Jacmac, on 09 September 2014 - 07:47 AM, said:
You guys do realize that mech sales are a zero sum game for PGI right? There comes a point at which long time players don't want any more of them (how many people want a thousand mechs in their inventory?), and besides that, the canon is all used up. PGI's only way of survival at that point is pay to something-you-didn't-use-to-pay-for. It seems obvious that there is little or no growth in the playerbase and there would have to be something major released to turn that around; sales and lower prices aren't going to do much for new player growth.
Sales and lower prices (for MC, let's put aside c-bill costs and such here) alone may not do much for player growth, but if players (like me) feel that the cost is too high for what you get then they're not going to spend much money, if any at all.
Onmyoudo, on 09 September 2014 - 08:16 AM, said:
I am another person wanting lower prices. If all mechs were a third the price they are now, more in the "Steam sale" range than the "Just released yesterday" range of prices for other, full games, I'd be much more willing to buy and spend MC. It would also take new players a hell of a lot further, rather than having them MC buy an Atlas and get destroyed, then quit in rage.
It's hard for me to agree much more with this, the value of buying MC to get some stuff is, to be frank,
pathetically low, so you end up needing to spend a lot of money to really get anywhere that way, and to me that seems like a bad business model. Of course you can still make do without spending MC if you go to a lot of trouble grinding out matches in frustration, but then that means you're not spending money.
Techorse, on 09 September 2014 - 08:56 AM, said:
On the topic of lowering prices, maybe they could just give more MC per package instead of lowering all the in-game costs.
So basically you'd still get twice the bang for your buck if the $100 package gave 50,000 instead of 25,000 MC, but they don't have to go back and micro-manage all the prices if they need to shift them up or down. They can just change the amount of MC in each package instead.
On the topic of lowering prices, maybe they could simply just give more MC in each package rather than change the in-game prices themselves.
So for example, give 50,000 MC for the $100 package.
That way they don't have to change every last price in the game, they can just change the overall cost percentagewise by giving more MC in the package.
I realize it's a business decision but personally I don't like the fact that I have to spend $7 minimum to get a package of MC, I would like to be able to spend less at a time; it wouldn't hurt to also increase the amount of MC given per package.
Roland, on 09 September 2014 - 11:35 AM, said:
I have no opinion regarding specific prices, but I am a firm believer that you should be able to grind ANY content (barring purely cosmetic elements) through purely in-game effort.
That is, you should be able to play a F2P game without spending one cent, and drive ANY mech in the game. Further, you should be able to drive it as soon as anyone else, and not have to wait for it to be released for CBills at a later date.
Now, it may cost you a MOUNTAIN of cbills to purchase certain things... that's perfectly fine. But you should ALWAYS be able to get them via purely in-game means.
This is what keeps a game from being P2W.
And the reality is, tons of folks will still pay money for those things, because they have more money than they do time to grind in game. That's the fundamental basis of good F2P titles.
I do mostly agree with this (although I do think prices are too high) but personally I don't see a big problem with releasing mechs for MC first as long as the mechs are available for c-bills within a reasonable amount of time. I do think the clan mech release schedule is a bit of an egregious example though, the c-bill/MC release for each mech should've been spaced apart by 1 week instead of 2 if you ask me.
Torgun, on 09 September 2014 - 12:45 PM, said:
At least they had a way for players to buy and sell items to each other. We only have mechlab that has monopoly and will rip us off every time we sell something.
I'm honestly not really seeing how a player-run market would be much better in this game, not to mention it seems like a big hassle to implement properly.
Edited by Pjwned, 09 September 2014 - 09:43 PM.