Russ Bullock, on 07 September 2014 - 08:32 PM, said:
Only 20 pages? Okay sorry I'm late to the party but I am going to jump in here:
First ... Thank you very much for weighing in ... it is sincerely appreciated.
Well lets keep in mind that many players including myself are very concerned with "average time to death". I personally wish the average lifespan was a little longer. As we have stated many times lots of our design decisions are based on a desired game where players really feel like they are driving a giant stomping mech that can take some abuse and possibly survive a mistake. A more "battle of attrition" feeling is what we and many of our players desire. This has been the basis for most design choices that steered us away from large pin point Alpha's and punching holes through mechs. So I would rather try and keep time to death at least where it is and that means not just buffing up the IS mechs to reach Clans. So the main problem with buffing IS mechs is just that everyone dies faster.
How many of your truly prefer that style of gameplay in MWO? Please I am actually asking.
BattleTech is a game of positioning ... positioning your forces to maximize their effectiveness while minimizing your opponents' effectiveness.
I want a well-built and well-piloted mech designed to scout, brawl, skirmish, fire support, snipe, etc. to be able to do it when placed in the right position. The problems comes when:
- doing something well (scouting, for example) is unrewarded, or
- one particular combination (jump sniping, for example) is uncontested in almost any situation
Note how this past weekend in the Lance Challenge, scouting / info tools (NARC and TAG) were rewarded ... in order to capitalize on that many, many people brought fire support or sniping 'mechs. I counted ten on my side alone in one match after my brawler Atlas died in a horrible, glorious ball of fire because I was too stubborn to realize that I would have been more useful being a 100-ton ECM support/rear area guard 'mech than a front line brawler in that particular case.
I have loved the challenge so far, except for the NARC/TAG rewards and the subsequent LRMs ... (hmm, I'm rambling)
I guess my point is, no one valid tactic or play style should be rewarded more or be automatically be more effective than any other ... that should include choice of faction.
I would strongly prefer that one-shot-kills be kept to a minimum, either very lucky (holy crap! did I just headshot that guy? snap-shot moments) or high skill
and high risk (the "suicide" 2x Gauss, 2x PPC CTF-3D comes to mind) ... but now, 50 point alphas are laughable in the face of a Dire Wolf or Timber Wolf ... with significantly less risk.
Russ Bullock, on 07 September 2014 - 09:33 PM, said:
... Go ahead and throw me an example of how your not listened to and I will look to let you know if I agree or why you might feel that way.
If you really want to open this can of worms (and it's a big frakkin' can), I recommend a Command Chair post. A lot of these issues are very old and the anger runs very deep. Bring your nomex long johns, because the fire storm will be massive. In the long run, however, an honest and open dialog about past issues would probably be a very good thing, especially if you want to try to rebuild some trust.