Hiring Hall
Posted 04 October 2017 - 12:44 PM
Callsign: Danny
Timezone: UK (GMT)
House/Faction: IS
Playstyle: Depends on the situation, and...
Roletype: Depends on the mech
Preferred weight: Lights, Mediums and Assault
Experience: 1000 Games, Positive W/L and K/D
Currently playing after work several nights a week in QP and FP but looking for an organized European unit to play with for Faction Play.
Posted 04 October 2017 - 01:02 PM
Callsign: Swearwolf
Timezone: Central (US; GMT -6)
House/Faction: Clan Wolf (preferred) or Clan Ghost Bear
Playstyle: Casual FW, Quickplay
Roletype: Brawling and Supporting Assaults
Preferred Weight: Lights and Mediums
Experience: BattleTech/MechWarrior (tabletop from the 80s through early 90s), Mechforce (Commodore Amiga,) BattleTech Crescent Hawk series (PC-DOS,) MechAssault/MechAssault 2 (Xbox Live,) Armored Core (all iterations, including Formula Front for the PSP,) Brahma Force (Playstation,) Carnage Heart/Carnage Heart EXA (Playstation; PSP,) Krazy Ivan (Saturn,) Xenogears (Playstation,) Future Cop: LAPD (Playstation,) MechCommander (PC,) ChromeHounds (Xbox 360 Live,) Mobile Suit: Gundam - Journey to Jaburo (Playstation 2,) Mobile Suit: Gundam - Zeonic Front (Playstation 2,) Dynasty Warriors: Gundam series (Playstation 2; Xbox 360,) Shogo: Mobile Armor Division (PC,) Front Mission series - including Front Mission: Evolved (NES, SNES, Nintendo DS, Playstation, Playstation 2, PC,) Exteel (PC,) Heavy Gear II (PC,) Starsiege series (PC,) Mission Force: Cyberstorm (PC,) Power DoLLS (PC,) Brigador (PC,) MechWarrior Online since December, 2016; formerly served with WTAU, departed as I wasn't able to play as much as I used to.
Comments: I was born and raised in Japan. I'm not saying that this automatically makes me good, but I am suggesting that I am a dyed-in-the-wool enthusiast for the giant, anthropomorphic robot suit genre. Sometimes I may speak with a Russian accent and talk about vodka. My typical gaming night spans from 2200 - 0130 hours. I may have a mild addiction to Adidas apparel.
Edited for speelong.
Edited by Swearwolf, 04 October 2017 - 01:05 PM.
Posted 04 October 2017 - 08:01 PM
I enjoy my laser vomit Timber Wolf, and my dakka Night Gyr. I'm happy to continue playing with clan mechs.
I'm at tier 3 in the skill tiers, only just arrived.
I have only really played heavy mechs, and a medium or two.
I have whatever voice comms your group uses.
I'm looking for a group of players who try to be good and have no shame.
IGN: Kaidun Phobos
Posted 05 October 2017 - 06:31 AM
Timezone: Life and real world mission happens, I can be a name on a roster and help out when I can.
House/Faction: Undetermined
Playstyle: Situation depended, Tactful
Role Type: Support, Recon, Sniper, Harasser, Brawler
Preferred Weight: Light and medium, heavy when I need the fire power.
Experience: MW 2, MW4 Merc and Veg, MWO 5 Months solo.
Posted 07 October 2017 - 04:15 PM

Callsign: Turiko
Timezone: GMT+1, but schedule varies. Sometimes i'm gaming at 2pm, sometimes 2am.
House/Faction: undecided. May largely swap around to get the free mechbays.
Playstyle: casual-ish? Only played soloQP, would like to try FW and organized teamsin QP.
Roletype: So far, mostly mid to long range (support) fire, nothing fancy
Preferred Weight: medium/heavy so far
Experience: only ~a week in MWO, lots of experience in past shooters/vehicle games (war thunder, for example). Played MW4 mercs many years ago and loved it.
Edited by Turiko, 07 October 2017 - 04:16 PM.
Posted 12 October 2017 - 09:49 AM
Callsign: Dank R Hill
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Davion
Playstyle: QP / Faction
Roletype: Skirmisher / Fire Support / Sniper
Preferred Weight: Medium / Heavy
Experience: Mechwarrior, Front Mission, and Armored Core series, Earthsiege, Mechassualt, Battletech / clix, Mtg ,8 years military experience, fluent in phonetic alphabet and tactical comms, enjoy squad based tactical scenarios. Zero competitive experience in MWO. However I average 4-5 hrs daily, Tier 1, and have been an active player for almost 2 years. I believe I am ready to to take the next step in competitive play, and would like to demonstrate that and hang out with like minded pilots. I'm not looking for a casual unit, I'm looking for a serious/dedicated group.
**Im currently a college student using the GI Bill, so I have the luxury of having a good amount of free time which means ill be available at most times to play.
Edited by Dank R Hill, 13 October 2017 - 11:05 AM.
Posted 13 October 2017 - 01:01 PM
Timezone: UTC-05:00 Eastern Time
House/Faction: None
Playstyle: aggressive, ranged poke, scouting, flanking, fast strike
Roletype: spotter, distraction, kiting, hit and run
Preferred Weight: Light/medium
Experience: Started a week ago. Came from Hawken/SLAI/Phantom Crash.
I'll be hanging out in Strana Mechty Teamspeak, but feel free to add me, as I'm always looking for coordinated play.
Edited by GallowPerch, 13 October 2017 - 01:01 PM.
Posted 16 October 2017 - 09:26 PM
Call Sign: Clownwarlord (or just clown)
Time Zone: US Eastern
House/faction: Looking for any faction.
Playstyle: competitive and faction warfare
Roll: (done everything before; scout, brawl, direct fire support, indirect fire support)
Mech Class: I play all.
Experience: playing since game went open beta
Posted 18 October 2017 - 10:36 PM
Callsign: Mindfunk
Timezone: Vladivostok GTM +10
House/Faction: Clan Wolf Can be changed.
Playstyle: Forever alone, lance
Roletype: Little bit of everything and scouting Steiner way
Preferred Weight: Medium, Heavy, lights and Assault is for fun
Experience: from time to time playing MWO since closed beta, WOT, WOWS, NF.
Loking for fun time and socialization, got bored of forever alone cause my lance fell apart, and prefering not RU speaking unit
Edited by mindfunk, 18 October 2017 - 10:37 PM.
Posted 19 October 2017 - 01:38 AM
Does anyone ever get hired out of this "hiring hall"?
Do any units actually look here for new players?
Oh, yeah, that was two questions.
Posted 19 October 2017 - 07:54 AM
Knighthawk26, on 19 October 2017 - 01:38 AM, said:
Does anyone ever get hired out of this "hiring hall"?
Do any units actually look here for new players?
Oh, yeah, that was two questions.
Yes & yes. 07 (Bacon) has used Hiring Hall to make initial contact with many players we ended up taking on with us. As you can see I (our recruiting officer) do pay attention to this thread.
Posted 19 October 2017 - 09:57 AM
Knighthawk26, on 19 October 2017 - 01:38 AM, said:
Does anyone ever get hired out of this "hiring hall"?
Do any units actually look here for new players?
Oh, yeah, that was two questions.
I reply on behalf of my unit to any poster who seems to be looking for something like what we offer. If it looks like there is no effect, it's because most people don't bother deleting their posts after they find a unit.
Posted 19 October 2017 - 03:31 PM
Timezone: AEST
House/Faction: Merc
Playstyle: Lone wolf, lance support, I like piloting fast movers. No such thing as too many machine guns.
Roletype: Recon, skirmisher, whatever the commander wants me to do.
Preferred Weight: Light
Experience: Regular Player for 2.5 years, Tier 1, part of GBKP for a year and did comp drops with them with mixed success.
Am looking for a more organised structured team with experienced players and drop callers. Am keen to learn and be a team player. I am in Australia so finding a team in my time zone would also be awesome.
Edited by Shwinboy, 19 October 2017 - 04:21 PM.
Posted 21 October 2017 - 08:35 AM
Callsign: Kaligo
Timezone: CDST
House/Faction: Freelance / Merc (prefer clan)
Playstyle: Dictated by map / autonomous tactics within a cohesive strategy
Roletype: Markman
Preferred Weight: Med or Assault
Experience: a few weeks
Posted 21 October 2017 - 08:13 PM
Callsign: NickFessel
Timezone: Pacific Time (California)
House/Faction: None (Leaving Jade Falcon)
Playstyle: Teamplayer/Cooperator/Prefers Strategic Choices over Brawn ones
Roletype: Light Mech CQC Scouting / Heavy Mech Ballistic Damage / Assault Tanking
Preferred Weight: I love playing Light Mechs and Heavy Mechs, neutral with Assaults and prefer not to play Medium Mechs
Experience: Mechwarrior 2, Mechwarrior 3 (Long Time Player), Mechcommander 2, Mechassault
Here is a couple of games that I remembered to take screenshots of;
Why should you contract me? Well, I made the TheB33f laugh once. Tbh he probably thinks I am a goober though.
If you have a Lore-Friendly Unit with some info on Sarna.com, you can count me in as a certified-guaranteed loyal conscriptee.
Edit: Grammar Error
Edited by NickFessel, 22 October 2017 - 08:07 PM.
Posted 27 October 2017 - 06:30 AM
Callsign: Phats0
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Clan Wolf (very changeable!)
Playstyle: I don't have style
Roletype: Whatever I'm told for now
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Experience: Little...
I played for a while during the open Beta. Been gone for a long while, but I'm having fun with MWO now. I've been PUGing for a little while, and would like to play with some people who have a plan instead of one's who ask if there is one after the drop...
I'm working towards getting a clan drop deck together, but I think I have a couple that are ready to scout drop....
Edited by Phats0, 27 October 2017 - 07:21 AM.
Posted 28 October 2017 - 12:32 PM
Callsign: Greg
Timezone: GMT
House/Faction: Mercenary (mainly is tech)
Playstyle: Following Instructions & Coordinating with Teammates
Roletype: Still learning tbh prefer brawling/support to sniping
Preferred Weight: Heavy/Medium
Experience: Quick play, Fair number of games under my belt and a solid understanding oMWO's mechanics looking for something a little more coordinated.
Posted 31 October 2017 - 08:41 AM
Name: Peter
Callsign: Chaotic Entropy
Timezone: UK/EU
House/Faction: Freelance
Playstyle: Recon, Front Line Support, Flexible
Roletype: Any, Flexible
Preferred Weight: Medium/Heavy
Experience: Previous experience of Mechwarrior 2, 3 and 4, MWLL and other titles. Experience of Lore and general Mechwarrior gameplay, less so for MWO.
Edited by Chaotic Entropy, 03 November 2017 - 10:51 AM.
Posted 03 November 2017 - 12:49 PM
Callsign: ImpulseSh00ter
Timezone: UTC-06:00 (Central Time)
House/Faction: Freelance, Merc, Marik (Flexible)
Play-style: Communication, relaxed, casual player
Role-type: Learning still, brawling, harrasing, second line support, sniping, not afraid to share armor with team.
Preferred Weight: So far mediums and lights (only been playing about a month)
Experience: Mechwarrior 2,3,4 Mech Commander and Mech Commander 2, Battle Tech novels (Grey Death Legion series), (Clan Wolf series)
Posted 03 November 2017 - 05:43 PM
Callsign: Diremerc
Timezone: GMT-0300 (Atlantic Daylight Time)
House/Faction: Freelance Mercenary (No allegiance to single faction)
Playstyle: I like a unit that operates with each person filling their role with squad leaders controlling their lances and a commander coordinating them. I played with Doomriders and then with Hardcorp using teamspeak for commutations controls and have experience leading units as well but I overall prefer leaving leadership to others so I can focus on destroying the enemy. I just hate seeing my team scatter all over the map and get picked off like rabbits fighting wolves.
Roletype: Front line brawler, can fulfil other roles as well. Been known to enjoy harassing in a light mech or long range sniping from time to time.
Preferred Weight: Assault/Heavy
Experience: Legendary Founder played until clan wave 3 and stopped started again last week just doing quick play want to start doing faction play.
Edited by DireMerc, 03 November 2017 - 05:50 PM.
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