Joseph Mallan, on 17 September 2014 - 05:05 AM, said:
Your CT is the most likely place to be hit no matter how random the generator is said to be... Statistics man.
That's only true if your theoretical model has a larger CT surface area than other combined areas and an even distribution of hits. Considering that a CT would take up less than half of the surface area of ANY profile*, it would not be the most likely hit. In fact the opposite is true, you would be more likely to NOT hit the CT.
*Okay, maybe not a King Crab.
On the OP's Cataphract, the CT takes up about 1/3rd of the body, and maybe as much as 1/3rd of the total width of the mech (allowing for an illogically sized CT hitbox). If we use 1/3rd as our number, only 1/3rd of the hits (and 1/3rd of the damage) should be hitting the CT. 1/3rd is not the majority. Your other 2/3rds would be the "most likely hit" given an even or "purely random" grouping.
Also, being the most heavily armored location on most mechs, and that OP's mech was not only cored, the left and right torso armor is intact, the conclusion can be made that the situation was more than a slightly disproportionate grouping of CT hits.
But, my original point still stands; even with what I believe to be a statistically illogical grouping of LRM hits, the weapon would be extremely more balanced if given a significantly more shallow angle of attack. It's not supposed to be rocket artillery.
Edited by Lemming211, 17 September 2014 - 05:32 AM.