D04S02B04, on 08 September 2014 - 08:25 AM, said:
To the OP, why bother with constructive criticism when they aren't taken in and people are reminded that they are on an island?
Constructive criticism has to be able to rise up over the general noise, and where there has been plenty of of it on the forums, often it's combined with venom towards PGI or other posters, which makes it hard to sort out the good, constructive criticism from the angry posts of folks ranting (either because they're angry, because it's the internet and they can, or both).
Beyond that, not every constructive criticism point is really a good idea, even if offered in good faith. Sometimes it won't work due to budget, scope, technical, or other issues, and other times it's simply not something that's truly good for the community.
There also may be other factors in play (IGP maybe) that prevented PGI from listening.
Anyway, Constructive Criticism is always the best way to reach a developer, and venomous complaining helps no one other than maybe the poster who feels good after a rant.