Thrillho, on 11 September 2014 - 09:55 PM, said:
No you aren't. You still haven't addressed a single concern that was brought up when the "regarding Reddit" thread blew up.
All we got was a condecending, passive agressive, "apology" from Niko, and an insincere admission that maybe you "possibly overmoderated" (
as he locked up and banished a thread that was critical of PGI's direction with MWO).
I still get the feeling that you don't understand why so many angry people came back for the Schadenfreude yesterday. You do realize that most of those founders who came back had already left the game before Niko goofed up? They weren't there because of your overmoderation. They were there because you never listened to your community in any sort of meaningful way, plowed ahead with many terrible design choices despite large protests from the player base, promised things you never delivered, gave terrible excuses for all of your problems, and tried to blame the community for your shortcomings.
I don't doubt that your coders work hard on this game. What I do doubt is your commitment to actually making it better or even caring about it beyond the cashgrab that you made it.
But hey, you'll still force out a CW that is going to be nothing more than changing colors on a map, then have the audacity to say "see, we totally delivered all 4 pilliars we promised, not our fault" even though all the pilliars are still either missing or incomplete (not to mention years overdue).
Not trying to start **** here but can you also understand that tens of thousands of us are still here? I dislike the way ECM is implemented, I've shared my opinion, it's still in place. It's not still in place because PGI wants to spite me personally or they hate America for its freedom - it's there because the game developer wants it there for their own reasons.
The difference is, for most of us we go 'Huh, well, I'll deal with it' or we go 'Huh, well, not really fun anymore' and we MOVE ON WITH OUR LIVES. Dragon Age 2? Left. Did you know that while I completely disagree with just about every decision made by BioWare when going from DA:O to DA2... I don't go troll their forums? I pre-ordered X:R, got it, was totally dissatisfied. Amazingly though what I don't do is go **** all over their forums and other forums about them again and again and again like an insane stalker ex girlfriend because I didn't like what they did?
More people like MW:O than like either of those games. I get you're unhappy, I understand the upset over CW - everyone does. It's not that I don't understand that when they said 'We're working on it, done in 60-90 days!' they were absolutely lying because they hadn't done any actual work on it? We all understand. Every single person here. Every single one, without exception. Everyone who bought a Clan pack (many, many thousands of us), we all know and understand that.
yet we're still here because we enjoy playing the game. If we didn't, you wouldn't even know - because instead of trying to pretend that our opinion is shared by everyone who 'understands' or that somehow our upset is the worst upset ever in the history of forever we realize that like mature adults we don't always get what we want and that maybe, just maybe, delays in release of the content we really like on a F2P game is not the grandest act of social injustice in countless ages and must be fought AT ALL COSTS. When people say the failure to release CW after closed beta was a 'scam' are people who don't understand what that word means.
We all get that and so when we see these sorts of posts understand that it's not that we don't understand what you're upset about - we absolutely understand. Sweet baby jesus sweet mother of god we understand and don't need, yet again, a ranting exposition of it like it just happened yesterday. We understood it, assimilated, made mature and rational decisions on our priorities about it and
moved the **** on with our lives. Because this isn't selecting the next sitting member of the Supreme Court. We're not the Papal Curia, picking the next old white guy who gets to wear the special pointy hat. We're playing a F2P game with big stompy robots.
So, when we shout these comments down and we say we don't care about Reddit and what happened there and that we're excited about CW as it's been discussed, when we buy Clan mech packages and MC and the like and we say that your statements of
I don't doubt that your coders work hard on this game. What I do doubt is your commitment to actually making it better or even caring about it beyond the cashgrab that you made it.
Are just opinionated BS, it's not because we don't understand or were not around for the events that have caused you such monumental upset -
It's that we think you're wrong, we're having fun and if you get banned for repeatedly personally insulting PGI or other players (which, let's be absolutely clear, that's what you're doing. You're portraying your personal opinion and assumptions like they're true, which they're not. They're just your opinion like saying you think Nickleback is the best band EVAR) we don't cry for your absence.
Which is unfortunate. You seem very passionate about the game and there's always room for more
meat in the grinder players in the matchmaker.
If you (and I mean that in context of people posting in the aforementioned thread who seem to be of a similar disposition, I don't know you and can't judge you as a person nor am I intending to) didn't keep putting your opinion forward like it was unquestionable truth, indirectly assume that everyone who disagrees with you is somehow stupid or incompetent or blind, if similar posts (not yours but ones in a similar vein) didn't come across as 'I am upset and don't like this and everyone else should feel the same so I'm going to **** over everything until everyone is miserable like me' in an attempt to stifle the opinions of everyone who doesn't agree, if you would quit trying to approach this as 'give me what I want or I'll hurt your business in any/every way I can until you do or until everyone agrees that I was right' because that is, again, saying '**** you everyone who doesn't feel like I do, I'll break this toy if it's not what I want'....
If you (again, a collective 'you') stop that stuff you may find you don't get banned here. None of us do. You might find you have productive conversations with devs (Paging Karl Berg! Any thread with Matthew in it, several Devs are around) and that your input makes its way into PGI. We got the 2.0 second CERLL nerf reversed and replaced with the damage decrease, range decrease, heat increase option. It happens regularly.
We'd love to have you hear and share your input. Just that, much like everyone else, you won't get what you want all the time - even most the time. Joseph wants the Clans at TT tech levels and he wants to lose 99% of his matches against them. I'm hoping he's disappointed in that. One of us (likely to some degree both of us) are not going to get what we want.
CW didn't come out. They promised it, it didn't happen. Now it's (hopefully) happening. I'll believe it when I see it at this point. I'm still here playing though. I'm not stalking BioWare on their forums for every new game they release trying to **** it all up because ZOMG DA2 HURT MAH FFFFEEEEEELLLLZZZZ! If Egosoft releases a new game I'm not going to flip my **** over it screaming 'ZOMG X:R WUZ TEH BAD GIMMIE MY MONIE BACK UR LIARS MY LIFE IS RUINED NOBODY BUY DIS EVAR!'
If I did... well, why in the world would Egosoft or BioWare want my business back? Why is my money better than the guy who is there and does like it?
Why is your butthurt special and magical butthurt that must be apologized for? Why is your dissatisfaction more significant than my satisfaction with MW:O? And FFS why do you assume that because you feel butthurt clearly it's all an evil scam intended to make your life a perpetual montage of sadness and tears?