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#121 Bongfu


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:39 PM

View PostDomoneky, on 11 September 2014 - 12:37 PM, said:

and once his track record of success deviates high and to the right, THAT community will call out for blood and witch trials. Just like it happens here.

Um... PGI never had a good track record. All their previous games were miserable failures.

There is a big difference between RSI and PGI.

#122 Jacmac


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:41 PM

Thread's now jettisoned, LOL

#123 WanderingSoul


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:41 PM

You guys....want start the topic back up in off-topic and watch it get moderated again?

#124 Rufus Landale


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:41 PM

Not only has this thread been sent to the gulags but you now have to log in to read it.

I deal at a casino. Niko you wouldn't last a day with your complete lack of customer service.

Pgi really seems to be doing every dumb thing Palladium, Games Workshop, and Harmony Gold does.

It's like a perfect storm of destroying all goodwill. I mean I understand how antisocial, joyless, and autistic the Battletech community is and all but Jiminy Crickets they just keep making things worse and refuse to see they are the problem.

Ron Paul's blessed free market of hating the poors has spoken and they have found PGI wanting. The utter joke that is the trans crowd funding so far shows it.

Wake up. Or gtfo and maybe someone can take Mech 4 Mercs and do this better. It already has light years more meaningful gameplay content...

#125 Domoneky


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:42 PM

Sure I guess. Gives me a reason to yell FINISH HIM!

#126 ZoneWolf


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:42 PM

View PostWanderingSoul, on 11 September 2014 - 12:41 PM, said:

You guys....want start the topic back up in off-topic and watch it get moderated again?


#127 miliardo


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:43 PM

View PostZoneWolf, on 11 September 2014 - 12:38 PM, said:

Dont hope too much.

This thread has been moved to a little black hole that people wont find it.

Cute, thanks niko

This thread needs to grow so big that it sucks it from the inside and destroys the black hole in which it is...

#128 General Discussion Kerensky


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:46 PM

View PostWanderingSoul, on 11 September 2014 - 12:41 PM, said:

You guys....want start the topic back up in off-topic and watch it get moderated again?


#129 Doot


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:49 PM

View PostVoyager I, on 11 September 2014 - 12:06 PM, said:

This Apology Tutorial is a pretty good watch in general.

Niko really needs to watch this. Maybe it's not too late to reach out to all the founders who have been cast aside. We're around, we're still listening, we're just not hearing anything good from PGI. This could actually change if PGI is willing to be self aware of why the founders have such problems with them.

If instead the founders are "not who the game is for anymore" like they have told us in the past then... the negativity surrounding them will never go away. You can't attract a large amount of people with a bunch of promises, renege on those promises or deliver them in a slimy "technically that's what we said we would do!" way after implying otherwise and then just decide "nevermind, we don't want your anymore!" It doesn't work that way, you hurt those people, they don't just disappear because you want them to, even if you keep banning them off.

#130 BlackBeltJones


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:49 PM

I know this is off subject but I am curious if the Founders would have as generously donated or had the initial excitement for MWO had the (completely unrelated) 'Mechwarrior 5' video never been produced. My query is whether the initial media and marketing actually done by PGI would have captured our hearts and nostalgia to the same level if that M5 video had never been released. And then to suggest that the M5 video may have esteemed PGI with some undue credit and development latitude. That if that video never circulated we might have had a more clear picture of the Mechwarrior future as seen by PGI.

Sorry for the off topic question.

#131 theGerf


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:58 PM

View PostBlackBeltJones, on 11 September 2014 - 12:49 PM, said:

I know this is off subject but I am curious if the Founders would have as generously donated or had the initial excitement for MWO had the (completely unrelated) 'Mechwarrior 5' video never been produced. My query is whether the initial media and marketing actually done by PGI would have captured our hearts and nostalgia to the same level if that M5 video had never been released. And then to suggest that the M5 video may have esteemed PGI with some undue credit and development latitude. That if that video never circulated we might have had a more clear picture of the Mechwarrior future as seen by PGI.

Sorry for the off topic question.

The initial MW5 was pretty great, but years later it didn't matter. The first gameplay footage that PGI released blew me away, and was the first time since MW4 I thought I'd actually play a MW game again. It was definitely the reason I put founders money down.

#132 TopDawg


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:59 PM

View PostDoot, on 11 September 2014 - 12:49 PM, said:

Niko really needs to watch this. Maybe it's not too late to reach out to all the founders who have been cast aside. We're around, we're still listening, we're just not hearing anything good from PGI. This could actually change if PGI is willing to be self aware of why the founders have such problems with them.

If instead the founders are "not who the game is for anymore" like they have told us in the past then... the negativity surrounding them will never go away. You can't attract a large amount of people with a bunch of promises, renege on those promises or deliver them in a slimy "technically that's what we said we would do!" way after implying otherwise and then just decide "nevermind, we don't want your anymore!" It doesn't work that way, you hurt those people, they don't just disappear because you want them to, even if you keep banning them off.

I think if anything, the handling of the other thread, and then this thread, shows exactly what they intend to do; which, cynically (but with some clear evidence), is probably nothing.

I just can't get over the levels of ineptitude to be able to squander such a golden opportunity to do exactly what they just talked about doing in the town hall. All well.

#133 JackPoint


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 01:02 PM

God damn my like button is tired today lol. Keep up the pressure folks..

#134 Willard Phule


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 01:11 PM

View PostGreenjulius, on 11 September 2014 - 11:57 AM, said:

For those looking for an apology... Didn't he just apologize?


I'm a vocal critic of this game and PGI in general, (Just look at any of my posts) but I think people are on an unconstructive warpath, hating on PGI, Niko in particular. He may be deserving of the flame, but is it really helping to spew hatred in the forums? I feel like people just want a pound of flesh and punishment, not for things to get better.

Last to chime in on this one...please note the wording of the "apology"

[color=#959595]"[/color][color=#959595]I apologize personally and sincerely from the bottom of my heart for anyone who has taken this matter as a personal offence[/color][color=#959595]"[/color]

That one word changes the entire tenor of the statement.

He's not apologizing TO anyone that took offense (which is the correct spelling, by the way), he's apologizing FOR
them...meaning that he's sorry there are people in the world that take offense at his actions.

And that is why it's laughable.

The funny part is that Niko is the "Community Manager" meaning that he's the main Public Relations go-to guy for his company. You'd think they'd require not only an education that includes grammar but some kind of PR experience. What did he do over at IGP, scrub floors?

#135 Giverous


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 01:11 PM

View PostMott, on 11 September 2014 - 11:37 AM, said:

Not a founder, only started playing in Jan 2014.... so... obviously i missed a lot of the epic shizzle that got you founders all in a tizzy.

However, i did have a clear picture of what the game was supposed to be, which was heavily influenced by all the propaganda i'd paid attention to when the game was announced and through its infancy. Imagine my surprise when i decided to download it 8 months ago to give it a whirl... and find it wasn't really a game at all... just a collection of digital actions i could repeat. Forever. With no change in goal or reward.

Despite no real connection to the game yet, nor any financial investment into it... even I was crushed by what i'd found.

I can only imagine how founders and longtime players feel.

I hope PGI takes a good hard look at all the vitriol and disappointment that's been spewed in the last 48hrs across the interwebs and here in their home... and realizes that there is very real, very significant work to be done on their end.

Most of all... i hope they want to do that work.

If they do... then i hope that the enraged founders, the sometimes-overly-enthusiastic fluff bunnies and everyone else who got to blow of some steam here in Off Topic, will let them. And if they can't cheerlead any such efforts from PGI... please at least refrain from trying to torpedo them outright.

You may have given up on this franchise and moved on (not really, obviously) but I've only had 8 months to try it out and I would like for it to succeed and become the game i was hoping for.

I came to say pretty much this, but with a few differences. I lost all of my faith in PGI to create the game that they sold to me all those years ago, and I have no intention of giving them any more money.

If, however, they posted some real concrete progress and most importantly DETAILS surrounding CW, I'd still be interested. If they ever do get around to launching it, I'll probably come back and check it out.

But the important point for PGI is the money. I may end up being a player again one day, but I'll never again be a customer. I won't be buying packs, I won't be buying currency and I won't be buying sub time.

They had a thread with more views and replies than anything over the last what? 12 months? They had people who hadn't logged in for 2 years active on their forum.

It was the most perfect opportunity in the history of their list of fuckups to start putting things right. To reengage with a long dead playerbase. The people who were willing to pay for the game BEFORE ANYTHING EXISTED.

A genuine apology, some concrete and demonstrated progress on CW and **** it, throw in a month free sub for everyone when it launches. It wouldn't have fixed things overnight, but it would certainly have been a start. It would have shown people that they realised they had made some serious mistakes.

#136 buttmonkey


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 01:14 PM

I don't get how this guy still has a job. I mean he just locked a thread in which PGI had a real chance to actually address our concerns. But what does he choose to do- he chose to apologize that we may have taken offense to what he did. Not an apology for being the biggest hypocrite I have ever witnessed in my life mind you. It's like he is trying to put out a fire with petrol.
The fact that the thread was closed, conclusively proves that PGI have no interested in customer satisfaction, or community feedback. It just boggles the mind, really.
Niko just can't help himself it's like a fatal case of OCD where he just has to s''' on people. When he does finally get fired (and he will because lets face it, he can't help but screw up, it's the only thing he can do consistently other than banning), he is most definitely NOT welcome on our paradise island. It's nice over here being free to say what we want to say without some playground bully throwing his toys out of the pram.

#137 Ter Ushaka


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 01:18 PM

Posted Image

#138 Jak Darren


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 03:24 PM

lol amateur hour



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Posted 11 September 2014 - 05:46 PM

View PostOpus, on 11 September 2014 - 12:38 PM, said:

it has been anguishing for me to watch the PGI squander this IP and now knowing they have the IP for Wing Commander as well, Sigh

but I just got my first 3D printer, and I had an idea, don't laugh I still have some grey matter in the old bucket

Crowdfunding with Replicates of the Mechs designed within MWO.

I know guys already sharing some designs for 3d printed miniatures.

BUT what if PGI were to hire a casting group to make Mechs and sell them as merchandise something we could place on our Desks?

hell, it could even be gold plated for 500.00 bucks

The Urbie would be a crowd pleaser I suspect

But I will leave this idea right here, and let the ball roll....

comments here > http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__3712703

Sry, but **** this! They dont deserve any more money until they stop this transverse game and complete MWO with all its promised features which they promised us in 2012!!
But even if they do so i am so angry at them that i will never spend money for any pgi game ever again!! I supported and defend them for so long but now the only one thing i want to see is them burning!

#140 nightsniper


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 07:33 PM

Oh Man I need more butter on my popcorn.

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