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#1921 NocturnalGreed


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Posted 07 March 2016 - 07:40 PM


House/Faction:House Steiner
Preferred Weight:Heavy
Experience:Skirmishes(none really)

Just started getting back into the game, don't have that many customized mechs, but I work well with the ones I have. Just looking for a group to do inner sphere matches with, and quick matches with and grow with as I get better. Experienced in leading small teams in other competitive games(I.E. Planet Side 2, Arma2/3, and Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising and Red River)

Edited by NocturnalGreed, 07 March 2016 - 07:43 PM.

#1922 ColorOfMagic


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Posted 11 March 2016 - 01:49 AM

Name: Negozio

Callsign: Negozio
Timezone: GMT +1
House/Faction: FRR
Playstyle: Careful
Roletype: Brawler
Preferred Weight: Light/Medium rarely heavy
Experience: I play since some years with a longer pause, so I ot still a lot to learn

#1923 LastOath


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Posted 11 March 2016 - 02:10 AM

Name: LastOath

Callsign: Oath5

Personality: calm, generally quiet on the microphone during matches besides stating pertinent information. Out of game discussions I like to laugh and joke or talk about mech types, game mechanics tactics etc. Overall I'm pretty laid back and want be a team player. I can be fired up too from time to to time but in a positive manner.

Timezone: UTC-Hawaii (eventually will be stateside again and I am up
Usually by 8 am so afternoon play in other locations is doable since a paste night in other times zones would be 1700-1900 my time so I could be up early to play all day)

House/Faction: Currently in a pretty inactive one so far (could be my time zone) and am looking for a new unit and faction with it. The few people online every so often are nice but its generally empty.

Playstyle: I enjoy teamwork and support roles in any game I've played.
I can be overaggressive at times if I think my actions will save someone
Or may be be a key opportunity for the team. If you want an aggressive tank,
I can do that but ill need help with the timing.

Roletype: I currently have 1 in each weight, and am working on tweaking my chassis for my play style/effectiveness.
4 urban much light (lol, its fun)
1 cicada medium (spotter and ganker)
1 catapult laser heavy (mad hatter skin)
1 zues assault (my favorite but currently training to be better)

Preferred Weight: I enjoy assault but currently am only okay at due being slower and overexposing myself in some of the matches (my best/highest score games have come from the zues), my best average is from my cicada scouting and spotting. Sometimes I can excel with my laser catapult at times. And the Urban is well still in training...lol. On a focused note, I enjoy assault, medium so far the most, both built for support (one leaning more towards speed with scouting ((medium decent support damage)) and the other firepower with sustain ((assault high armor)).

Experience: Years ago I beat MechWarrior vengeance on the hardest setting (last mission completed missing a leg and a upper right launcher as a mad cat dodging another mad cat in an urban layout, it was awesome! lol) With MWO I played when it first came out and lost interest due to no joystick capabilities, and lack of overall content at the time. Now mostly because I can use a joystick and keyboard (great content to boot), I've been back on for 2 weeks pretty consistently and have spent money (at this point the developers deserve money, and urbie was it lol.) I also earned my cicada and zues in that time span with C-bills purchasing the urban pack and the one madcatz skinned mech. In this game I'm still new to it and green. Also I posted my ranking or tried to for everyone to see for verification.

I'm looking for an active Unit that participates in CW, and holds event days (IE CW battles, or quick que in sqauds ETC.) I am looking to match and eventually exceed my skill in the previous game.

I really want a community to play on weekends with, I am in the army (active duty, a NCO) so weekdays are difficult if I can play its for only a 3 games maybe tops.
The weekends, I can manage my time (family, homework, work) to be able to conduct long sessions.

I have a mic for in game, or team speak, or curse. Also a self built pc, fancy stuff etc. Starting to show its age now but it plays the game on high and some max settings.

Overall I want to have fun, and learn from other players discussing mech types, builds, watching and fighting. I take constructive criticism well, being a leader in the military has helped my ability for it. Exccessive cussssing etc. At me while not providing guidance how to fix myself/teach new skill sets is something that I would "not take kindly to".

I do enjoy competition and I think that calling out grids and SPOT reports is good and tactics really do matter in this game which is awesome (cough army cough lol).

I will check for responses in about 24 hours. Thank you for your time.

V/R Last Oath

Currently working to join CSA (SA).

Edited by LastOath, 27 March 2016 - 08:00 PM.

#1924 Tranderas


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Posted 11 March 2016 - 11:57 AM

Name: Tranderas

Callsign: Tranderas
Timezone: GMT -5 (playing 9 pm - 1 am EST)
House/Faction: Any (currently CSJ)
Playstyle: Aggressive
Roletype: Brawler or support sniper
Preferred Weight: Just not mediums
Experience: Played since November, currently have 15 mechs across both factions. Still have a lot to learn but I can hold my own in CW. Looking for someone that runs full groups most nights around my preferred times. Can also be available 2-5 pm est some days.

Edited by Tranderas, 11 March 2016 - 11:58 AM.

#1925 VANDAM


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Posted 11 March 2016 - 06:43 PM

Name: VAN

Callsign: VANDAM
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: JADE BABY
Roletype: your orders captain
Preferred Weight: Light - Heavy
Experience: MWO FOR OVER 2 YEARS!
I only have clan mechs Posted Image

Edited by VANDAM, 11 March 2016 - 06:45 PM.

#1926 Jables McBarty


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Posted 12 March 2016 - 10:22 AM

Group of three, currently DBA The Abraham Lincoln Brigade [LCLN], looking for a larger unit to join or smaller units to team up with for tactical QP and CW play. Please PM Jables (me) if you think we'd be a good fit with your unit.

Timezones: US East, Central, and Pacific (one each).

Faction: Slight preference for FRR and GB due to lore reasons, but we are flexible. Prefer to play both Clan and IS, we probably have slightly more clan than IS ‘mechs due to starting with Clan.

Playstyle: As a group, we are cooperative and tactical. Each of us has an individual style, but we tend to put the group first, and are looking for a group of similarly minded players.

Ideal group: Serious about having fun. Laid-back, willing to try new tactics and builds, but still interested in winning most of the time. Open leadership—whoever wants to call can do so. But tactical gameplay is paramount. We tend to drop together on Tuesdays and weekends, but aren’t looking for required drop times.

Experience: Varies, but we are in Tier 3 and 4.

Callsign: Jables McBarty (US Central TZ)
Playstyle: “Situational awareness is key when you have 16 armor and an XL.”
Roletype: Scout, Skirmisher, Striker, Fire Support
Preferred Weight: Light > Assault > Heavy
Experience: MW3, MW4:M; MechAssault 1&2; 4+ months in MWO

Callsign: Sean Malloy (US Eastern TZ)
Playstyle: “Hot and Heavy: Damn the torpedoes!”
Roletype: (append "with ECM" to each of the following) Brawler, Sniper, LRM support
Preferred Weight: Heavy > Assault > Medium
Experience: MW3, MW4; MC; MW:DA; MechAssault 1&2; MWO Founder/CB (casual)

Callsign: JaxomRahl (US Pacific TZ)
Playstyle: “You can’t shoot what you can’t see.”
Roletype: Sniper, Fire Support
Preferred Weight: Medium > Heavy > Assault
Experience: MechAssault 1; MWO 3+ months; online MOBA (Dota, LOL) for ~8 years

#1927 Mahikan


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Posted 12 March 2016 - 05:16 PM

Callsign: Lobo VVahya (Lobo)

Timezone: Mountain standard time.

House/faction: Anything innersphere (no clans, fine with merc as long as IS only)

Playstyle: Mid range/ to brawl. Usually high alpha builds. Aggressive.

Preferred weight: Heavy>medium>Light>assualt. Mostly play CW.

Experience: this game, was a founder in beta, Have played on an off since beta (started back up last august). Rank 10 Kurita Rank 11 FRR.

Have drop calling experience (lead majority of drop calls in FRR team speak with the FRR community).

Have played MW4 MW3 MW2 Mechcommander1/2. (though the play styles are completely different).

Mech's mastered:

Black Jack

Avg CW performance 1.5-2.5k dmg.

Edited by Lobo VVahya, 12 March 2016 - 05:17 PM.

#1928 Fionnadhh


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Posted 15 March 2016 - 06:54 AM

Name: Fionnadhh
Callsign: Fionnadhh
Timezone: GMT
House/Faction: Any clan.
Play Style: Brawler/Distractions
Role type: Recon and Vulturing
Preferred Weight: I can do all four. I like the speed though of the Light/Medium.
Experience:I've played 1-4 Mechwarrior and both Mech Commander games. I was also a Beta but I made a new account for purposes.

Edited by Fionnadhh, 15 March 2016 - 07:01 AM.

#1929 BadKimche


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Posted 15 March 2016 - 05:51 PM


Timezone:GMT +7 no DST
House/Faction: Merc
Playstyle: Pusher
Roletype: Brawler / Close Support / Scout
Preferred Weight: Heavies
Experience: 1 year MWO

#1930 Maestro21


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Posted 16 March 2016 - 10:12 AM

Name: Maestro21

Callsign: Maestro
Timezone: GMT+4 (I'm in Dubai - so pretty close to Euro timezones)
House/Faction: None at the moment, but prefer Clan since I've got ACs


I've almost always played fast paced team-based FPS games both casually and competitively. I'm a quick thinker always focused on what's best for the team. I'm just as comfortable in formation as I am in a flank.

As you've probably figured out by now, I prefer playing Light mechs for the speed, utility and versatility. I can be a real nuisance to the enemy team if need be. If you are going to PM me, please say Bazinga somewhere in the message. This is so I know that you've at least taken a minute to read what I've written here. Overall I'm fairly aggressive but calculated. Flanking/distractions/tagging are the core of my playstyle.

Roletype: Recon, Flank, Spec Ops - Max utility for the team

Preferred Weight: Light


While it may not apply directly, I've played and finished MechWarrior 2, 3 and 4. I'm fairly new to MWO with only about 2 months of experience. I love the game and think I'm ready to join a team. Still lots to learn and only have Mastered Arctic Cheetahs so far. I don't have much trouble getting 300-400+ dmg in games on my ACH Prime.

What I'm looking for:

A clan that's mature who play both casually and competitively and know how to have fun! I prefer clans with some structure and strong leadership, ideally with a good number of members playing in the European or Mid-East time zone.

Thanks for reading ;-)

Edited by Maestro21, 16 March 2016 - 10:14 AM.

#1931 Ambres Solrac


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Posted 18 March 2016 - 02:12 PM

Name: Ambres Solrac
Callsign: Rodent
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: House Steiner
Playstyle: Depends on the mech I am using.
Roletype: Multiple
Preferred Weight: Medium or Heavy
Experience: Mechwarrior, Mechwarrior 2,3,4, Cresant Hawk, MechCommander.. as well as tabletop. Looking for a mature group that likes to have fun.. just folks to buid tactics and strategy.

#1932 xX PUG Xx


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Posted 21 March 2016 - 11:48 AM


I have been accepted into the 228th and going through my paces as a recruit, thanks for the messages and invites.

Well, here we go.

I am looking for a group that is focussed on playing Faction Warfare as the Quick Queues no longer hold any interest for me after nearly four years of the same old thing. As lacking as the back story (what back story? Posted Image ) is in FW, I much prefer the longer matches and objective based game play. The banter on the forums can be a pale substitute for the politics of the BattleTech universe for now Posted Image

I will state that KDR means nothing to me in this game, being on the line for my team mates and dealing damage where it needs to be dealt is more important. Simply put, the team win is more important than the personal headline figures. That said, in FW I tend to be disappointed if I can't post 1500+ damage and 4 kills on a loss, or 2k+ and as many kills as possible on a win.

Name: xX PUG Xx

Callsign: erm.... PUG

Timezone: EU but I work nightshift so tend to be online at varying times, my most frequent is Friday nights 9pm GMT to around 2am GMT and the same Sunday night. However I also tend to play in the late afternoon (4.30pm GMT to around 6.30pm GMT) Monday to Thursday if I can.

House/Faction: Mainly a Davion at heart but with Mercenary tendencies...... I don't really mind who I shoot or for whom Posted Image

Playstyle: Skirmishing brawler, with aggressive tendencies.

Roletype: Yes that's really the same thing as playstyle, ain't it?

Preferred Weight: Medium and Heavy but can turn my mouse to anything really and with nearly 4 years of accumulation there is 260+ 'Mechs to choose from.

Experience: Founder from Aug' 2012 and there hasn't been two consecutive weeks that I haven't played. I would rate myself as moderately skilled and never too old to learn new tricks.

Edited by xX PUG Xx, 29 March 2016 - 04:21 PM.

#1933 ccrider


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 05:30 PM

View PostxX PUG Xx, on 21 March 2016 - 11:48 AM, said:

Well, here we go.

I am looking for a group that is focussed on playing Faction Warfare as the Quick Queues no longer hold any interest for me after nearly four years of the same old thing. As lacking as the back story (what back story? Posted Image ) is in FW, I much prefer the longer matches and objective based game play. The banter on the forums can be a pale substitute for the politics of the BattleTech universe for now Posted Image

I will state that KDR means nothing to me in this game, being on the line for my team mates and dealing damage where it needs to be dealt is more important. Simply put, the team win is more important than the personal headline figures. That said, in FW I tend to be disappointed if I can't post 1500+ damage and 4 kills on a loss, or 2k+ and as many kills as possible on a win.

Name: xX PUG Xx

Callsign: erm.... PUG

Timezone: EU but I work nightshift so tend to be online at varying times, my most frequent is Friday nights 9pm GMT to around 2am GMT and the same Sunday night. However I also tend to play in the late afternoon (4.30pm GMT to around 6.30pm GMT) Monday to Thursday if I can.

House/Faction: Mainly a Davion at heart but with Mercenary tendencies...... I don't really mind who I shoot or for whom Posted Image

Playstyle: Skirmishing brawler, with aggressive tendencies.

Roletype: Yes that's really the same thing as playstyle, ain't it?

Preferred Weight: Medium and Heavy but can turn my mouse to anything really and with nearly 4 years of accumulation there is 260+ 'Mechs to choose from.

Experience: Founder from Aug' 2012 and there hasn't been two consecutive weeks that I haven't played. I would rate myself as moderately skilled and never too old to learn new tricks.

PUG, are you a free agent? Damn it man, Pahrias would kill me if I didn't hit you up. Come play with us, TS addy is rodcbr1.teamspeak3.com:5565. Everyone in the unit has the ability to do unit invites so there's no filling out applications or waiting. Posted Image

#1934 Hurleyvan


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 05:46 PM

Looking for a group that is focused on playing Faction Warfare. Learning the game and having a good time. I'm easy going, don't have an ego, and just here to have fun.

Name: Hurleyvan

Callsign: Hurleyvan

Timezone: Pacific - Anytime after 6PM

House/Faction: Currently with Kurita

Playstyle: None really. I built a LRM boat and a Brawler.

Roletype: Adaptable

Preferred Weight: My two mechs are Assaults (Zeus), building that out first. I drop with 3 80s and a light.

Experience: Played all of the old mechwarrior games. Played Mechwarrior Living Legends. Just started Mechwarrior Online. Two weeks in.

#1935 CptSkillet


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Posted 24 March 2016 - 04:55 PM

taken by phantom of the aces

Edited by CptSkillet, 24 March 2016 - 05:22 PM.

#1936 Cayd


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Posted 26 March 2016 - 06:54 PM

Thanks all! Playing with the Monitors.

Edited by Cayd, 27 March 2016 - 11:52 AM.

#1937 Kezran Vrass


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Posted 27 March 2016 - 07:05 AM

Name: Kezran Vrass

Callsign: Thaz
Timezone: GMT +0
House/Faction: who ever pays the most
Playstyle: worning on it
Roletype: scout Bralwer
Preferred Weight: Light/ Heavy
Experience: BT mechwarriors and mechcomnder

Edited by Kezran Vrass, 27 March 2016 - 07:06 AM.

#1938 Fin199


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Posted 30 March 2016 - 11:21 AM

I'm off the market, thanks to all those that replied.

Edited by Fin199, 30 March 2016 - 08:11 PM.

#1939 Leonitas


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Posted 30 March 2016 - 12:21 PM

Name: Dean Jones
Callsign: Leonitas
Timezone: GMT England
House/Faction: Davion
Playstyle: Versatile
Role Type: Versatile
Preferred Weight: Any
Experience: All Mechwarriors and mechcommanders, Hawken and loads of other online rpg and team based games

#1940 MTier Slayed Up


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Posted 01 April 2016 - 10:46 PM

Callsign: DrtyDshSoap
Timezone: US Pacific
House/Faction: No preference
Playstyle: Anything but LRM boating.
Role Type: Whatever is demanded.
Preferred Weight: Any
Experience: Been playing MWO for a little over a year now. Started out with CGBI, then moved to CWI, recently left the latter. I work well with others and I'm seeking a more competitive unit. Not sure if the CWI invitational tournament that happened recently speaks for my skill or my ability to work with others (there's a video of it uploaded,) but willing to try and prove myself. I have around 32 mechs, clan side mostly, with 1 IS deck for CW (FW.)

Playtimes: I'm a college student with varied hours.

Curious about anything, add me on mwo.

-Edit I have decided to go with AS (Antares Scorpions.) I thank everyone who has PMed me showing a clear interest in myself. I look forward to seeing y'all on the field.


Edited by DrtyDshSoap, 03 April 2016 - 10:10 PM.

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