that environment because no one knows you play style and have to pick up your cues as do you. Its a different state of play than group que.

Synching into solo destroys that because the other team cannot react as quickly to movement. It is a clear advantage and instead of learning your left with no idea regarding your gameplay Its just concentrated fire and quick movement the solo team cannot replicate. Its a clear advantage no matter the numbers involved in the synch. This weekend had several matches were people were open about it and I put that right at the feet of those here making every excuse for it.

Its a weak group herd mentality that if everyone is doing it its ok for me. Greatest human tragedies in history came from that behavior.

I am sorry you group guys are not happy with the state of the game but forcing others to accept your needs it wrong on every level. As I do not play at the lowest common denominator I cannot even begin to understand the thought process that brings defense to such a practice.

All this is old news. It happened last year when synching was at its peak and factions advertised and made use of it. Back then the same people mocked me, told me i was wrong and it "Doesn't happen. It did and soon the behavior became open and advertised here on this site and then PGI brought in solo que. Does anyone think they wanted synch drops in solo que when they implemented it?

All this thread posting doesn't matter unless what support indicated to me is true. If so then its out of our hands which was my intent on posting this thread. I just ask PGI to look at it and make a determination either a statement or greater measures to outright ban the practice.
If and how they do is up to them not anyone here. They are the captains of this ship and its all on them now.. Considering how they have been trying very hard to improve the game of late I have to have some faith they will see how the practice only profits a few at the sake of the player base.

Its wrong no matter how you slice it or how many cockamamie excuses you put behind it.

#232 Stormyblade


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 02:58 AM

View PostBLOOD WOLF, on 23 August 2014 - 05:11 PM, said:

It's not. People should be smart enough to sync. I had to stop playing the Solo and go to group to repair my damage almost 12 hour stats from horrible games. Almost dropped to 1.0 Win/loss ration. 1 game in a group and I smash the enemy team with my group.

Almost dropped to 1.0?? Oh noes!! Your precious e-peen must have shriveled up into almost nothing! The horror! Did you feel much better about yourself when you dropped in a group and smashed the enemy team?

P.S. Your Clan must be terribly ashamed of your performance, eh?

Edit: Oooops, forgot to say that this post was meant in jest and not as an attack.

Edited by Stormyblade, 24 August 2014 - 03:22 AM.

#233 Appogee


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 03:08 AM

View PostDavers, on 23 August 2014 - 11:55 AM, said:

I would love to see his "evidence" as well.

I found the evidence.

Posted Image

#234 Kjudoon


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 03:12 AM


If you wish to say it's easier to sync drop than to join up in the group queue... good luck with you. I'd rather not play along side of someone who rather be the king of a disorganized pool, than someone who wants to fight to be better in an organized pool.

Group play stinks right now. I play it on occasion, but after running into constant teams of hardcore gamers, it's fun to just relax and right now with the tournament emphasizing teamwork right now, you can do that, alone or sync dropping. Maybe you get into the same match (something that has not been happening much lately anyway... oh darn) but we're still in channel enjoying ourselves because let's face it, we're not dealing with meta competative freaks who's goal is to annihilate the other team in 3 minutes or less. At least I can be assured to have a closer elo match in Derptown than Stomptown hiding players I should never face. If you don't want to play with good players who are just enjoying themselves because they don't want to be in the joyless kill em all queue, fine and dandy. I'd recommend ratcheting back that arrogance a bit.


When people start using made up stats to support their argument it's the queue to just stop. Good luck in life.

Before you ride off on your high horse, I think I better correct you on your false sense of certainty.

The percentage I gave off was derived from another thread which showcased a series of pics from Bryan Eckman's twitter feed. In these pictures it showed a snapshot from the matchmaker screens they use to monitor the game. In the series of pictures, you see the range of elo mismatches. The max range of mismatch in the solo queue was around 90. The max mismatch in the group queue was 499. The difference of 500%.

You can either do your own research and learn the truth but don't try to condescend to me.

Edit: Found the pictures and I was only a little off. a 450% difference, not 500%. My bad.


Edited by Kjudoon, 24 August 2014 - 03:45 AM.

#235 Kjudoon


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 03:26 AM


Solo que is about instinct and intuition.

No, that's opinion, not fact.


You drop with random players and with some luck and a few typed commands you may get lucky and form into something effective. Your individual skills matter more in that environment because no one knows you play style and have to pick up your cues as do you. Its a different state of play than group que.

Mostly true except that your individual skills don't matter more. They are supposed to be at the same level as everyone elses in that match.


Synching into solo destroys that because the other team cannot react as quickly to movement.

Incredibly false. Just had a match on alpine peaks where winning was the goal, not kills, and teamwork through chat was amazing. We reacted very fast and turned a bigtime loss into a victory because we worked together. Don't know if the other team had synced or TS. A team that is interested in working together instead of individual achievement will ALWAYS do better.


I am sorry you group guys are not happy with the state of the game but forcing others to accept your needs it wrong on every level.

You mean like you are trying to tell people to stay out of your sacred rambo sandbox?


It did and soon the behavior became open and advertised here on this site and then PGI brought in solo que. Does anyone think they wanted synch drops in solo que when they implemented it?

Why should it be secret. It's a fun way to play the game because it's a crap shoot on who in your group (If large enough) gets to be on your team and who you face. Entire events are planned around this with 25-75 guys doing this at the same time. So what? They're a blast. Elo levels match and it's usually an even split when things go right. Nobody's losing out of anything except a good time if suddenly this is banned (though totally unenforceable) by PGI.

You want to make a lot of us who don't like the solo queue or the current state of group queue happy? Implement the four solutions I suggested. If no one came clean about syncs, you'd still not have any idea it was going on... only conspiracy theories.


I just ask PGI to look at it and make a determination either a statement or greater measures to outright ban the practice.
Again, without doing massive IP tracking, group tracking and then proving cheating is being done, there is nothing PGI can do to stop it. You seem to want a solution that cannot be easily implemented, be cost effective and practical or honestly help the player base. You want to play alone so nobody can team up with you, MWO is not your game. It's a teamwork game and you want a solo story queue to play offline with nobody else. Sorry, that doesn't exist. Might I suggest titanfall or Hawken?


Considering how they have been trying very hard to improve the game of late I have to have some faith they will see how the practice only profits a few at the sake of the player base.

Getting all draconian and taking away a fun way to play the game that isn't hardcore but casual goofing around with friends isn't going to help that bottom line. So can we get realistic here?


Its wrong no matter how you slice it or how many cockamamie excuses you put behind it.

I vehemently vociferously disagree on this fallacious statement. It is not wrong. It is not cheating. There is no real inherent advantage and it is because it is fun.

#236 Vezm


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 04:30 AM

On a lighter note that is almost related.

I remember sync dropping like 250 arty in WoT with "some" Havok guys back when there was no arty cap per match. That was hilarious. There would be 2-3 poor schmucks not in arty on each team who were completely baffled until they saw the clan tags. Someone should have banned us...

#237 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 05:00 AM

View PostVezm, on 24 August 2014 - 04:30 AM, said:

On a lighter note that is almost related.

I remember sync dropping like 250 arty in WoT with "some" Havok guys back when there was no arty cap per match. That was hilarious. There would be 2-3 poor schmucks not in arty on each team who were completely baffled until they saw the clan tags. Someone should have banned us...

Thing is how many new players did you turn off the game by your practices. By synch dropping your harming PGi's odds of growing the game. Of course no one thinks of that past the grouthink responses of carry harder or get better.

No one is fooled by such selfish behavior and lets hope certainly not PGI. It may well have been fun but at others expense.

#238 DaisuSaikoro Nagasawa


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 05:08 AM

View PostKjudoon, on 24 August 2014 - 03:12 AM, said:

Group play stinks right now. I play it on occasion, but after running into constant teams of hardcore gamers, it's fun to just relax and right now with the tournament emphasizing teamwork right now, you can do that, alone or sync dropping. Maybe you get into the same match (something that has not been happening much lately anyway... oh darn) but we're still in channel enjoying ourselves because let's face it, we're not dealing with meta competative freaks who's goal is to annihilate the other team in 3 minutes or less. At least I can be assured to have a closer elo match in Derptown than Stomptown hiding players I should never face. If you don't want to play with good players who are just enjoying themselves because they don't want to be in the joyless kill em all queue, fine and dandy. I'd recommend ratcheting back that arrogance a bit.

Before you ride off on your high horse, I think I better correct you on your false sense of certainty.

The percentage I gave off was derived from another thread which showcased a series of pics from Bryan Eckman's twitter feed. In these pictures it showed a snapshot from the matchmaker screens they use to monitor the game. In the series of pictures, you see the range of elo mismatches. The max range of mismatch in the solo queue was around 90. The max mismatch in the group queue was 499. The difference of 500%.

You can either do your own research and learn the truth but don't try to condescend to me.

Edit: Found the pictures and I was only a little off. a 450% difference, not 500%. My bad.


Thank you for the link. What I see there is an average of ELO mismatch that is no where near what the max mismatch is. The information you point to does not indicate that there is currently a 500% mismatch. Even the graphic where the fellow circles ELO scores has him misunderstanding the difference between ELO scores vs ELO variance. Still, I can see how someone who isn't involved with statistics can take that and run with it. My perception is still that that's a stat that is used to bolster your point but only if it is taken a certain way. I think you may want to rethink how you use it in the future but I'll gladly admit you got it from somewhere. (Especially when the average seems to point out that the overall numbers are far from the max that you point out. Remember it takes 1 game to make a max (think of it as a relative outlier)

And I understand what you're saying. I get that for some people playing in the group queue can be harder and much more difficult than grouping up and dropping in solo queues. There's less of a push on capability and ability and for some people it is much more comfortable going the easy route. This game gets harder and harder and for many people that's aversive when some people would rather have things like arm lock, auto aim, and what 3rd person could have been. There's nothing wrong with that in my book, though if that's the case just state it and not try to make it into something more than wanting an easier mode of game play. Some people want a challenge and to improve themselves even if it means taking a hard road... I get that's not for everyone.

Edited by Daisu Saikoro, 24 August 2014 - 05:11 AM.

#239 Bront


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 06:12 AM

View Postlockwoodx, on 23 August 2014 - 12:06 PM, said:

Sync dropping does not exist anymore or I would still be bit*hing about it.

It happened this weekend, and only because of the solo only requirement.

When it happens, it's a 50/50 shot you get someone on your team or on the other team, and even with a large group, it's rarely more than 2-3 people per side.

Given how spotty and evenly distributed it was, I don't see it as being a problem. We had fun shooting at the guys we normally pair with, and rarely did it feel like our teamwork helped in a win.

More problematic were the suicide farmers who'd hop in a mech, charge off to die, and then hop in another one, hoping to luck into a win, or the disco farmers (who I don't think were even getting credit for the game). They actively hurt the game, and I spotted a few of them out this weekend.

A group of 3 guys on a server that happened to drop together? You're just as likely to be paired with them as against them, and they weren't that much more likely to win anyway.

On a side note, I'm curious. Is Sync-dropping against the TOS? I know the Stiener one was posted publicly and nothing official was ever done and it was hardly the only even of it's type.

I generally work well with my team regardless of if I'm on TS with teammates or not. It's how I operate, and it made getting a few wins pretty easy fortunately. But I think the big failure was making this a solo only thing. If this had been a group/solo event, no one would bother sync dropping, just like the 4 man team sync dropping died when they expanded groups.

Edited by Bront, 24 August 2014 - 06:29 AM.

#240 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 06:54 AM

View PostBront, on 24 August 2014 - 06:12 AM, said:

It happened this weekend, and only because of the solo only requirement.

When it happens, it's a 50/50 shot you get someone on your team or on the other team, and even with a large group, it's rarely more than 2-3 people per side.

Given how spotty and evenly distributed it was, I don't see it as being a problem. We had fun shooting at the guys we normally pair with, and rarely did it feel like our teamwork helped in a win.

More problematic were the suicide farmers who'd hop in a mech, charge off to die, and then hop in another one, hoping to luck into a win, or the disco farmers (who I don't think were even getting credit for the game). They actively hurt the game, and I spotted a few of them out this weekend.

A group of 3 guys on a server that happened to drop together? You're just as likely to be paired with them as against them, and they weren't that much more likely to win anyway.

On a side note, I'm curious. Is Sync-dropping against the TOS? I know the Stiener one was posted publicly and nothing official was ever done and it was hardly the only even of it's type.

I generally work well with my team regardless of if I'm on TS with teammates or not. It's how I operate, and it made getting a few wins pretty easy fortunately. But I think the big failure was making this a solo only thing. If this had been a group/solo event, no one would bother sync dropping, just like the 4 man team sync dropping died when they expanded groups.

I think your wrong, its been steadily increasing over time as more caught on. Now its the big thing due to the contest. Once many have a taste of easy farming it will continue worse than before.

That's always how it goes until PGI changes the system.

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