Posted 27 October 2014 - 07:48 AM
I run mine with a variety of energy weapons.
I like the mech overall. dual erlarge, dual erppc, dual large pulse, mix an arm full of mediums, smalls and MG's to suit.
Put a PPC and two small lasers in each arm, snipe around corners, works real well at that, lose an arm, you still got guns.
couple of erlarge in one arm, trip mediums in the other, same thing, snipe corners, stick with the fatties in the assault lance. its a very doable mech.
I'm KEEPING it. paid for camo and a color to give it a nam era jungle pattern, dropped a metric ton of cbills for weapons while experimenting. I have..8 open mechbays, I grinded it during that week of freemium I won, along with the cbills for the other two variants, in it sits some dashboard thing I won while driving it- overall I have a lot...too much time and effort invested in it just to toss it, all those trebuchets, firestarters, spiders, atlases...etc etc
heres the clincher.......I've now been around LONG enough to finally learn, to know that PGI in its infinite wisdom will at some point buff the hell out of it again......and nerf it shortly after, followed by another buff
I'd point out LRM's, PPC's, jumpjets, SRM's, gauss..etc etc...need I go on?