TKSax, on 10 September 2014 - 07:29 AM, said:
No Harm came, no that is not true, it may not have Harmed the game, but it certainly harmed the relationship PGI had with community, I mean just see the statement in my signature. I have no problem with PGI changing thier mind about 3pv, I had a problem with them dropping 3pv unannounced in the game with out the promised separate ques with not notice. That is what a lot of the people were pissed off about. However in 2014 they have been better and perfect example of this is the Launch Module, they missed the date on that, but they told us ahead of time, and when they could not get it function correctly with the match maker, they told us why and how they were going to fix it. Unlike how things were handled before when dates would be missed or features would be change and they would notify us after the fact.
And how much of the harm, was propagated by players, on the forum, stirring the pot to a boil? Did PGI mishandle it? Absolutely.
(I am curious how much truth there was to the rumors that PGI was being mandated to communicate less by IGP. Mind you, these rumours, are not proven, and greatly predate the announced split. I suppose the only way we will know is by how they act in the present and future, quiaff? But it is interesting that PGI became a Black Hole in 2013, but in 2014, they let Garth go, they started in secret a new venture with a new partner, and they hatched a plan specifically to free themselves of IGP. Coincidence? Possibly, but I am not a huge believer in it, but I do believe Occam's Razor)
I believe
the point
, more or less though, is: People still hold 3pV as "PGI doesn't Listen to us", whereas they refuse to acknowledge "PGI didn't listen to us, because in this instance, we were WRONG".
Are there other facets to that? yep. But this part of the conversation was largely based off a post from MischiefSC about opinions, validity thereof and how to express them if you want them listened to. And this is an example where the consensus (aka majority Forum Opinion, my own included) was wrong. Be we conveniently avoid admitting that, or try to obfuscate it with peripherals.
WarHippy, on 10 September 2014 - 07:38 AM, said:
Revisionist history right there good sir.

Truth be told I didn't even notice you were in the game until you said something, and I decided your Vindicator needed squished.
Yes, you revised History by saying you saw me first.