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1 Year Customer Appreciation Program - Feedback

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#401 Lucius Vaudois


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:44 PM

Great news. Thank you for the presents and a great game!

Happy anniversary!

#402 HlynkaCG


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:44 PM

View Postaniviron, on 15 September 2014 - 01:42 PM, said:

The CN9-AH has different hardpoints than the YLW. The AH has missiles in the left torso, and no energy hardpoints. The YLW has no missile hardpoints, but two energy hardpoints in the CT. They're not the same mech, there is no conflict here.


#403 Naduk


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:45 PM

i was excited for the cupcake , yay happy birthday MWO !
being a loylaist that was would of been enough for me
by the time i read to the bottom i was almost in tears for how amazing this is and how much effort PGI are putting into the players



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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:46 PM

That's 2 millon C-Bills for every 100 games played right?

Whale target practice needs to payout.

Edited by LORD ORION, 15 September 2014 - 01:46 PM.

#405 Kaiju17


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:46 PM

Fantastic news and a big thank you/your welcome.

Question is it possible to run down a list of what was the "top Tier" packs? its been awhile...

#406 JohnnyWayne


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:47 PM

View PostLORD ORION, on 15 September 2014 - 01:46 PM, said:

That's 2 millon C-Bills for every 100 games played right?

Whale target practice needs to payout.

No, only once.

As much as I appreciate this, isn't this a litte expensive for you guys? I don't know... I actually want to to be sucessful (and that you fix the PPC but thats a different topic^^). Giving away loads of free stuff....

Edited by JohnnyWayne, 15 September 2014 - 01:48 PM.

#407 Valkyrie Vewas


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:48 PM

Ahhh anyway you could let people that bought the cheaper versions of the clan packages and La Carte have a shot to buy the new maddog... That is the only mech I ever gave a F about, and I would of bought the masa pack if I would of know I had no chance of buying the limited edition maddog. How about changing it to if you bought a pre sale clan pack you can buy the top pack in wave 2 and get maddog. SEEM WAY MORE FAIR. Right now I feel like i am being pee'ed on alittle here. After support you all for so long. I want my MADDOG PLEASE

#408 Daflibble


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:50 PM

ooo nice presents

#409 Egomane


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:51 PM

I only see one bad thing about those freebies I'll be getting.

There is no Urbanmech included!

#410 Johnny Reb


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:52 PM

View PostEgomane, on 15 September 2014 - 01:51 PM, said:

I only see one bad thing about those freebies I'll be getting.

There is no Urbanmech included!


#411 Nick Makiaveli


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:52 PM

Congrats....I'm speechless.

Umm, thanks?

#412 Rebas Kradd


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:52 PM

View PostIllegal Username, on 15 September 2014 - 11:11 AM, said:

Quoting this:

Talking to your community is a good change and free stuff is also nice. But concentrating on balance fixes and content will bring you more players than new mechs.

If that were true, the game would have tanked by now.

#413 Elahen


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:53 PM

This sounds great and with the Clan Package #2 they will finally be able to fund Transverse.

#414 J0anna


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:54 PM

Thank You. This is an extremely generous gift.

#415 EvilMadcat


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:55 PM

very nice all but you Need turn on all buying Options for Players come from others countrys only Credits Cards and Paypal will no work for the Time lol.

I will see he king Crap on the Battlefield :)

#416 Solomon Ward


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:56 PM

View PostThorqemada, on 15 September 2014 - 01:44 PM, said:

The CN9-AH had 3 Ballistics in the Arm and 3 Missiles in the LT afair - its missing the CT Lasers.
It used to be 2 Missile Hardpoints.http://mwo.gamepedia.com/Centurion_CN9-AH

Edited by Solomon Ward, 15 September 2014 - 01:56 PM.

#417 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:56 PM

This is bigger news than bacon and cheese being stuffed in a crust.

#418 Túatha Dé Danann


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:57 PM

Sounds good. Only question is, if the "Premium-Variants" of the mechs will have unique hardpoints or not - compared to the standard variants you may purchase for C-Bills later on.

I can live with the Atlas-S being a special mech not being available for either C-Bills or MCs, as this is a special Founder-Gimmick. But I can already hear the cries from far away calling "pay to win" if the other Variants (King Crab/Mad Dog) have unique hardpoints that player who do not pay real money might never get. Aside from the Hero-Variants that give 30% more C-Bills but are other than that en par with all other variants, it would be nice if the "normal Variants" of the custom ones are the same just without the 30% C-Bills bonus.

To the rest: Thank you. I'm not a Founder, but I can feel their pain up to now and this is a really nice gesture, as well as for the people who spend a whole lot of money into that game. Just do not make the mistake to make it p2w, as this would upset a good chunk of the community. You remember the consumables-disaster for MCs? ;)

Carry on and thank you!

#419 etrius


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:59 PM

Dear PGI Team,

In case you haven't figured it out yet from this thread, you are really onto something with how you have changed your approach to the player community. We feel the love.
Honesty is good (e.g. Townhall). Appreciation to founders and real money spenders is good (after all,we happily fund game development). Attention to timelines and keeping promises is good.

Kudos for the all-out campaign to repair your community relations. There will always be a steady stream of internet trolls regardless of how well you do, but all the above does wonders to promote good will from the remaining majority of players. A lot of us stay silent and just play, which gives you the idea that everyone feels as negatively as the vocal trolls. I am writing to let you know that you should keep up the great work seen in 2014 and just soldier-on, keeping the content rolling in. Reputations are built (or re-built) based solely on the consistent nature of your honesty, appreciation, open minded listening, and good old hard work.

At the expense of this post turning into a teary-eyed version of Kumbaya, I sincerely hope the community can forgive and forget the PGI's past mistakes, and I hope PGI can forgive the community for the constant demoralizing stream of negativity aimed at them.

Lets all agree on one thing: blame it on IGP (HA!). I plan to blame them even if they don't deserve it, mostly because they are gone now regardless. They make a nice scape-goat even if it isn't completely their fault (which I sincerely hope it is).

Edited by etrius, 15 September 2014 - 02:00 PM.

#420 Johnny Reb


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 02:00 PM

The only difference with the Atlas-S, Cent-Ah and King Crab will be the special paint and cbill bonus. The exact same mechs will be for c-bill purchase.

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