Hiring Hall
Posted 01 March 2012 - 09:52 AM
Playstyle:Quick strike, Interdiction raids
Roletype:Heavy Fire Support
Preferred Weight:Medium to Heavies
Experience:Genie Online Battle Tech, Mech Warrior 1-4, Table top Battletech
Posted 03 March 2012 - 07:20 AM
Callsign: Ghost
Timezone: GMT+1:00
House/Faction: Mercenary Unit/ Draconis Combine
Playstyle: Electronic warfare, fast, hIt-and-run
Roletype: Scout/Spotter; First Strike Lance (Skirmisher)
Preferred Weight: Any weight is ok but I prefer Light - Heavy
Preferred Chassis:Valkyrie, Marauder (and other Unseen)
Experience: Have played the Tabletop for a long time. MechCommander I+II / Mechwarrior 2-4 (+all addons, MekTek) / Living Legends and some Battletech Pbem-Games
Posted 03 March 2012 - 08:18 PM
Callsign: Cwizard
Time Zone: Eastern Time Zone
House/Factor Canopus born so it is pretty variable, have fought for Steiner, Davion, Karita, Nova Cats, and Ghost Bear
Play Style: What ever is required
Role type: Recon, sniper, skirmisher, gorilla
Preferred Weight: anything but assault
Experience: Retired sub sailor, started playing Battletech in 1986 with classic battletech, played original Mechwarrior (rpg), Battletech Crescent Hawk, Mecwarrior computer games 1-4 and mechcommander, dabbled with Mek Tek, still playing table top classic with LoTB.
Edited by Broccan Mac Ronain, 03 March 2012 - 08:23 PM.
Posted 05 March 2012 - 12:38 AM
Original Post said:
Callsign: Bobcat (current) or whatever I'm given/earn
Timezone: USA Central (-6 GMT)
House/Faction: Mercenary/Unaffiliated
Playstyle: Adaptive
Roletype: Fire Support, Brawler, Range, Distraction, etc
Preferred Weight: Medium/Heavy
Experience: 12+ years Mechwarrior (starting with 2), NBT League - Kell Hounds Merc Group (2009), Clan Coyote (2012)
Anyways, I was wondering if anyone would want to 'fold in' my things possibly as a sub unit, possibly specialized. This is the link to the original forum post I made, I have an insignia already and would prefer to keep the name, but it could always be changed to fit.
Let me know!
Edited by Mautty the Bobcat, 05 March 2012 - 12:44 AM.
Posted 05 March 2012 - 08:31 PM
Callsign: Kedoyn
Timezone: PST
House/Faction: Merc
Playstyle: Long Range/Support (or anything my company needs)
Roletype: Command (or anything my company needs)
Preferred Weight: Heavy/Assault (but will play anything as needed)
Experience: For BT, played the PNP and MW1-3, MC1-2. Didn't play MW4. For other PVP online I've been mostly in MMO's not FPS (so DAOC, UO, AC, etc.). I have alot of leadership/GM experience over the last 20 years: I've been a GM probably 14 of the last 20 years of gaming online, but I'm also a good follower (mostly because I know what it takes to lead so I also support my leadership). I'm 42 years old so I'm not an A+ fast twitch gamer anymore (by my standards) in terms of reflexes but I'm still very sharp at information processing and large scale command and organization (in DAOC I would command 100+ member forces in PVP nightly, in WOW I was raidleader for 40 and 25person raids for a top 100US ranked guild).
I'm looking for a COMPETIVE and TEAM FIRST mercanary company. I want to put my merc company's status, ranking and success before my individual self and I want to play with others that will do the same. I also want to play with people that are POLITE and RESPECTFUL to not just their own but to their opponents (win or lose). I can commit to fixed nightly play schedules (as long as I have 3-4 nights a week for other things). I will play any mech and any role that is needed of me and I want to play with others that are willing to make the same sacrifices.
I'm looking for a group that will train together, practice their strats regularly, look to continously improve and can handle (and practice) self criticism for the sake of getting better and a strong focus on playing to the best of our abilities for the sake of the team. I want to laugh, chill out and get to know everyone OFF the battlefield and be all business when the fight is on. I'm both a highly competitive and highly social person so I do want both things but with a group that knows when to 'get their game face on'
I'm not a military guy but I'd be totally open to playing in a military run corp if they'd have me (and god bless our men and woman in uniform). I've had a lot of military folks in the guilds I've run over the years and they are always consistently the best team first players you can find.
And I know I'm repeating myself but I really really want to play with a group of people that can be respectful to everyone they share a battlefield but still strive to be an elite group. Over the years of online gaming its gotten pretty bad amongst the elite players in terms of their attitides and behavior. I can respect any player for their skill but I want to play with people I can respect as a person too and I believe strongly in honor and integrity as guiding principles for my behavior (and anyone I associate with).
Posted 10 March 2012 - 03:14 AM
Callsign: Cake
Timezone: GMT-7 Mountain Standard Time, but I've never let that bother me.
House/Faction: Flexible. I was never involved with the extended fiction, so I'm withholding my opinions until I get more involved in the local InnerSphere political climate. Davion seems to have my loyalties at the moment.
Playstyle: Recon/Hit and Run preferred. Willing to fill any other role as the situation arises. I would love the opportunity to try out an exclusively information warfare role. It is unprecedented in such a game, and I would love to see how viable such a position actually is.
Roletype: Depends on what you need at the time. Again, I'd love to try an exclusively comms role.
Preferred Weight: Light/Medium
Experience: A childhood growing up with MW2, MW3, MW4. Recently played MW4:Mercenaries thanks to our friends at mektek. All of it has been campaign play. I've also been known to enjoy some Heavy Gear 2.
Other Notes: I really prefer a group that's in it for the fun instead of just to grind people into the dust at the expense of fun for either them, or us. I much prefer a hard-fought victory over a cakewalk. I'm not entirely sure I'll have a computer capable of running this at launch, but I'm working on that.
Edited by Cake Bandit, 10 March 2012 - 03:15 AM.
Posted 10 March 2012 - 07:22 AM
Callsign: Caldazar
Timezone: GMT -5
House/Faction: Davion/Kurita
Playstyle: Aggresive
Roletype: Support
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Experience: MW3-; Tabletop BT
Edited by Caldazar, 10 March 2012 - 07:23 AM.
Posted 10 March 2012 - 08:00 AM
Callsign: Fenix
Timezone: EST (GMT -5)
House: Kurita
Playstyle: Scout gun and run ambush tactics (even the atlas Is weak in the back)
Roletype: Scout
Preferred Weight: Medium/Light
Experience: MW4, some classic Battletech
Note: Although I love the story, I know very little cannon. But you don't need to know history when you catch their rear armor.
Posted 11 March 2012 - 09:39 AM
Callsign: Boymonkey
Timezone: GMT (UK)
House/Faction : Undecided
Playstyle: hit and run/teamwork
Role: Scout
Preferred Weight: Light
Exp: Played tabletop and the RP when I was young,played all the mech games, started playing online in 97 had a UK based clan. I enjoy the RP aspect which can happen with a Canon as rich as BT. Been away for a while so I have found all my old sourcebooks to read

Edited by Boymonkey, 11 March 2012 - 09:41 AM.
Posted 13 March 2012 - 03:24 PM
Callsign: H0T_Fl@m3r
Timezone: Central US
House/Faction: Merc Corps
Playstyle: Team player / Support
Roletype: Recon / Medium distance assault
Preferred Weight: 58-67 tonnes
Experience: MW2-3, CoD 4, MechWarrior 2, BF1942, BF2, CS & CS:S, Trouble in Terrorist Town, DoD & DoD:S, Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six
Posted 13 March 2012 - 04:35 PM
Callsign: Kerona
Timezone: EST (GMT-5)
House/Faction: Steiner/Merc
Playstyle: Hit and run/Sniping
Roletype: Interference/Baiting
Preffered weight: Medium/Assault
Experience: Tabletop Battletech, The Crescent Hawks Inception, Mechwarrior (all), Mechcommander 1&2,
Mechassault 1&2<---Lame.
I was on some team when I played Mechcommander 1 online, currently unable to get MekTek Multiplayer
working on my Bootcamp PC for MW4 Mercs.
Edited by Kerona, 13 March 2012 - 04:37 PM.
Posted 14 March 2012 - 10:34 AM
Callsign: VladimirH
Timezone: CET
House/Faction: mercenary
Playstyle:direct assault
Roletype: Assault, Ambush
Preferred Weight: Assault
Experience: MW3, MW4, MW4:Mercs, Mechcommander, Mechcommander Plus,
Country: Slovakia
Posted 14 March 2012 - 12:11 PM
Callsign: BoxOfAids
Timezone: USA, EST
House/Faction: Convince me of why I should pick yours, undecided! Prefer NOT FedSuns
Playstyle: Mediocre at brawling, better at range
Roletype: Sniper/FireSupport, maybe meat tank
Preferred Weight: Medium-Heavy, not good enough spacial awareness for Light
Experience: MechCommander (lol), MW3, MW:LL
Posted 14 March 2012 - 05:16 PM
Callsign: Battlesworn
Timezone: Pacific
House/Faction: Whoever is willing to pay the most
Playstyle: TBD
Roletype: Recon, Quick Strike
Preferred Weight: Light/Medium
Experience: BattleTech PnP; MechWarrior 1-3; MechWarrior Living Legends: Crysis MOD
Edited by Battlesworn, 14 March 2012 - 05:18 PM.
Posted 15 March 2012 - 10:50 AM
Callsign: Warfare
Timezone: GMT +8
House/Faction: Mercenary
Playstyle: Versatile Offense
Roletype: preferably Mid to Long range combat, all-round combat
Preferred Weight: Med/Heavy/Assault
Experience: MW4: Vengeance, MW4: Mercs, MechCommander 2. Love the battletech lore and mechs overall.
Posted 15 March 2012 - 02:12 PM
Callsign: Blacksmith
Timezone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
House/Faction: Mercenary (Northwind Highlanders)
Playstyle: Support/Attack as commanded. will follow orders, unless a split second dicision needs to be made, when there is only time to react.
Roletype: preferably Mid to Long range combat, all-round combat, dont mind getting up close and using the brass knuckels or sword on my roleplay mech..

Preferred Weight: Heavy/Assault
Preferred Chassies: Highlander IIC "Hammer", Loki "Furnace", Atlas "Anvil", Blackwatch "Bellows"
Experience Mechwarrior 2, 3, 4, CBT/CBT RPG, Mechwarrior collectable Miniatures game, various other mech games... religiosly played some 360 game online about squads of these Chrome robots...
Edited by SeaR Dagoth, 15 March 2012 - 02:13 PM.
Posted 16 March 2012 - 08:51 AM
Callsign: Pulley
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Unaligned
Playstyle: Sneaky, Rear-arc run away
Roletype: Scout
Preferred Weight: Light/ Fast Medium
Experience: MW4, a bit of classic BattleTech
Note: I know very little about the storyline of CBT
Posted 16 March 2012 - 08:51 AM
Timezone: GMT +10
House/Faction: Davion/ Merc
Playstyle: Flanking, Strategic Coordination, Guerilla Tactics
Roletype: Recon, Baiting, Coordinated Attacks
Preferred Weight: Light (Commando/Raven), Medium (Uziel/Centurion)
Experience: Mech Commander Gold, Mech Commander 2, Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries, Mechwarrior 3 + Pirates Moon, Mechwarrior 4 Black Knight/Mercenaries, Mechwarrior Living Legends
Country : Australia
Edit : Picked up for GDL, thanks to Seawolves and 1st Robinson Rangers for the Invites, Looking forward to seeing you in the crosshares

Edited by Durz, 16 March 2012 - 06:23 PM.
Posted 17 March 2012 - 11:39 PM
Callsign: Edge/Fox-2
Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
House/Faction: Uncaring? The one with the biggest offer at the time.
Playstyle: Recon/Force Recon- Love to team build, willing to work in a lance format, Enjoys Military structure with a layed back feeling.
Roletype: Scout
Preferred Weight: Light/Medium
Experience: MW3, MW4, MW4 Mercs, MCommander, Quick to pick up on things, and loves support rolls.
Edited by Dras Black, 17 March 2012 - 11:42 PM.
Posted 18 March 2012 - 11:07 AM
TimeZone: Eastern Pacific (+5)
Faction: Unaffiliated (Lone Wolf)
Playstyle(s): Brawler, Sniper, Long Range Recon
Roletype: Scout or Brawler
PerferedWeight: medium or heavy
PerferedMech(s): ShadowCat,MadCat,Vulture,PumaPrime.
PerferedWeapon(s): GaussRifle,ERPPC,AC10,LRM20
Experience: mechwarrior 2-4, Mechwarrior Living Legends, No Clan experience, mercenary team only. Skill levels are high
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