I assume that the following parameters will be included in the system where players are asked to participate:
1) Those who are still not finished with their 25 cadet matches will not be invited unless there are no other mechwarriors available.
2) Trial mechs can be chosen by players who do not have the required chassis (someone who only has 3 Atlases accepts first but the system requires him to use other weight classes, etc)
3) Will have more than 1 instance during the day (hopefully at least 8-12 hours apart, but depending on peak population) to allow more people from different time zones to join.
4) Give something for players to do while waiting in the faction tab? Suggestions would be a data feed of real time battle information on who is fighting who, who wins, and which factions are leading (statistics and stuff) that players can watch almost real-time depending on how big a load it is on the server. I'd suggest mini-games or a warm-up training ground to play in while waiting for their invite.
5) Can you give the attacking unit the option to invite same-faction pug members too?
If there is a system that automatically invites faction members to participate, you can make a public queue for it where even the attackers are invited to have a 100% pug team (all of the same faction). This will allow non-sociable people (I don't know if there are a lot) to be a part of the new feature (or just have a faction vs faction only queue that can form groups of 4v4 up to 12v12 depending on the population to ensure that it's running 24/7.
The only flaw I see so far (correct me if I am wrong) is that the offense team will always be 100% coordinated in a group while there is a big chance that defending teams are fragmented more like a pug.
Initial plan is to have initiation of an attack
can only be done by a 12-man unit group. The group leader will select a planet and click the attack button.
The contract defenders have [2] minutes to respond by creating a 12-man unit team and clicking the defend button.
If the [2] minute limit expires, the
remaining slots available on the team are made publically available.
So in this scenario, the defenders have a greater potential to be at a disadvantage compared to attacking teams. Now attacking teams might never get formed if they do not have 12, but those that do get formed will all know each other since they are a premade while defenders won't always be that way.
Just my feedback on what I read so far.
Paul Inouye, on 10 September 2014 - 09:31 PM, said:
That respawn thing wasn't really supposed to be there... yet..

. The reason is we are trying to figure out a way to do it that makes sense from both a gameplay and canon sense. One thing we've always been against is creating an infinite "respawn" mode turning MWO into a CoD type shooter.
One way I can see it being differentiated would be that if the initial spawn point is used for the first drop, the second 'wave' should be further away (consider the first drop point compromised and there are 20 naval PPCs aimed at it). This way each respawn is in a further/more disadvantageous position to show that the attackers are losing ground as the planet defenses are mobilized. This can be represented by a defending base set up in the old attacker's spawn camp in the form of turrets (and tanks) and some temporary command buildings/communication stations. Maybe even mobile field bases.
Edited by Elizander, 10 September 2014 - 09:37 PM.